
People are buying Black Panther tickets at a record pace, we might finally get a Black Widow movie, Thor: Ragnarok will have an amazing Blu-ray extra, and we got our first look at Tom Hardy as Venom. So on today’s Nerdist News Talks Back we had a full Marvel rundown, along with the latest from Gillian Anderson‘s future with The X-Files, and what to expect from the return of Riverdale.

Returning to her host chair today was Jessica Chobot, and she was joined by Editor-in-Chief Rachel Heine, associate editor Kyle Anderson, and Bizarre States‘ Andrew Bowser. They broke down the latest Marvel news, including how Black Panther‘s first day ticket pre-sale numbers set a record for the studio. Just how big is the hype for this movie? Is it too late for a Black Widow movie? Are we definitely buying the Thor: RagnarokRoommate Darryl extra featuring Jeff Goldblumfirst look at Tom Hardy as Venom Blu-ray now that we know it will have a as The Grandmaster? Should they include Kyle’s….uh….impression of….uh…Goldblum with it? And what do we make of the ? How many paracord bracelets are too many?

Gillian Anderson said once more she’s definitely done with The X-Files after this season, but are we surprised by this? Did last night’s much better episode ease this disappointing news? And with both her and Bryan Fuller leaving American Gods, could the two reunite for another season of Hannibal.

Riverdale is also set to make its mid-season return next week, so what do we make of the new trailer? Why should we all be watching the show? How much of Kiernan Shipka’s Sabrina the Teenage Witch do we think will come from the comics? And do we expect the shows to collide eventually?

Nerdist News Talks Back airs live every weekday at 1:00 p.m. PT to our YouTube and Alpha channels, so remember to tune in and talk the biggest pop culture stories of the day with us. With so much news coming just from the MCU we can always use the help breaking it all down.

We still want to hear from you though, so share your thoughts on today’s show in the comments below.

Featured Image: Marvel

January 11, 2018

Breaking Down All the Latest Marvel News

People are buying Black Panther tickets at a record pace, we might finally get a Black Widow movie, Thor: Ragnarok will have an amazing Blu-ray extra, and we got our first look at Tom Hardy as Venom. So on today’s Nerdist News Talks Back we had a full Marvel rundown, along with the latest from Gillian Anderson‘s future with The X-Files, and what to expect from the return of Riverdale.

Returning to her host chair today was Jessica Chobot, and she was joined by Editor-in-Chief Rachel Heine, associate editor Kyle Anderson, and Bizarre States‘ Andrew Bowser. They broke down the latest Marvel news, including how Black Panther‘s first day ticket pre-sale numbers set a record for the studio. Just how big is the hype for this movie? Is it too late for a Black Widow movie? Are we definitely buying the Thor: RagnarokRoommate Darryl extra featuring Jeff Goldblumfirst look at Tom Hardy as Venom Blu-ray now that we know it will have a as The Grandmaster? Should they include Kyle’s….uh….impression of….uh…Goldblum with it? And what do we make of the ? How many paracord bracelets are too many?

Gillian Anderson said once more she’s definitely done with The X-Files after this season, but are we surprised by this? Did last night’s much better episode ease this disappointing news? And with both her and Bryan Fuller leaving American Gods, could the two reunite for another season of Hannibal.

Riverdale is also set to make its mid-season return next week, so what do we make of the new trailer? Why should we all be watching the show? How much of Kiernan Shipka’s Sabrina the Teenage Witch do we think will come from the comics? And do we expect the shows to collide eventually?

Nerdist News Talks Back airs live every weekday at 1:00 p.m. PT to our YouTube and Alpha channels, so remember to tune in and talk the biggest pop culture stories of the day with us. With so much news coming just from the MCU we can always use the help breaking it all down.

We still want to hear from you though, so share your thoughts on today’s show in the comments below.

Featured Image: Marvel

January 10, 2018

Looking Back at the Steven Moffat Era of DOCTOR WHO

I got into Doctor Who in late 2009. After watching a couple of random episodes, I devoured series one through four and the first three of the gap year specials until I could finally watch “live” with the BBC America airings of David Tennant’s two-part farewell, “The End of Time.” So, in 2010, when the first series of Matt Smith as the Doctor, helmed by showrunner Steven Moffat, began, that was my first experience with watching the series unfold naturally.

Seven years and 84 episodes later, the Moffat Era—that which introduced so many new fans to Doctor Who—has come to a close. In honor of this terrific chapter in the series’ history, we’re looking back at the whole regime and see what legacy Moffat will leave with the Whoniverse.

Season-Long Arcs

The first thing people noticed about head writer Steven Moffat’s take on Doctor Who was his penchant for season-long story arcs. His predecessor Russell T. Davies certainly braved the occasional season-spanning stories, but they mostly focused on a buzzword or phrase that would eventually be explained, usually in the two-part finale. Moffat’s tack was to bring the seasonal narrative up front and center as frequently as possible.

Series five brought this into play in the form of a crack in time and space; this story plays a big part in “The Eleventh Hour,” then comes back in the next two episodes in little asides and mentions before being huge in “The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone.” Afterwards, the premise is reduced to mentions and hints again before finally impacting everything in the eighth and ninth episodes, “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood,” and then wrapping up in the final two episodes, “The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.” No Who fan at the time expected this kind of thorough plotting.

Series six attempted the same type of arc—that being the revelations about River Song’s identity and exactly who the Silence were. Series seven, the split season, introduced another season arc: the mystery surrounding Clara Oswald, which is the one arc that is answered completely within its allotted season due to Matt Smith’s leave—a choice that most people (myself included) found a bit awkward and forced.

The shortcomings of this finale is what I believe left the three Capaldi series without external, complex season arcs; sure, figuring out who Missy was became a major theme of series eight, but its carryout was reminiscent more of the Davies model of occasional mentions before the finale than of anything from Moffat’s toolbox. In the end, the Capaldi years’ season arcs tended to be much more about the Doctor’s relationship to his companions.

Every Series Was Different

One thing I will forever applaud Moffat for is being unafraid to totally change up his approach on a year-by-year basis. Series five was a puzzle box that needed to be solved; series six, while the most similar to five, was a mystery of a different sort.

Moffat couldn’t do a big huge myth arc series three times in a row, and the schedule for series seven wouldn’t really allow for that anyway. Seven was in fact defined by each episode standing on its own; the series even branded each episode as a separate movie, culminating in “The Day of the Doctor” in November 2013, which boasted a feature-length runtime and was actually shown in cinemas.

When Peter Capaldi took over, Moffat’s approach changed drastically. Series eight was about how Clara and this new version of her best friend get along. It wasn’t pretty between them for a good portion of the series, and her new relationship with Danny Pink certainly complicated matters. The Doctor and Clara lied to each other that whole year.

With Clara fully back on board, series nine—which was mainly cliffhanger-filled two-parters or thematically linked pairs—was all about Clara starting to believe she was as invincible as the Doctor, which inevitably led to her making the choice that killed her. As Moffat had initially intended series nine to be his swansong, he pulled out the stops with the best and most consistent storytelling of his era.

Series 10, it has to be said, was different in that it was a throwback to more of the RTD-style and pacing, and even the introduction of a single-season companion.

Companions or Plot Points?

While I am in general a proponent of the Moffat years, he definitely had some issues in the companion department. Not in the casting of the companions, or even the episode-to-episode banter and camaraderie between the companions and the Doctor, but in the use of them. Amelia Pond wasn’t just a young woman traveling with the Doctor; she was “The Girl Who Waited” and was the big cosmic puzzle piece to the whole series. Rory wasn’t just Rory, but “Rory the Roman,” who watched over Amy for 2,000 years. Clara wasn’t just Clara; she was “The Impossible Girl,” who doesn’t make sense to the Doctor.

Until Bill, none of the Moffat-era companions were able to just be people at first; Amy and Rory only got to just be people in their final five episodes, and while two out of Clara’s three seasons had her being more or less a real woman with a job and desires and things, she still started out as a mystery, and while there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, it makes the Doctor choosing to spend time with them more based on their importance to the universe than to them being, you know, friends.

Many Doctors, Much Time Lords

Not only did the Moffat era offer up two full-time Doctors, it also brought Time Lords back in a big, bold way. Russell T. Davies’ final story brought the Doctor’s home planet of Gallifrey back in a vain attempt to save itself from the Time War, forcing the Doctor to effectively destroy his homeworld twice. Learning that Gallifrey is in fact still around somewhere and the resultant search for it became a major part of the latter Moffat years.

With the 50th anniversary special, “The Day of the Doctor,” Moffat gave the us the first multi-Doctor story since 1985’s (terrible) “The Two Doctors.” The Eleventh Doctor teamed up with both the Tenth Doctor and the newly created War Doctor (the late, great John Hurt) in a story that brought together ALL of the Doctors to not-destroy Gallifrey in the Time War after all; the episode also gave the Eighth Doctor another moment on TV screens, and even produced a possible-maybe future version of the Doctor that looked like an old Tom Baker.

And as if that weren’t enough, Moffat’s tenure ended with a team-up between the current Doctor and the First one! That’s like seven fully-on-screen Doctors all told. An amazing feat.

While it wasn’t perfect all the time by any means, the Moffat years of Doctor Who were represented some of the most imaginative and singular episodes of the whole of the show’s history, and that’s quite the legacy to leave.

Images: BBC America

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor and the resident Whovian for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

More Doctor Who for you!

January 10, 2018




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The post SHIA’s HAULS UFO CATCHER-EPISODE 54 appeared first on The Nerd Element.

January 9, 2018

Star Trek: Discovery Recap — Despite Yourself

Season 1 / Episode 10 / CBS All Access

***Spoilers, All the Spoilers Ahead**

Whew. That’s how you come back from a midseason break: confirming recent fan theories, setting up new fan theories, doubling down on both time-travel and alternative universes…oh, and death and sex.

Remember How We Got Here

Refresher: One last jump. That’s what Captain Lorca guilted Lt. Stamets into at the end of the last episode, “Into the Forest I Go.” Don’t pretend like that wasn’t manipulation, because it was. And that manipulation has got the whole crew lost somewhere — the forest I suppose — with no one they can trust but themselves. Nothing is where it is supposed to be. The metal is weird. They’re being fired on by Vulcan ships. The “quantum signatures” are wrong. (Quantum signatures being Star Trek talk for “sciencey science”.)

Is it?

Yes it is!


Doctor Culber: The Best Medical Officer in Starfleet

At the end of Episode Nine, Stamets’ eyes went all white and the muttering took over. Now he’s laying catatonic in a hospital bed with his husband/doctor, Hugh Culber, at his side. Things get a little dicey, it appears that catatonic Stamets can still throw a good left punch, but Culber is keeping it together. Well, except that he has become the First Officer of the “Lorca is not fit to be Captain” club (of which we should all be members). He knows for sure that Lorca did his husband dirty and pushed him too far. He makes that accusation, right on the spot. Even with that, he admits that he doesn’t have the emotional distance required to be his hubby’s doctor, so he steps aside when ordered.

I submit that Dr. Hugh Culber, husband of Stamets, is the best medical doctor to ever grace Star Trek. He’s chill, accepts apologies, takes orders. No freaking out. No excess ego. Just pure, actual, doctoring.

The Ash Question

Ash Tyler is still having issues. Icky, yelly, bloody, flashback issues. I don’t care for not one bit of it — it is overused as a shock tactic when just his reaction would be sufficient to tell me something’s wrong. That aside, Tyler continues to fulfill his duty as the local manly man who does risky things that Burnham has to save him from. After retrieving a data core with information about the universe, Tyler heads down to the brig to talk to L’Rell.

Spoilers not spoilers: It doesn’t go well.

L’Rell (played by Mary Chieffo) does a fantastic job of playing simultaneously a sadistic torturer and a concerned lover. I can’t imagine how hard it is to play sexy and hurt with a Klingon head-thing on, but she manages it. Her portrayal makes the whole situation obvious. With just a few lines, she provides the context for Tyler’s flashbacks, all of the actions he’s taken on the ship, and what he does going forward. The fact that it means that our girl Burnham will never be happy aside, L’Rell puts the finishing touches on the Tyler as Voq theory (which I now consider fact) and rules the few minutes of screen time that she has.

But the brainwashing has gone wrong, his memories aren’t coming back like they’re supposed to. Or Tyler, unlike Voq, isn’t cool with just letting L’Rell talk him into anything.

Tyler and Burnham have an honest talk, in which Tyler convinces Burnham to not tell the captain about the flashbacks. I’ll be Got-Damned if every male officer on this ship isn’t a mental time bomb waiting to explode, leaving it to the female officers to save the day.

It Is a Whole New Universe Gang

The Mirror Universe has been a staple of Star Trek since the beginning. We knew sooner or later Disco was gonna go there. But now, in the darker timeline that this Trek has set up, we’re gonna get the mirror universe all the other shows were too happy and upbeat to show us.

Terrans (that’s us) are the oppressive, xenophobic class that rules the galaxy, with the Klingons, Vulcans, and other races allied against us as rebels. In a mad scramble through the captured data cores from an enemy ship, Saru and Burnham together determine the following:

  1. Our Discovery replaced this universe’s Discovery so the locals don’t know
  2. While everyone has a double, the roles of those doubles have shifted around
  3. Silvia Tilly is the captain of the Discovery.

Believe me, they’re all as shocked as you are.

Gifs from

A passing ship hails the Discovery, requiring Tilly to put in an appropriately awkward turn as the captain. Unable to seal the conversation on “mechanical malfunction” Tilly passes the com over to her chief engineer…whom Lorca impersonates with a vaguely passable Scottish accent. As we all know, all chief engineers are Scottish until proven otherwise. It is a welcome in-joke in the midst of a tense set-up.

Cue montage sequence of the primary crew on the ship getting new uniforms, new badges, and studying up on the history of this new universe. A universe where Cadet Tilly gets her wildest wish: to be captain of the Discovery. But this time, instead of our awkward, funny Tilly, she’s got to play Captain Killy, the Slayer of Sorna Prime. Watching her transform, while even more strongly embracing her gentle personality, is engaging and indicates that Tilly may be the only crew member who doesn’t have to lose her self to get out of this mess.

How Do We Get Out of Here?

Turns out that Burnham is the captain of the I.S.S. Shenzhou in this universe, or was before she attempted to kill Lorca, who had turned traitor to the emperor. Burnham is presumed dead and Lorca on the run for his crimes. What’s the play? The play is the U.S.S. Defiant.

[Deep Nerd Time]
Don’t be confused by the name U.S.S. Defiant. I initially thought they were referring to Sisko’s U.S.S. Defiant from DS9, the one that killerated er’rybody during the Dominion War. But no, they’re talking about the U.S.S Defiant from Enterprise, which features in episodes “Through a Mirror Darkly, Parts 1 and 2” and then later (earlier for us) in The Original Series episode “The Tholian Web” when the ship is trapped in-between universes in a spatial interphase. The use of the U.S.S. Defiant as a plot device here relies on time travel, universe phasing, and mirror universe shenanigans. This is perhaps the most Star Trek thing to ever Star Trek. [end Deep Nerd Time]

The Discovery crew discovers that the Defiant was there in this universe’s past and determine to find out who/what/how. The answers to those questions are on-board the I.S.S. Shenzhou, so a disguise is required. Now not only are they trapped, now they’re digging deeper, with Burnham returning to her home ship with Lorca as her prize, and Tyler as her bodyguard. Sometimes the only way out is through. Nothing bad can happen here now, can it?

The Ongoing Tyler Problem

Tyler now has to manage his brain. He can’t go into another high-pressure situation with flashbacks and, perhaps, a whole ‘nother personality running around in his subconscious. Well, he can, but it isn’t a good idea. He does the right thing and goes to The Best Doctor in Space, Dr. Culber, who, as he isn’t caring for Stamets, has time. They talk Manchurian tests and Ingrams and it becomes clear that Culber is not going to let Tyler go on any missions with his brain all scrambled.

Stamets from across the room screams: Stay out of the palace!
Culber runs over: Don’t worry boo, I got you.
Stamets, his eyes clearing and speaking normally in a moment of terrifying clarity: Be careful, the enemy is here.

That’s not ominous.

The Masquerade

Captain Killy gets the Shenzhou on the phone and plays her part like she was born to it.

Gifs from
Double Got Damn Tilly! Don’t get too carried away now!

Meanwhile, down in Sick Bay, Tyler and Culber are talking. Culber reveals that the Klingons didn’t torture Tyler, they remade him. Moved his muscles. Shortened his bones. Gave him a whole new personality overlay…Culber doesn’t know what’s going on, but he sure as hell isn’t letting this Tyler guy, with his underlying personality laying in wait, back on duty.

Tyler can’t have that. He takes matters into his own hands — by which I mean to say he takes Dr. Hugh Culber’s head in his hands and snaps his neck, dropping his body to the floor like… This is the point where I had to pause the show and get a cup of tea. I was shook. Taken aback. Misplaced and misdirected. The sudden violence of it, especially to one of the only characters that has not exercised any violence himself in the show?

Man. Fuck Ash Tyler. I can’t wait for Burnham to find out and kill him.

Stamets says: The enemy is here.

Poor Stamets. He’s a widower now and he doesn’t even know it.

Into the Mirror

Fresh from killing Culber, Tyler joins Burnham and Lorca and they transport over to the Shenzhou, where they meet Acting-Captain Connor. Burnham drops Lorca off in the brig, where he’s placed in an agonizer booth, which is probably about what Lorca deserves, at least for a little while.

Connor, no longer captain, escorts Captain Burnham to her ready room. On the lift, he gets talky. His feelings are all hurt b/c the crew doesn’t respect him the way they respected Captain Burnham. He decides to throw hands to prove himself. Captain Burnham shows him, and the crew, why she was in charge in the first place.

Finally, after a long day of pretending to be a blood thirsty fascist, Burnham and Tyler meet up in her private quarters. Tyler is acting twitchy, hoping for a quick resolution to this game. In his attempt to comfort Burnham for having to kill Connor, he gives her one of his creepy oaths — that he’ll protect her, always. Does he mean that as himself? As Voq? Did he say the same thing to L’Rell? Burnham takes him a face value, and they have a final declaration of dedication. Hugging turns to kissing, kissing turns to rolling around in her bed, and we know, once and for all, that Burnham’s heart is gonna be unfixably broken. Like wishing she’d just gone to jail broken. Fuck Ash Tyler. He’s replaced Lorca as my most hated character.


Ash as Voq makes perfect sense, they share all the same core personality tenants: fierce dedication to their superior officer, needing a single female to support and encourage him, a tendency to oaths, a relaxed, monk-like exterior disposition that can quickly explode into rage and violence. It is a great set-up and reveal. We can only hope that the writers’s room for ST:Disco haven’t shot their only shot with this one and that there are other surprises in store.

On the matter of Dr. Culber, I’m broken up about it for a number of reasons. Yes, one of them is because representation matters and seeing Gay Latinx people in space matters. Another reason is what kind of represenation that character has. Culber and Stamets (#Culmets) are the only stable, mature relationship on the entire show. They model adult, developed love, not young honeymoon phase dating. Their relationship is what helps Burnham take the plunge with Tyler in the first place and it arguably is key to multiple story lines. Plus, Hugh and Paul are just adorable together in their tooth-brushing domesticity. To have this role in the show filled by a gay couple is wonderful to watch. So watching the doctor be brutally killed by Tyler was rough and it stands scarily close to the “Bury the Gays” trope which we see in so much media — where queer relationships are never allowed to develop because one of the partners dies horribly. However, I trust both the showrunners and Wilson Cruz, the actor who plays Dr. Culber, to bring this back around. I believe him when he says:

There’s always more Star Trek coverage here at Black Nerd Problems. You can find them all behind the Star Trek Tag.

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The post Star Trek: Discovery Recap — Despite Yourself appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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