
Hello once again Afronerd Readers, new and old. I’m once again back from the abyss with a column straight from the BenCave to make you ladies and gents think. Why? This is my time of year. October 1st just passed and this blerd’s mind has a bit of a horror edge.

First up, there has been news and confirmation of Aquaman’s James Wan being tapped to helm an American remake of Train To Busan. My Twitter followers know how “energetic” I was in saying this is a bad idea…HOWEVER… here are 5 tips to actually make it work (Yes, you read that right. I’m going to help them out. They aren’t going to read this anyway but let it never be said I am not trying to help instead of just hate…):​
1. Forget everything you have seen or read from previous American/Western zombie stories – I know that everyone wants to be George Romero OR Robert Kirkman and create something that leaves a lasting impact but, more often that not this ends badly. Go “The Girl With The Gifts” route and concentrate on original stories intertwining with the zombie apocalypse.​
2. In this vein “Keep It Simple Stupid” – No need to make super fast zombies or ultra complicated soap opera plots. K.I.S.S. system. Humans. Zombies. Hunger. Dwindling Numbers and Options. Escape is possible…or is it?​
3. Stay Away From Big Cities – Train To Busan works because of the near solitary situation that being on a cross country train puts the passengers in. Even with social media/digital age, news was spotty, interaction was few and far between outside of your car “mates”.​
4. On that note, Spend Time On Character Building – Anyone that has seen the original, LOVED how it flipped tropes and built heroes out of people we tend to hate. American horror storytelling tends to fall into the same conventions/techniques. Hence why I am saying again to drill point 1 in your head.​
5. Finally, Stick To Your Bible – But Daryll B? This had nothing to do with religion? What bible? If you paid any attention to Captain Kirk over the years on Afronerd Radio, you should know that power sets are key. This goes for horror creatures too. Train set up early with background newscasts and 2 key scenes on the train what the abilities/detractions of the zombies & spreading of the plague was. Did not divert. Did not upgrade. They stayed consistent.​
James? Focus on making a good zombie flick. DON’T try and reinvent the wheel here! Good Luck, man! After all you are trying to remake a film that got Romero’s personal seal of approval! Uphill Climb AHOY!​
Afronerd Radio has a patreon now in case you didn’t know. Check this out and consider giving  for a little more bang for your buck(s)​
And speaking of Afronerd Radio, the guys’ last podcast will definitely have everyone thinking as it started with Haddish/Nubia “rumor” analysis leading into an interesting film debate, among other stories including Dark Phoenix….​
Dark Phoenix? HA!!! Although, I will state that yes I will be seeing Venom sometime during my New York Comic Con weekend. I have no expectations for the movie to wow me. Let’s see what the movie makers have. I know Tom Hardy ain’t going to be phoning this in so…. and as far as NYCC is concerned, I’m only there on Friday. So me, my friends and sister will blitz everything we can and I am sure to take pictures while annoying creators. LOL​
Coming up: Daryll B makes some personally fun horror tinged comics/graphic novels because it is the season! Thx For Reading! Until Next Time, Keep Fantasizing!​

October 4, 2018

Daryll B Returns and it MUST Be All Hallows’ Eve! Fresh Baked Blog Droppings, Folks!

Hello once again Afronerd Readers, new and old. I'm once again back from the abyss with a column straight from the BenCave to make you ladies and gents think. Why? This is my time of year. October 1st just passed and this blerd's mind has a bit of a horror edge.

First up, there has been news and confirmation of Aquaman's James Wan being tapped to helm an American remake of Train To Busan. My Twitter followers know how "energetic" I was in saying this is a bad idea...HOWEVER... here are 5 tips to actually make it work (Yes, you read that right. I'm going to help them out. They aren't going to read this anyway but let it never be said I am not trying to help instead of just hate...):​
1. Forget everything you have seen or read from previous American/Western zombie stories - I know that everyone wants to be George Romero OR Robert Kirkman and create something that leaves a lasting impact but, more often that not this ends badly. Go "The Girl With The Gifts" route and concentrate on original stories intertwining with the zombie apocalypse.​
2. In this vein "Keep It Simple Stupid" - No need to make super fast zombies or ultra complicated soap opera plots. K.I.S.S. system. Humans. Zombies. Hunger. Dwindling Numbers and Options. Escape is possible...or is it?​
3. Stay Away From Big Cities - Train To Busan works because of the near solitary situation that being on a cross country train puts the passengers in. Even with social media/digital age, news was spotty, interaction was few and far between outside of your car "mates".​
4. On that note, Spend Time On Character Building - Anyone that has seen the original, LOVED how it flipped tropes and built heroes out of people we tend to hate. American horror storytelling tends to fall into the same conventions/techniques. Hence why I am saying again to drill point 1 in your head.​
5. Finally, Stick To Your Bible - But Daryll B? This had nothing to do with religion? What bible? If you paid any attention to Captain Kirk over the years on Afronerd Radio, you should know that power sets are key. This goes for horror creatures too. Train set up early with background newscasts and 2 key scenes on the train what the abilities/detractions of the zombies & spreading of the plague was. Did not divert. Did not upgrade. They stayed consistent.​
James? Focus on making a good zombie flick. DON'T try and reinvent the wheel here! Good Luck, man! After all you are trying to remake a film that got Romero's personal seal of approval! Uphill Climb AHOY!​
Afronerd Radio has a patreon now in case you didn't know. Check this out and consider giving  for a little more bang for your buck(s)​
And speaking of Afronerd Radio, the guys' last podcast will definitely have everyone thinking as it started with Haddish/Nubia "rumor" analysis leading into an interesting film debate, among other stories including Dark Phoenix....​

Dark Phoenix? HA!!! Although, I will state that yes I will be seeing Venom sometime during my New York Comic Con weekend. I have no expectations for the movie to wow me. Let's see what the movie makers have. I know Tom Hardy ain't going to be phoning this in so.... and as far as NYCC is concerned, I'm only there on Friday. So me, my friends and sister will blitz everything we can and I am sure to take pictures while annoying creators. LOL​
Coming up: Daryll B makes some personally fun horror tinged comics/graphic novels because it is the season! Thx For Reading! Until Next Time, Keep Fantasizing!​

October 4, 2018

Kanye West’s Basketball Sneaker Banned From NBA

National Basketball Association league officials confirmed that players will be allowed to wear any sneaker they wish this upcoming season, regardless of color. Any sneaker that is, except the basketball sneaker created by Kanye West.

In prior seasons it was mandatory for players to wear league-compliant sneakers or they would face a hefty fine. This will be the first time since Adam Silver became NBA commissioner in 2014 that players have their choice of footwear.

According to an ESPN report the stringent rule change is an effort on the NBA’s behalf to allow players to express themselves while on the court. Until now, the rule on player footwear was that all sneakers worn on the court had to be 51% white or black with minimal team color accent to top it off, depending on home and visiting teams.

Rapper Kanye West, who is in partnership with Adidas for his Yeezy product line, took to his Instagram account to debut a first look at his “YZY BSKTBL” sneaker.



Prior to this model, all of West’s sneaker designs have been for lifestyle wear and not for athletic purposes. This is the first time that the Yeezy brand is venturing into sports footwear since he released his first sneaker in 2015.

However, according to industry sources, the NBA is banning the current version of Kanye’s sneaker. The move is not because of the colors in the sneaker or because of his recent controversial comments made on social media.

The ban is because of the shoe’s gleaming, reflective-material heel. The NBA fears that the 3M material would be distracting to the crowd and also for those watching the game at home.

The Yeezy basketball sneaker was supposed to be worn during the regular season by Adidas signees like Nick Young, Donovan Mitchell, and Iman Shumpert, to name a few. With the ban on the current model of Kanye’s basketball sneaker, there is no word yet if Adidas will make the necessary adjustment to appease the NBA.

The post Kanye West’s Basketball Sneaker Banned From NBA appeared first on Black Enterprise.

October 3, 2018

An Upside-Down Look at Halloween Horror Nights 28

Every fall a new darkness descends on Orlando, Florida. One that is constantly changing and evolving around the Universal Orlando property. Last year it brought out the horrors of Stephen King’s The Shining, […]

The post An Upside-Down Look at Halloween Horror Nights 28 appeared first on

October 3, 2018

WONDER WOMAN: EARTH ONE Writer Grant Morrison Talks Bringing Amazon Society to 2018

Writer Grant Morrison has been telling tales of DC Comics characters for some 30 years, giving us definitive takes on Superman, Batman, and the Justice League. In 2016, he finally turned his attention to the heart of DC’s trinity, Wonder Woman, with alternate continuity original graphic novel Wonder Woman: Earth One. For this story, Morrison went back to the original concepts behind Wonder Woman, as thought up by her creator, psychiatrist Dr. William Marston. Many of these concepts were far ahead of their time in 1941—some still are, even now in the 21st century. Now Morrison and artist Yanick Paquette are reteaming for the second volume in this series, with Wonder Woman: Earth One Volume 2. 

This second volume couldn’t be more timely, and feels as much a Wonder Woman for 2018 as Marston’s was the hero the world needed in 1941. Case in point: One panel has Wonder Woman tying up former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer in the lasso of truth. But being topical wasn’t the goal from the ground up. According to Morrison, “It wasn’t even so much about trying to be timely. It was about trying to honor Marston’s original vision, and saying, ‘What would this really be like?’ The Wonder Woman: Earth One books are very much set in a contemporary, believable world. The simplicity here is about what would happen if Marston’s ideas were taken seriously, and some of those are very strange ideas.”

Much of the latest graphic novel deals with gender politics. Diana is faced with a new interpretation of her classic villain Dr. Psycho, who has long been the embodiment of toxic masculinity. But Morrison will remind you that this is all simply in the character’s DNA, and is nothing new. “When you put [Wonder Woman] in the context of today’s politics, the gender politics and the whole thing that we’re dealing with, it can you become quite provocative, and quite extreme and strange,” Morrison said. “And I wanted to shows the Amazons the way [Marston] showed them, which was a separatist race of technologically advanced super women, who were quite happy to use mind control on their enemies.”

With the mind control angle, Morrison brings back an element of the original 1940s Wonder Woman comics that had largely been discarded, which is the notion that the Amazons essentially rehabilitate all of Wonder Woman’s enemies, with what technically amounts to brainwashing. “That’s their idea of weapons of peace—they will just mind control you until you do what’s right,” Morrison said. “They don’t use bombs. They don’t use the traditional weapons we’ve seen Amazons using in the past. They will control your mind, and right now this is a very interesting thing to explore. To see a society which has no qualms about doing that, which is so powerful in its own sense of self come up against a world which looks contemporary and has some roots in current politics and current affairs is incendiary to some degree.”

Another aspect of Wonder Woman Morrison brings back to the forefront is Princess Diana’s role as a teacher—she is one of the few superheroes who has that particular (and very important) job description. “I always take it back to the original concept,” Morrison told us, “because she was a scientist, she was a healer. And I thought, ‘What is her actual mission in an actual world?’ It’s not that she comes here to fight crime. She would be someone who has a philosophy that she really believes in, which she thinks could be useful and might make things better. So what seemed appropriate was to make her a teacher, and she already has the connection with Holiday College, since that’s where Diana’s friend Etta goes to school.”

Not just waiting around for crime to happen but attempting to stop it at a societal level by communicating ideas, is who Wonder Woman really is at her core, according to Morrison, who said, “Rather than just have her live in a superhero headquarters and go out and fight crime on a unicorn, she has a job, she tries to fit in to our society, while at the same time giving us the option for something bigger. She represents the bridge between her culture and our culture, and she sees that she has a positive role to play, and she wants to encourage people to be better versions of themselves as she sees it.”

The Wonder Woman: Earth One series proves that the character of Diana is more relevant than ever, something Morrison is hoping comics fans all discover. He told us, “In the world that we live, of fake news, and of simulation and augmented reality, of all of these things are blurring the divisions between what is real and what is fantasy, she is someone who stands for truth. She’s the avatar of truth, now in a world where truth has become impossible to detect.” With only two chapters down in what will eventually be a three-part saga (part three is already being written), Grant Morrison’s Wonder Woman: Earth One has already proved to be one of the greatest takes on the character ever.

Wonder Woman: Earth One Volume 2 hits comic shops on October 3, and everywhere else on October 9.

Are you ready for Grant Morrison’s modern version of the original Wonder Woman? Be sure to share your thoughts with us down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics

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