
Remember Melania Trump’s awkward gift exchange with Michelle Obama on Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day? Well, the former first lady has finally revealed what was inside that Tiffany & Co. box.

If you recall, the already clumsy greeting between the Trumps and Obamas that morning was made even more uncomfortable when Trump presented Obama with the blue present. At the time, Mrs. Obama’s face was all of us, and the meme-able moment quickly went viral.


During an appearance on Ellen — Mrs. Obama’s first TV interview since leaving the White House — she opened up about the story behind the meme.

“It was a lovely frame,” Obama tells DeGeneres in the preview clip of their sit-down interview set to air on Thursday (Feb. 1).

So what was going through Obama’s mind when Mrs. Trump, who was noticeably a few paces behind her husband, presented her the blue box?

[brightcove id=5689544782001]

“Well, there’s all this protocol,” she explains. “I mean, this is like a state visit, so they tell you that you’re going to do this, they’re going to stand here. Never before do you get this gift, so I’m sort of like, ‘Okay, what am I supposed to do with this gift?’”

Thankfully, Barack Obama helped to calm the cringeworthy hand-off.

“And then my husband saved the day – see he grabbed the box and took it back inside.”

January 31, 2018

That Awkward Moment: Michelle Obama Finally Reveals What Melania Trump Gifted Her On Inauguration Day

Remember Melania Trump’s awkward gift exchange with Michelle Obama on Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day? Well, the former first lady has finally revealed what was inside that Tiffany & Co. box. If you recall, the already clumsy greeting between the Trumps and Obamas that morning was made even more uncomfortable when Trump presented Obama with the blue present. At the time, Mrs. Obama’s face was all of us, and the meme-able moment quickly went viral. via GIPHY During an appearance on Ellen — Mrs. Obama's first TV interview since leaving the White House — she opened up about the story behind the meme. “It was a lovely frame,” Obama tells DeGeneres in the preview clip of their sit-down interview set to air on Thursday (Feb. 1). So what was going through Obama’s mind when Mrs. Trump, who was noticeably a few paces behind her husband, presented her the blue box? [brightcove id=5689544782001] “Well, there’s all this protocol,” she explains. “I mean, this is like a state visit, so they tell you that you’re going to do this, they’re going to stand here. Never before do you get this gift, so I’m sort of like, ‘Okay, what am I supposed to do with this gift?’” Thankfully, Barack Obama helped to calm the cringeworthy hand-off. “And then my husband saved the day – see he grabbed the box and took it back inside.”

January 31, 2018

Healthy Snack Valentine Printables

Valentine's Day Printables for Healthy Snacks

There’s enough candy on Valentine’s Day! Make quick and easy healthy valentine snacks for your kids to give out in class. Here are some Free printables for apple sauce squeeze pouches, oranges, and juice boxes.

To make them:

Download the free printable, print it out on your printer.

Cut out the labels to fit your healthy snacks. then attach with double-sided tape.


The post Healthy Snack Valentine Printables appeared first on Dollar Store Crafts.

January 31, 2018

Tonight’s State of the Union Boycott Might Be the Largest of its Kind

Tonight, Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address. As of now, 13 Democrats are planning to boycott. According to CNN, that’s the largest-ever boycott of its type. Previously, the largest number of lawmakers to ever skip the SOTU was 12, in 1971, when the entire Congressional Black Caucus did not attend after Richard Nixon reportedly refused a meeting with them.

But boycotts of the SOTU are rare. Here are the twelve lawmakers planning to make a statement with their absence tonight:

John Lewis

Lewis told MSNBC, “At this junction, I do not plan to attend the State of the Union.” After Trump’s reported “shithole countries” remarks regarding immigration from African nations as well as countries like El Salvador and Haiti, Lewis said, “I cannot in all good conscience be in a room with what he has said about so many Americans. I just cannot do it. I wouldn’t be honest with myself.”

Rep. Maxine Waters

Waters says Trump does not deserve her attention. “Why would I take my time to go and sit and listen to a liar?”

Rep. Frederica Wilson

Wilson also referenced Trump’s racist comments in explaining her reasons for boycotting.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer will be sending Aldo Solano, a DACA recipient, in his place.

Many other lawmakers are bringing Dreamers as their guest to the event, prompting Arizona’s Rep. Paul Gosar to call for the arrest and deportation of any undocumented immigrants in attendance.

Rep. Gregory W. Meeks

Rep. Jan Schakowsky

Rep. Bobby L. Rush

Rep. Pramila Jayapa

Rep. Danny K. Davis

Rep. Steve Cohen

Albio Sires

Re. Juan Vargas

Rep. Barbara Lee

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will also be skipping Trump’s speech. (Although the late Justice Antonin Scalia had not attended a SOTU address in nearly 20 years.)

Other lawmakers are choosing alternate forms of protest while still attending the event. Joe Kennedy will be bringing as his guest Army Staff Sgt. Patricia King, a transgender soldier.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is bringing San Juan’s mayor, Carmen Yulin Cruz.

Many female Democrats are choosing to bring survivors of sexual assault, including Chessy Prout (a guest of Rep. Anne McLane Kuster), the teenage victim of the Owen Labrie prep school rape case, as well as Rose Gunter (guest of Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman), the niece of Recy Taylor.

Many others are choosing to simply wear black as a form of silent protest.

Some of these female lawmakers, along with a number of other activists including Ai-jen Poo, Tarana Burke, and Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, will be hosting an alternate event, dubbed The State of OUR Union.

You can live stream that event at

(image: Shutterstock)

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January 31, 2018

CBC Members Wore Kente Cloth, Recy Taylor Pins To Trump's State Of The Union Address

President Donald Trump addressed the nation Tuesday night in his very first State of the Union since taking office last year, standing in front of a divided Congress to deliver a speech that touched on unemployment, immigration reform and the economy. While many Democrats and Congressional leaders decided to sit this one out, others attended the address with the sole purpose of delivering a message. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus wore Kente cloth in different fashions to protest Trump's "shithole" comments about African nations and Haiti, which many Democratic leaders believed to be anti-Black and racist.   The result was a powerful moment that called on the beauty of the African Diaspora and the richness of African nations. Not to mention, a serious nod to anyone looking for Black Panther inspiration. Members also donned red pins emblazoned with Recy Taylor's name, the late anti-rape activists who, in 1944, was raped and assaulted by six white men, sparking nationwide outrage. She died in December 2017. Taylor's decision to dedicate her life to speaking out against sexual assault was recently highlighted in today's #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. Oprah Winfrey even referenced Taylor's fight and tenacity in her Golden Globes Speech, calling on an end to the miscarriage of justice for victims. "For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power to those men, but their time is up. Their time is up!" Winfrey said in her speech. "I just hope that Recy Taylor died knowing... her truth, even now, goes marching on."

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