
Did you browser crash when trying to buy early tickets for Black Panther? Is the movie sold out opening day at your local cinema? Well, if you’re in the DMV (D.C./Maryland/Virginia), we’re teaming up with Fantom Comics to offer a lucky NOC follower two first class tickets to Wakanda!

Our friends at Fantom Comics, one of the coolest comic shops we know — located in the heart of the District’s Dupont Circle, just bought up all the tickets for the first Thursday night showing of Black Panther at the Landmark Theatre near Howard University. From now until the premiere, Fantom will be holding events for folks to win tickets, and the NOC is joining in on the action!

From now until February 9, take a picture of yourself at Fantom doing one of the following:

  • in costume as a Black Panther character
  • wearing a Black Panther t-shirt
  • buying Black Panther comics or merch

Then, post the picture on twitter and/or Instagram tagging @TheNerdsofColor and @FantomComics using the hashtag #FantomNOC. Make sure you’re following us on social media, and we’ll announce a random winner on February 12. That winner will receive two tickets to Fantom’s Black Panther movie night on February 15!


January 15, 2018

DMV Nerds: Win Tickets to a Screening of ‘Black Panther’

Did you browser crash when trying to buy early tickets for Black Panther? Is the movie sold out opening day at your local cinema? Well, if you’re in the DMV (D.C./Maryland/Virginia), we’re teaming up with Fantom Comics to offer a lucky NOC follower two first class tickets to Wakanda!

Our friends at Fantom Comics, one of the coolest comic shops we know — located in the heart of the District’s Dupont Circle, just bought up all the tickets for the first Thursday night showing of Black Panther at the Landmark Theatre near Howard University. From now until the premiere, Fantom will be holding events for folks to win tickets, and the NOC is joining in on the action!

From now until February 9, take a picture of yourself at Fantom doing one of the following:

  • in costume as a Black Panther character
  • wearing a Black Panther t-shirt
  • buying Black Panther comics or merch

Then, post the picture on twitter and/or Instagram tagging @TheNerdsofColor and @FantomComics using the hashtag #FantomNOC. Make sure you’re following us on social media, and we’ll announce a random winner on February 12. That winner will receive two tickets to Fantom’s Black Panther movie night on February 15!


January 15, 2018

Black Political, Civil Rights Leaders Rebuke Trump’s ‘Vulgar, Racist’ Remarks on Haiti, Africa

Black political and civic leaders are condemning Donald Trump’s “vulgar, racist remarks” after he questioned Thursday why the U.S. would accept more immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and “shithole countries” in Africa rather than places like Norway. Trump made the disparaging comments in discarding a bipartisan immigration deal that would include, among other measures, protections against deportation for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants.

The comments come as the nation begins the celebration of the holiday honoring slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and ignited a series of responses, ranging from the fact that Trump is racist to the fact that he lacks presidential timbre.

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-Louisiana) issued a statement, providing one of the strongest rebukes of the president’s latest outrageous comments: “President Trump’s comments are yet another confirmation of his racially insensitive and ignorant views. It also reinforces the concerns that we hear every day, that the president’s slogan Make America Great Again is really code for Make America White Again. His Make America Great Again agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda.”

He added: “All of the reservations we have had about negotiating with him on immigration are well-founded. President Trump is clearly more concerned with ending the future flow of immigrants from Africa and the African diaspora than providing relief to Dreamers who came here through no fault of their own. Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that we can negotiate in good faith with a person who holds such vile and reprehensible beliefs.”

Today, civil rights leaders including the National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial and NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson, will hold a press conference to offer their views on “Trump’s disturbing comments and call for a return to principle-driven negotiations of the Dream Act.”

In a statement from the NAACP, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization staunchly denounced Trump’s “continuous lowbrow, callous, and unfiltered racism” as being damaging to “the United States’ position as a moral leader throughout the world.”  “As our nation fights to move forward, our president falls deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of racism and xenophobia. His decision to use profanity to describe African, Central American and Caribbean countries is not only a low mark for this president, it is a low point for our nation.”


“It is clear that the president wants to return America to its ugly past of white supremacy where immigration laws as well as all laws of society only favored individuals from European nations and European ancestry…As we head into 49th NAACP Image Awards being held on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Holiday for the first time to honor his legacy, we realize that the Bull Connor of our day is none other than the president of our nation,” the NAACP stated further, making reference to Birmingham, Alabama’s Commissioner of Public Safety in the 1960s, who was the ardent enforcer of Jim Crow laws and among the most vicious opponents of the Civil Rights Movement.

In news reports, The White House did not deny his statement but issued a statement saying Trump supports immigration policies that embrace “those who can contribute to our society.”

In November, the Trump administration announced that it was giving nearly 60,000 Haitians with provisional legal residency in the United States 18 months to leave and would not renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) that has allowed them to remain in this country for more than seven years.

Social media has been flooded with backlash over the president’s comments:




The post Black Political, Civil Rights Leaders Rebuke Trump’s ‘Vulgar, Racist’ Remarks on Haiti, Africa appeared first on Black Enterprise.

January 14, 2018

Shia’s Hauls Blood Of Saiyans SSJ Goku

Shia’s Hauls Blood Of Saiyans SSJ Goku


Want to buy Dragon Ball Figures & Statues?

The post Shia’s Hauls Blood Of Saiyans SSJ Goku appeared first on The Nerd Element.

January 14, 2018

12 Reasons Esports Is The Only Sport That Matters

LINK: @chesneylattuga

1. The engaging analysts and shoutcasters who hype everything up.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

Shoutcasters are like your overly excited, knowledgeable best friends who explain all the chaotic action during the game. They are a godsend to new and veteran viewers alike, and one of my favorite parts about professional events. Not only do they know the games inside and out, they know details like individual player styles and specific team mechanics.

2. The arenas that are beautiful and custom built for the games they host.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

In Los Angeles, Riot Games built a custom arena near its headquarters to host League of Legends pro matches. Internationally, this year's LoL World Championship Finals were held in an actual Olympic arena in Beijing called the Bird’s Nest. The amazing surroundings allow fans to come together in a space that feels personalized and has the excitement of a professional sporting event. Even for those who don't play video games, the decked-out arenas are a reason to check out esports all by themselves.

3. The pros who stream who are just as ridiculous as their fans.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

Not only do pros directly talk to fans while streaming, a lot of times they get personalized gifts and crazy donations too. I talked to professional team Cloud 9’s ADC "Sneaky" about some of the funniest things he’s gotten from fans.

“It’s mainly fan mail," he said. "I got a schoolgirl outfit that I wore once. I got a maid costume too, in China. A bunch of people were asking me about the cosplay I did the first time, and they asked if I was going to do it again if I made it farther in the tournament. I’m like, '...Sure? Yeah, I guess if someone brings me one,'" he said, laughing.

4. The merchandise is undeniable.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

I mean, just look at all of it. LOOK AT IT.

5. The pros who kick your ass at live events in front of all your friends.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

Most esports are video games the public can play as well, which allows fans a firsthand understanding of the game and unique interactions with pro players that other sports just can't match. Often at live events, there are special setups where pros get to face off one vs. one against fans. I’ve personally never done one because I’m sure I would get my ass handed to me.

6. The pros who kick your ass in the comfort of your own home.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

At home, pros play alongside non-professional players, so, if you're good enough (lol, ur not), you can play with them online. Just don't suck whenever you have one on your team.

7. The international players who are sweeping the world.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

Many esports have international leagues comprised of different regions around the world. One of the cool things about being a fan is watching how characters, play styles, and strategies vary across different regions. I sat down with North American professional team TSM’s "Mithy," who described the experience of being drafted away from European professional team G2 Esports and having to adapt to the play style of a new team in a new region.

Chesney Lattuga

8. The fans who are as passionate as they are loud.

Owen Devalk for BuzzFeed

Holy shit the FANS! It’s unbelievable how passionate and committed these fans are. Not only do they come from all over to watch their favorite player or team, but many of them dress in detailed cosplay as their favorite in-game characters. Even custom jerseys supporting their favorite players are often seen at events. I may or may not have sweatshirts and team gear, but that would mean I’m biased, so I definitely don’t… :^)

9. The growing audiences that just won't stop growing.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

I talked to James "Dash" Patterson, who sits on the analyst desk for the North American League of Legends Championship Series, about why he thinks the industry is suddenly growing in popularity. “It is apparent that this is a thing," he said. "It has money. It’s got people behind it. There’s all this evidence now that there is at least some degree of sustainability.

"But then the most important thing: the player. The person that everyone wants to watch. This idea that the sport doesn’t exist if there isn’t a pro. At least now that feels like an attainable goal. If I choose at the age of 14 to become a pro, I can pursue that, and I can ultimately achieve it. To me, that’s why the sport is growing at the rate it is now as opposed to 20 years ago.”

10. The collaborations with other industries that are simply epic.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

Every year for the World Championship, Riot Games collaborates with a musical artist to create a song that is sort of the theme of the event. I sat down with Chrissy Costanza, the lead singer from Against the Current, who did this past year's collaboration. She told me that Riot goes through a long process of making sure the artist is the right fit with the right feel, and that the artists themselves know the game. “Riot is really amazing at making sure everything is brand authentic," she said. "I know when Imagine Dragons did it a few years ago, they loved the game. I think they like keeping it in the family of people who love the game.”

11. The unique events that turn into casual fiestas.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

League of Legends has an end-of-year All-Star event. Fans ​were given the ​chance ​to ​vote ​for ​their ​favorite ​players ​from ​their ​region ​in ​order ​to build ​the ​superstar-stacked ​team ​of ​their ​dreams. Since this wasn’t during regular season play, the atmosphere was more casual and laid-back. There was also a special one vs. one event where the pros faced off against each other individually in a single elimination game. I definitely screamed the most watching those.

12. The widespread recognition that shows esports is getting BIG.

Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed

If you need more proof that esports is growing fast, just look at some of the massive industry sponsors that are starting to take note. Like in traditional sports, big brands have begun to sponsor players, teams, stadiums, and events. Gillette, for instance, just unveiled its sponsorship of the North American professional LoL team, TSM. Partnerships like this are definitely a signal of big things to come in the world of esports.

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