
Happy April Fools’ Day! It’s the worst day of the year! I hope you’ve gotten through this day of “hilarious” corporate jokes without getting too annoyed.

However, one company really crushed it today, capturing the spirit of the holiday without enraging or frightening anyone. ThinkGeek, the makers of some excellent nerd swag, have been promoting a bunch of hilarious fake products on their website and their social media. I 100% recommend that you click through to the actual product pages for a big laugh.

Aside from these, though, all corporate April Fools’ jokes should cease. I am the April Fools’ Scrooge, and thus do I decree.

  • Speaking of which, The Washington Post has a running list of today’s April Fools’ Day pranks so that you can keep track and avoid being fooled.
  • The ever-excellent Laurie Penny wrote about the struggles of being a woman “in public,” especially online, for Longreads.
  • Okay, fine. This post about the discovery of porg bones is one more April Fools’ prank I actually find funny.
  • Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds posted a wonderful bit of X-Men artwork on his Instagram. The Where’s Waldo? style piece features a bunch of X-Men characters, from Deadpool himself to Professor X to Magneto to Jubilee, and Reynolds challenged his followers to try and find all the references: “I like eggs three ways: scrambled, poached, or hidden.” Happy hunting, Mary Suevians! (via io9)

    I like eggs three ways: scrambled, poached or hidden.

    A post shared by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) on Mar 30, 2018 at 12:19pm PDT

  • Looper recently shared this wonderful compilation video of the special effects from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I always love seeing both the absurdity and the artistry involved in this sort of stuff, and the video did not disappoint. (via Nerdist)
  • Lena Waithe would like to make a biopic about Mary Tyler Moore. “I don’t think people are expecting that from a black lesbian from the south side of Chicago,” she said. “But, I read her autobiography more times than I can count.” I would definitely watch that. (via The Hollywood Reporter)

What’d you see out there in the wide world, readers?

(Featured image: screengrab)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

April 1, 2018

Things We Saw Today: ThinkGeek’s Outstanding April Fools’ Day Products

Happy April Fools’ Day! It’s the worst day of the year! I hope you’ve gotten through this day of “hilarious” corporate jokes without getting too annoyed.

However, one company really crushed it today, capturing the spirit of the holiday without enraging or frightening anyone. ThinkGeek, the makers of some excellent nerd swag, have been promoting a bunch of hilarious fake products on their website and their social media. I 100% recommend that you click through to the actual product pages for a big laugh.

Aside from these, though, all corporate April Fools’ jokes should cease. I am the April Fools’ Scrooge, and thus do I decree.

  • Speaking of which, The Washington Post has a running list of today’s April Fools’ Day pranks so that you can keep track and avoid being fooled.
  • The ever-excellent Laurie Penny wrote about the struggles of being a woman “in public,” especially online, for Longreads.
  • Okay, fine. This post about the discovery of porg bones is one more April Fools’ prank I actually find funny.

  • Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds posted a wonderful bit of X-Men artwork on his Instagram. The Where’s Waldo? style piece features a bunch of X-Men characters, from Deadpool himself to Professor X to Magneto to Jubilee, and Reynolds challenged his followers to try and find all the references: “I like eggs three ways: scrambled, poached, or hidden.” Happy hunting, Mary Suevians! (via io9)

    I like eggs three ways: scrambled, poached or hidden.

    A post shared by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) on Mar 30, 2018 at 12:19pm PDT

  • Looper recently shared this wonderful compilation video of the special effects from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I always love seeing both the absurdity and the artistry involved in this sort of stuff, and the video did not disappoint. (via Nerdist)
  • Lena Waithe would like to make a biopic about Mary Tyler Moore. “I don’t think people are expecting that from a black lesbian from the south side of Chicago,” she said. “But, I read her autobiography more times than I can count.” I would definitely watch that. (via The Hollywood Reporter)

What’d you see out there in the wide world, readers?

(Featured image: screengrab)

Want more stories like this? Become a subscriber and support the site!

The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

April 1, 2018

Duolingo Brews Up A Beer Prank That Really Boosts Your Foreign Language Skills

There’s a lot of science behind every bottle of beer, but the science doesn’t stop when the cap goes on. Crack one open and the scientific potential comes bursting out! For example, you […]

The post Duolingo Brews Up A Beer Prank That Really Boosts Your Foreign Language Skills appeared first on

April 1, 2018

Hap and the White Supremacy End Game

I have discovered a pattern in the Hap and Leonard series so far. Each season, there is one or more episodes where the jokes are still prevalent, but the lesson is preached in a hard, sobering, and very loud manner. Episode three, “T-Bone Mambo,” is the lesson for viewers so far. It is a heavy episode […]

The post Hap and the White Supremacy End Game appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

April 1, 2018

Texas Woman Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Voting In 2016 Election

A Texas woman will be serving five years in prison because she voted in the 2016 election. It turns out that 43-year-old Crystal Mason was on parole during this time and Texas law states that a felon cannot vote while …

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