
May 23, 2018

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May 23, 2018

Shannon Hale and Other Authors Stand Up for All Women Against FanX’s BS Handling of Harassment Complaints

NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 12: Author and Screenwriter Shannon Hale attends The Cinema Society with Alice and Olivia screening of Sony Pictures Classics' "Austenland" at Landmark's Sunshine Cinema on August 12, 2013 in New York City.

Author and Salt Lake City, UT native Shannon Hale was invited to be a guest at SLC’s FanX, formerly known as Salt Lake Comic Con, but she had reservations regarding the show’s anti-harassment policy, or lack thereof. So, she expressed them. How she was treated by FanX was unacceptable, and the show’s been back-pedaling ever since.

Hale, who’s the author of our fave Squirrel Girl graphic novels among other best-sellers, reached out to FanX co-founder Bryan Brandenburg privately, expressing concerns over reports of harassment at the con, including alleged sexual misconduct by author Richard Paul Evans, which was brought to the attention of FanX and ignored.

Meanwhile, in an interview Evans did when the complaints were first made public, he dismissed them, basically blaming Utah’s women for being stiff, saying “I kissed a woman on the cheek. This is something we did in church for two years, twenty/thirty times a day in Italy. And it’s like, it’s just habit, I do it with my friends here. I do it with my friends back East. And Utah– they are a little bit stiff about that. I did it, won’t do it again. It obviously caused a problem with this woman.”

The fact that this guy can’t distinguish between following a culture’s lead when visiting their country or what people he knows will allow him to do and how to interact with strangers boggles my mind.

Be that as it may, it isn’t about him, or any of the others accused of sexual harassment. It’s about FanX’s handling of those complaints. In the most sexist and condescending way possible, Brandenberg wrote back to Hale basically telling her to not worry her pretty little head over it. She posted a portion of the interaction on Twitter:

Brandenberg wrote: “Maybe it’s best if you sit this one out and then wait to hear how it went. I don’t think there’s anything we can say to convince you to come and quite frankly I’m not willing to try. I know in my heart that we take this seriously and I don’t think you get it. I have four daughters and have been sensitive to these issues for decades, long before it became trendy with #metoo.”

Ah yes, the ol’ I have black friends, so I can’t be racist! Or, I’m related to women so I can’t be sexist defense. Guess what? EVERY SEXIST HAS WOMEN IN THEIR LIFE! IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO. THAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU EXEMPT FROM BEING GUILTY OF SEXIST ACTIONS.

Even worse than this initial sexist condescension was the tweet from FanX that followed once Hale made her interaction public. The FanX tweet has since been deleted, but the Internet is forever, after all, and Hale screencapped it, sharing that one, too:

Hale stresses that she has never personally experienced harassment at this particular con, but that she knows and has heard of plenty of people who have; women who haven’t felt comfortable doing so publicly, and so Hale is speaking up on their behalf:

And Hale is certainly not the only one. Authors have begun pulling out of their upcoming appearances at FanX, and have been speaking up in support of the women whose complaints have been ignored by the con, as well as in favor of an updated, comprehensive, and enforced anti-harassment policy. Authors like Jessica Day George and Bree Despain have been corresponding with FanX in a similar fashion to Hale for months with no movement. Without even so much as a “yes, we will definitely enforce our (pretty weak) anti-harassment policy.”

For example, click through on this thread from author Ally Condie where she gives a thorough, behind-the-scenes perspective:

And the guests an participants are dropping like flies:

These authors are encouraging the Film and TV celebrity guests to follow suit to really make FanX sit up and take notice.

As it stands, Brandenberg issued the following statement last night, apologizing both for handling the initial complaints of harassment, then to Hale for how she was treated:

I made multiple mistakes in handling the report of harassment at our event. I was insensitive to people that were communicating to me about this issue. It was me and me alone that responded to one of the people involved and I handled it terribly. I am so sorry. I wish I could take it back but I can’t. I was wrong, I made more than one mistake, and it was a very painful lesson. I’m ashamed that I didn’t handle it better and I hope that I can be forgiven. I’m so sorry that I came across like I did. Please forgive me.

I would like to apologize to Shannon Hale for the events that happened on Twitter today, and my overall handling of the reports of harassment from our last event. In an overly emotional state, I took to social media in response to a tweet that quoted an email exchange between the two of us. In doing so, I didn’t notice my screenshot still contained her personal email. This was overlooked and not meant maliciously.

I felt my comments were taken out of context from the original email exchange, and I responded hastily and inappropriately. I deeply regret sending the original email and the tweets that followed.

In response to my poorly chosen words about the #metoo movement being “trendy”, I came off insensitive to people’s pain, and I am sorry. After today’s events, I admit that I am not fully aware or educated about the importance of the #metoo movement, and this is something I am actively working to change. I need to improve on listening and making people feel validated.

Everyone working at FanX, including Dan and I, are still learning how to communicate about this serious and very important topic and to understand the sensitivity and different perspectives that come along with it. As a team, we want to learn how to do better.

Moving forward, our goal is to create a safe environment for everyone. Training for staff will happen within the next 90 days, so we are equipped to handle sexual harassment and assault reports. Our new harassment policy now includes instructions on how to report an incident anonymously or in person. It also clearly states the sanctions that will be taken when a report comes in.

The harassment policy also includes more defined behavior expectations for our attendees, guests, agents, cosplayers, panelists, moderators, staff, vendors, vendor models, and volunteers. Consent is key. These improvements would not have happened without your voice.

I wonder how many people it took to help him draft this. I also wonder what magically changed in the mere days between his initial response to Hale that had him go from someone who ignored complaints for months to someone who’s oh so penitent. That’s right. Bad publicity.

Apologies like this are great and all, but they’re no replacement for concrete action and for genuinely listening, rather than putting on a show of listening only to be a hypocrite later. FanX still has a long way to go if it expects to earn back the trust of fans and guests alike, and conventions all across the country need to understand that women’s safety is non-negotiable, and if your con can’t guarantee that, fans will reserve their hard-earned dollars for those that can.

What continues to be great are people like Hale, Condie, and all the other women (and male allies!) who have stood up, not for themselves, but for those who have been victimized. This is what we should all be doing for each other.

(via Fox13 Salt Lake City, image: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

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May 23, 2018

STAR WARS: GALAXY’S EDGE Gets Opening Dates at Disney Parks (Kind Of)

Time passing too quickly usually annoys me. I scoff when I realize the end of the month is already here. Where did the days go? How did it happen? But I’m willing to fast forward through 2018 to get to the opening of Disney Parks’ Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. The Star Wars-themed land is coming to Disneyland (Anaheim, California) and Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Orlando, Florida), and now Disney has announced opening dates. Kind of. Via the Disney Parks Blog, they’ve released opening seasons.

Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge will open in summer 2019. Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios will launch in late fall 2019. So just over a year until park-goers can walk into Batuu, the Outer Rim setting for the themed area, and live a Star War.

I want to go right now.

In the past, Disney has used seasons for openings rather than specific dates so they have room to maneuver. The summer season is around June 20 to September 20. The fall season is around September 20 to December 21 (so late fall probably means somewhere in November). This gives them room to play around in case they need more time for construction or soft openings. It’s worth nothing parks on both coasts are opening two big expansions and transformations at the end of June 2018 (Toy Story Land at Hollywood Studio and Pixar Pier at Disney California Adventure), so maybe Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge will follow suit in 2019.

The completely immersive Galaxy’s Edge has a 14 acre footprint in both parks and will include two big-ticket attractions, one centered on the Millennium Falcon and one all about escaping the First Order. Learn everything we know about Galaxy’s Edge so far here.

Which park’s Galaxy’s Edge are you planning to visit first? Will you go as soon as you can or wait a while (maybe years) for crowds to calm down? Tell us in the comments.

Images: Disney Parks

Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

More Star Wars!

May 22, 2018

Millennial Moves: Meet the Marketer Behind Those 40oz Bounce Tours

Devin Cobbs understands the value of creating space for genuine human connection. Cobbs is the marketing force behind the 40oz Bounce tour, and most recently the 4 Lovers Only R&B party.

Originally from South Carolina, Cobbs moved to New York with dreams of being a journalist but ended up homeless. “Nobody knew I was homeless. I would keep [my] haircut and take showers at Planet Fitness. Sometimes I’d sleep there, or on the Long Island Ferry. I always thought to myself, this is just going to make the story that much greater. I remember putting change together to buy dollar pizzas and M&M’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It taught me that everything will always be OK.” Eventually, Cobbs found an opportunity as a marketing intern.

Around the same time, 40oz Van—whose real name is Joel Fuller—was heating up the summer with his infamous 40oz Bounce parties. Fuller is an entrepreneur and an event creator who produces and promotes parties via social media. New York was the mecca for those experiences. An after effect of moving into the marketing department, Cobbs ended up connecting with 40oz Van.

“In any situation, I like to look at what I can provide. For Van, I saw that he was only doing events in NY. I figured I could help him take his events to different markets. I told him I could take him on a tour before I had ever even gotten on a plane.”

Cobbs told 40oz Van that he could take 40oz Bounce on a national tour, although he had no connections in any of markets outside of NYC at the time. The national 40oz Bounce tour resulted in 50 tour stops, bringing in about 30,000 attendees over the course of two years.

40oz Bounce


Fill in the Gaps

The success of the 40oz Bounce tour helped Cobbs transition from fitting in to standing out. He wasn’t just a creative trying to find his place in the industry; he was an accomplished event planner and curator. However, the true mark of a forward thinker is the ability to fill in gaps that folks of the same profession have yet to fill. While there were countless events being thrown especially in New York, Cobbs trained his eyes on providing the experiences people weren’t getting yet. Thus, the idea for 4 Lovers Only was born.

“I think less about the live event and more about connecting with people. I want to know everybody. I want to have a connection with everyone who comes through the door. I think connecting with people is a lost art. Once things become a money grab, you see the creativity dwindle. When you do anything with love and creativity first, it works.”

After noticing that he hadn’t seen an event specific to 90s R&B, he dove into plans to occupy that vacancy in the culture. More importantly, he looked for ways to give attendees a feeling of genuine service. It couldn’t be about ticket sales or revenue from the bar. More importantly, it couldn’t be some exclusive industry party filled with the same people who see each other at every private event and only interact for professional gain or a chance at a “candid” photo for social media clout.

40oz Bounce

(Photo: Melodie Rivera)

“I hadn’t seen an event that was specific to 90s R&B. How can we take it up a notch? We’ll get the right sponsors and partnerships so that people don’t have to buy anything. For the consumer, you’re not being sold anything besides a good time. We make it cool to do a sponsored event. It’s not industry people only. Everyone can pull up, from a record exec to some guy who saw the flyer on social media and wanted to come.”

“I know for sure that what drives me now is knowing that I want to be remembered for all of this. People think I have my entire life planned out. I don’t. I wake up every day and plan for that day. I don’t worry about where I’ll be by 30. I want to know what we can do to make people remember this sh*t. I don’t care if I’m working at McDonalds 10 years from now. If I have a kid and can tell them I was out here doing this and people can validate it, that’s the most important thing.”

Once you’re able to recognize and tap into what fuels you, it’s time to look at how you can use your gifts to solve problems bigger than yourself. The fact is, black people in America navigate through more overt systemic oppression and daily micro-aggressions than we care to count. All while balancing the stress and anxiety of just wanting to make it in this world as successful adults. We’re constantly on our toes and carrying that much stress without any release is dangerous. Cobbs isn’t just throwing events. He’s creating safe spaces to decompress.

40oz Bounce

Photo: Melodie Rivera

“For me, it’s not just a party, it’s therapy. We do all this work for four hours, but for some people, it’s the best four hours to just be. We deal with all these societal ailments plus wanting to be successful. I want to be the person that creates space where everyone can let their hair down, and I don’t want to take any money out your pockets. I’m going to charge the corporations for that. That’s why I don’t like to be called a promoter; I’m giving you a party. I’m giving you therapy. The best feeling is having people telling me they had a good time.”


The post Millennial Moves: Meet the Marketer Behind Those 40oz Bounce Tours appeared first on Black Enterprise.

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