
I have tried several nerd boxes on my search for the one that sends items I can love each month. Unfortunately, each new box subscription comes with about 5 items, of which only one or two are items I truly like. The rest I give away, toss on e-Bay, or just leave on the shelf because there’s not much else to do with it. I must say that the DeonteBox is not one of those boxes.

Full disclosure, the owner of DeonteBox, Wayne Smith Jr. let me try out the service for free. I got one box that he filled with items from my favorite fandoms, movies, shows, and connected to my favorite hobbies. He wanted me to see what the service could do for a fan. Boy, did he deliver!

I told him that I loved American Gods, DC Comics, Fraggle Rock, Dark Crystal, Gremlins, books, and writing. He also gathered a bit more information and set about locating items for my box. I expected maybe a cool item or two and the rest POP figures that would take up space on my shelf. What I got was the greatest fan box ever. If my current geek box wasn’t a prepaid gift, I’d cancel it today and replace it with Smith’s box.

The DeonteBox is white with gold lettering — a festive package that piques the interest right away. I opened it to find golden stuffing and items carefully wrapped in crepe paper. Each a present waiting to be opened. Here is some rough video of the unboxing where I find the best part of the box so far.

You can hear my excitement (and see my two-year-old grabbing for all that gold foil). Here is my haul:

  • A reprinted signed script from an episode of American Gods
  • A Gremlins themed journal
  • A Fraggle POP figure
  • A Harley Quinn and Joker figure set
  • A novelization of Dark Crystal

All of these items are favorites of mine forever. None of them have been given away (I actually gave a hostile “NOOO!” to my husband when he attempted to us the Gremlins journal for the grocery list). My daughter Quinn recognizes her namesake anywhere, but mommy has made it clear that this one is off-limits.

I highly recommend DeonteBox to anyone who has a nerd in the family. We are notoriously hard to buy for, so this box is the perfect gift. Smith searches far and wide for the gifts that you just won’t find on store shelves. The tailored service makes the box even more valuable because every item is something the subscriber will hold dear.

You can purchase a subscription or get a one-off box. Whatever you decide, I urge you to give this Black owned businessman your dollars this season. His concierge style of subscription boxes needs to catch on. If not anything else, DeonteBox can eliminate these mediocre boxes flooding the market and force them all to step their game up.

Get your box by emailing the company directly for info at, or visiting their Facebook page.

The post The DeonteBox is the Perfect Subscription Box for a Nerd appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

November 26, 2018

The DeonteBox is the Perfect Subscription Box for a Nerd

I have tried several nerd boxes on my search for the one that sends items I can love each month. Unfortunately, each new box subscription comes with about 5 items, of which only one or two are items I truly like. The rest I give away, toss on e-Bay, or just leave on the shelf because there’s not much else to do with it. I must say that the DeonteBox is not one of those boxes.

Full disclosure, the owner of DeonteBox, Wayne Smith Jr. let me try out the service for free. I got one box that he filled with items from my favorite fandoms, movies, shows, and connected to my favorite hobbies. He wanted me to see what the service could do for a fan. Boy, did he deliver!

I told him that I loved American Gods, DC Comics, Fraggle Rock, Dark Crystal, Gremlins, books, and writing. He also gathered a bit more information and set about locating items for my box. I expected maybe a cool item or two and the rest POP figures that would take up space on my shelf. What I got was the greatest fan box ever. If my current geek box wasn’t a prepaid gift, I’d cancel it today and replace it with Smith’s box.

The DeonteBox is white with gold lettering — a festive package that piques the interest right away. I opened it to find golden stuffing and items carefully wrapped in crepe paper. Each a present waiting to be opened. Here is some rough video of the unboxing where I find the best part of the box so far.

You can hear my excitement (and see my two-year-old grabbing for all that gold foil). Here is my haul:

  • A reprinted signed script from an episode of American Gods
  • A Gremlins themed journal
  • A Fraggle POP figure
  • A Harley Quinn and Joker figure set
  • A novelization of Dark Crystal

All of these items are favorites of mine forever. None of them have been given away (I actually gave a hostile “NOOO!” to my husband when he attempted to us the Gremlins journal for the grocery list). My daughter Quinn recognizes her namesake anywhere, but mommy has made it clear that this one is off-limits.

I highly recommend DeonteBox to anyone who has a nerd in the family. We are notoriously hard to buy for, so this box is the perfect gift. Smith searches far and wide for the gifts that you just won’t find on store shelves. The tailored service makes the box even more valuable because every item is something the subscriber will hold dear.

You can purchase a subscription or get a one-off box. Whatever you decide, I urge you to give this Black owned businessman your dollars this season. His concierge style of subscription boxes needs to catch on. If not anything else, DeonteBox can eliminate these mediocre boxes flooding the market and force them all to step their game up.

Get your box by emailing the company directly for info at, or visiting their Facebook page.

The post The DeonteBox is the Perfect Subscription Box for a Nerd appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

November 25, 2018

Things We Saw Today: Detective Pikachu and Blade Runner 2049 Get The Mash-Up Trailer Treatment

Ever wanted to hear Detective Pikachu voiced with gravelly seriousness by Harrison Ford? Now you can in this witty combination of Detective Pikachu and Blade Runner 2049, courtesy of YouTuber Adam Butcher. The mash-up trailer brings together the worlds of Pokémon and Blade Runner, which already bear striking thematic similarities. Butcher uses Pikachu to stand-in as Ford’s Deckard, while Tim Goodman (Justice Smith) is voiced by Ryan Gosling’s K.

Butcher’s trailer cleverly uses CGI to insert Pokémon into Blade Runner‘s moody dystopian future, with a neon Pokémart sign, and a Tyrell Replicants poster in Tim’s room. The trailer leans into the film noir references present in both movies. After all, the Pokémon and the replicants share surprisingly similar positions in their respective societies. Maybe their respective universes aren’t so different? There’s plenty of fun easter eggs to be found in the mash-up, making it a treat for followers of either fandom.

(via Nerdist, image: screencap)

  • Kingdom Hearts 3‘s release in China may be delayed, thanks to President Xi Jinping’s ban on Winnie the Pooh imagery. (via Polygon)
  • Marvel’s Kevin Feige pens a heartfelt farewell to comics icon Stan Lee. (via Entertainment Weekly)
  • Beloved character actor and magician Ricky Jay, best known for his roles in Deadwood and Boogie Nights, has passed away. (via /Film)
  • Venom has now outgrossed Wonder Woman at the box office, breaking through box office records like a turd in the wind. (via Collider)

Happy holiday Sunday, Mary Suevians!

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

November 25, 2018

Be Thankful for Family, Blessings — and Cheaper Gas Prices

Millions of drivers embarking on Thanksgiving travel this year will get an early holiday gift: lower gas prices very much like the same time last year.

North America’s largest motorist and leisure travel club reported Nov. 19 the national gas price average as $2.62. That amount is seven cents less than a week ago and the largest one-week decline in pump price this year.

“The nearly 49 million Americans hitting the road for Thanksgiving will find pump prices similar to last year,” Jeanette Casselano, AAA spokesperson says in a press release. “When it comes time to fill-up during the trip, motorists should keep in mind that gas stations along highly traveled routes may find prices more expensive than in town. Before setting out for the long Thanksgiving weekend, AAA recommends motorists download the free AAA Mobile app to find the lowest gas prices in their area.”

Plus, the AAA app can help motorists make travel arrangements, request AAA roadside assistance and help with other resources.

Here are some tips from AAA to help enhance your driving to get better gas mileage:

  • Accelerate gradually. Avoid jackrabbit starts.
  • Anticipate your stops. When approaching a red light, let your foot off the gas as early as possible.
  • Avoid long warm-ups in the morning. They’re unnecessary and waste fuel.
  • Maintain recommended tire pressure. Low pressure reduces fuel economy and can damage tires.
  • Keep the air filter clean. Clogged filters reduce fuel economy and increase exhaust emissions.
  • Drive the speed limit.

For those flying, the Transportation Security Administration is projecting than 25 million travelers will pass through security screening checkpoints nationally from Nov. 16–26.

Travel experts suggest Americans flying home to gobble some turkey consider these tips:


  • Select your travel times carefully.
  • Get some rest before heading to the airport.
  • Wash your hands, often.
  • Be prepared – pack snacks and water in case you’re delayed.
  • Travel light – If going home just for a weekend, no need to check your luggage. The best option might be packing what you need in a backpack that will fit under seats.
  • Charge your devices – Be sure your mobile devices are fully charged before you leave. Don’t let your phone power down on a plane or train. Make sure you take a portable charger for gadgets.

The post Be Thankful for Family, Blessings — and Cheaper Gas Prices appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 25, 2018

Justice League Dark #5 Review

Writer: James Tynion IV / Artist: Daniel Sampere / DC Comics

The Shadow Pact, Part 1

In a post-Metal DC Universe, we have gotten to spend a lot more time with Detective Chimp, and I continue to be here for it. Between Tynion’s somber, distant narration and Sampere’s haunting artwork, Justice League Dark #5 serves as a not-so-gentle reminder about how tragic Detective Chimp is. There is a lingering sense of self-deprecation, discussions of drinking problems, and the sad realities of losing a friend. The opening pages act as a bridge between the sacrifice Night Master made during Metal and Detective Chimp’s current predicament and strangely enough makes for an excellent jumping on point after the intense The Witching Hour crossover event.

Justice League Dark #5

The crew of the Justice League Dark is still reeling from the several concurrent apocalypses that is currently plaguing the universe. As various characters are planning their next moves, Detective Chimp is doing the very human action of ‘trying to cope as best he can when the world is literally falling apart.’ Wonder Woman, Zatanna, and Man-Bat have come to enlist Detective Chimp’s help in finding a way to Myrra to find a way to defeat the looming threat of the Otherkind, but he is reluctant to wield the Sword of Night although he doesn’t have too much say in the matter. Meanwhile, John Constantine and Swamp Thing are investigating the Tree of Wonder, and Tynion masterfully balances the multiple narratives. You can hear each character’s voice seep through the dialog and get raw emotion in each speech bubble. This is only bolstered by Sampere’s wonderfully enchanting artwork that continues Justice League Dark’s proud tradition of instilling a sense of awe with the unique depiction of magic.

Yet, the start of The Shadow Pact is less eldritch horror, and more personal demons. Whereas the last couple of issues have been exceeding high fantasy with world-ending spells at the ready, the journey into Myrra feels more subdued, although no less dark. This arc looks like it will be a chilling examination of Detective Chimp as the rest of the Justice League Dark continues to try and preserve the magic of the DC universe. Although Tynion and Sampere seem to be imparting magic every issue, I think everything will be fine.

8.7 “Broken Pacts” out of 10

Reading Justice League Dark? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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The post Justice League Dark #5 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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