
You know Daleks and Davros and Missy the Master, Angels and Silence hell-bent on disaster. But do you recall the most underrated Doctor Who villains of all? Each week, I will dig into […]

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February 10, 2018

‘Doctor Who’ Underrated Villain of the Week: Reaper

You know Daleks and Davros and Missy the Master, Angels and Silence hell-bent on disaster. But do you recall the most underrated Doctor Who villains of all? Each week, I will dig into […]

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February 9, 2018

Why Being Busy Is Good For Your Relationship

When you do finally get to be together, you actually cherish that time. Couples who have nothing but time together wind up not really appreciating any of the time they spend alone.

February 8, 2018

This Mom Wasn’t Happy About Her Son’s College Pick, And She Let Him Know It

Choosing a college can be stressful. But picking a school when you’re one of the top football prospects in the nation can be downright frightening — especially when you have to reveal your choice on national TV. Jacob Copeland, one of the best high school wide receivers in the country, agonized about his decision. Ahead of signing day, the Pensacola, Florida native said he was overcome with stress while trying to figure out which institution would be the best fit for him. [brightcove id=4840974989001] “Throughout this entire recruiting process I never been as stressed as I am now,” he wrote on Twitter. “I cried and cried all last night about God leading me in the right directions. Now I don’t have over much as a day to decide on a school that’ll change my future after football.” Though Copeland had been heavily recruited by several schools, when it came to signing day he narrowed it down to just three: the University of Alabama, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Florida. Flanked by his family, including his mom, who rocked an Alabama sweatshirt and a Tennessee beanie, Copeland picked the home team, Florida. Members of the Florida Gators’ football program cheered his decision. Copeland’s mother, on the other hand, wasn’t happy with his decision and walked off in a huff. The scene got even more awkward when a reporter from ESPN asked who the woman was who walked away, and why she chose to leave. Copeland didn’t have any answers for the reporter, but he handled the questions — and the weird moment — with class. And while many came down on his mother for having a brief tantrum, Copeland wasn’t bothered by it. She returned to the event a few minutes later, gave her son a hug, and signed the papers for him to commit to the University of Florida. Good luck, young man!

February 8, 2018

Things We Saw Today: Now We Will Call Trump’s Hair a “Morgellons Tesseract” Forever

When you read a truly perfect description, you just know you’ll never be able to unsee it.

Thanks to the brilliant minds over at BoingBoing, who titled an article about the wind running through the improbable object that is Donald Trump’s hair, “Morgellons Tesseract atop Trump’s head peels off in high winds,” my day was made early in the morning. Hats off to this.

If you’re curious as to the sight that BoingBoing was so aptly sketching, here it is.

(image: screengrab)

  • As Congress nears a budget deal, Paul Ryan is still refusing to agree to hold a vote on a solution for the DREAMers, even though Mitch McConnell agreed to hold one in the Senate. And so Nancy Pelosi is holding the House floor.

  • One of the magical sisters in the Charmed reboot will be a feminist lesbian, and her girlfriend’s name is Detective Soo Jin. OK, now I’m listening about the Charmed reboot. (via TV Line)
  • According to DNA analysis of the 10,000-year-old “Cheddar Man,” early modern Britons had dark skin and blue eyes. (via The Guardian)
  • Where is the lie?

  • We got our first poster for the upcoming Venom movie starring Tom Hardy, and reports say we’ll see the first trailer tomorrow. (via

So what’ve you got for me today?

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