
Perhaps against my better judgment, Imma be completely honest with y’all: I am not a DC Girl (TM). It was long ago – in a different place, a different time (it was like 2011) – but at this point, it’s been well over a decade since I’ve felt moved to pick up a DC comic (or tune into a show, if we’re keeping it REALLY honest). 

But lemme tell you about how much I love Black women. 

Our joy, our quips, our expressions and styles so distinct that they shape culture. The multidimensional magic of our hair and skin. The cadence in which we banter and tell our stories. I promise this is relevant. 

Enter DC Power 2024, the second special issue release from DC featuring heroes of color written and illustrated by USSSSS *wiggles eyebrows into oblivion*, and the chance to not only read an advance copy of The Spice of Life (featuring Thunder and Lightning), but also interview the writer, Cheryl Lynn Eaton. 

Fam, this comic is Black and funny as FUCK. Our stories told by us just hit different and I felt sisterhood all up and through these panels! 

Bonnets! Flat twists! “Put that back in the car, BROKEY!” It just. Hits. Different. I went in knowing nothing about these characters or they daddy (no problem following the story tho, it was very fun), and left with every desire to make them my next hyper-fixation – prepare to be sick of me. 

Tiffie Starchild: Hi Cheryl, thank you for taking the time to talk to me today! 

Cheryl Lynn Eaton: Oh, it’s not a problem at all – I’m very happy to do so!

Tiffie: This is actually my introduction to these characters-

The Spice of Life

Cheryl: Oh wow!

Tiffie: Yeah! I’ve heard of them, but I haven’t actually gotten a chance to experience them before; so I wanted to say thank you, first and foremost!

Cheryl: Oh, no problem! This was a dream of mine because I had loved Jen and Anissa from the Black Lightning tv show. I mean, I loved them before, but the show as just like “oh, oh no, I can’t say goodbye to these girls now!” You know, they need to continue on, so it was wonderful to be able to give them a little spotlight, you know, behind the scenes, with this anthology. 

Tiffie: Did you feel any pressure because you loved these characters from the show and now, you’re taking the helm of writing them? What was that experience like?

Cheryl: Oh, no pressure at all! Just elation to be able to do it.

Tiffie: Are there any specific challenges in writing comic books versus writing another style? 

Cheryl: I think that for this anthology, there’s a balance between having a voice that feels authentic while also incorporating common superhero tropes. I wanted them to come across as girls in the neighborhood – the girls I know, the girls you see at Thanksgiving, at Christmas, at a cookout – I wanted it to feel like that, very much so. I hope that came across in the work. 

Tiffie: I think that you absolutely killed that. 

Cheryl: Oh, good!

The Spice of Life

Tiffie: That was part of what made me feel so comfortable reading it. It was partially the illustration of Jennifer’s bonnet – I was like “oo, I’m safe here,” but then the line “put that back in the car, BROKEY!” That took me out! I was like, oh yeah yeah. This is very familiar language, they know what they’re doing, it’s not faked or forced so I really picked up on the authenticity. 

Cheryl: It wasn’t even a question! I put the bonnet in there, the braids – so you know it’s a big, huge bonnet, not the little one. The one you get from the beauty supply store-

Tiffie: With that big, wide elastic!

Cheryl: Yup!

Both: *laughs in sisterhood*

Tiffie: Why do you think it’s important for Black people to tell Black stories?

Cheryl: For the authenticity, one, and it bothers me a lot when we are defined by those that are not us. I think it’s important for everyone to tell every type of story. But, it’s very important to have – especially people from marginalized groups, especially Black people – to be able to tell our own stories so that we can define ourselves because it’s been so long that we’ve been demonized in the public eye. So when we have the power to tell our own stories, we have to grab it. It’s almost like you’re working against the grain because there’s been so much negativity, so when you have the opportunity to write a story – and just a true story to show us in our true light – you have to take it. You have to run for it. 

Tiffie: Oh, I feel like that’s a message. How do you want people to feel when they read The Spice of Life

Cheryl: I just want them to have a good laugh and feel familiar. I want it to feel familiar to people who read it. 

Tiffie: Are there any other DC characters that you would like the opportunity to write for? 

Cheryl: Yes! I don’t think she counts as DC. There’s Voodoo, who was a Wildstorm character. Who is basically like if you took Megan the Stallion and Cardi B and mixed them, you would get Voodoo. Former exotic dancer that discovers that she’s an alien superstar – Voodoo is top-tier. Since I was young, I wanted to write for Voodoo. Obviously Starfire. 

Tiffie: YESSS!

Cheryl: I feel like I’m coming across “every Black character” but Starfire’s.. orange. 

Tiffie: You know what? You’re not wrong!

The Spice of Life

Cheryl: So, you know, there is some variety in there. And also, Red Hood. Jason Todd, former Robin. Like I love to hate the character, even though he gets on my nerves. I would love to write him. I would love to put him through the gauntlet. 

Tiffie: Where can we find more of you and your amazing writing? 

Cheryl: Right now, I have a few things over at the distinguished competition at Marvel. There maaaybe – I don’t wanna get in trouble – there maaaybeee some DC-related things you’ll see in the future. And speaking of fantastic anthologies, there’s the anthology for the Milestone Initiative and that was a blast to do. It’s just the same type of telling stories about girls that you know and neighborhoods you know and old stomping grounds, like in Jersey and Newark. It’s just really nice to be able to do that. 

Tiffie: I’m with Black Nerd Problems, and I read The Spice of Life before I read the forward to the (DC Power 2024) anthology, and I love that it aligns so perfectly with my experience as a Black nerd and the experiences of a lot of the Black Nerd Problems audience. Is there anything else that you would like to communicate to them? 

Cheryl: Just to try it out! And if they are nerds in other venues – like an anime nerd or a hard sci-fi nerd – to try comics. It’s just a fantastic American art form that I think everyone should dip into – at least a little bit! 

And that’s it for me, fam! DC Powers 2024 #1 released January 20, and I can’t recommend it enough! See you next time! 

Want to get Black Nerd Problems updates sent directly to you? Sign up here! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram!

The post DC Power 2024 The Spice of Life: Cheryl Eaton Talks About Lightning & Thunder’s Slice of Hero Life appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

February 19, 2024

DC Power 2024 The Spice of Life: Cheryl Eaton Talks About Lightning & Thunder’s Slice of Hero Life

Perhaps against my better judgment, Imma be completely honest with y’all: I am not a DC Girl (TM). It was long ago – in a different place, a different time (it was like 2011) – but at this point, it’s been well over a decade since I’ve felt moved to pick up a DC comic (or tune into a show, if we’re keeping it REALLY honest). 

But lemme tell you about how much I love Black women. 

Our joy, our quips, our expressions and styles so distinct that they shape culture. The multidimensional magic of our hair and skin. The cadence in which we banter and tell our stories. I promise this is relevant. 

Enter DC Power 2024, the second special issue release from DC featuring heroes of color written and illustrated by USSSSS *wiggles eyebrows into oblivion*, and the chance to not only read an advance copy of The Spice of Life (featuring Thunder and Lightning), but also interview the writer, Cheryl Lynn Eaton. 

Fam, this comic is Black and funny as FUCK. Our stories told by us just hit different and I felt sisterhood all up and through these panels! 

Bonnets! Flat twists! “Put that back in the car, BROKEY!” It just. Hits. Different. I went in knowing nothing about these characters or they daddy (no problem following the story tho, it was very fun), and left with every desire to make them my next hyper-fixation – prepare to be sick of me. 

Tiffie Starchild: Hi Cheryl, thank you for taking the time to talk to me today! 

Cheryl Lynn Eaton: Oh, it’s not a problem at all – I’m very happy to do so!

Tiffie: This is actually my introduction to these characters-

The Spice of Life

Cheryl: Oh wow!

Tiffie: Yeah! I’ve heard of them, but I haven’t actually gotten a chance to experience them before; so I wanted to say thank you, first and foremost!

Cheryl: Oh, no problem! This was a dream of mine because I had loved Jen and Anissa from the Black Lightning tv show. I mean, I loved them before, but the show as just like “oh, oh no, I can’t say goodbye to these girls now!” You know, they need to continue on, so it was wonderful to be able to give them a little spotlight, you know, behind the scenes, with this anthology. 

Tiffie: Did you feel any pressure because you loved these characters from the show and now, you’re taking the helm of writing them? What was that experience like?

Cheryl: Oh, no pressure at all! Just elation to be able to do it.

Tiffie: Are there any specific challenges in writing comic books versus writing another style? 

Cheryl: I think that for this anthology, there’s a balance between having a voice that feels authentic while also incorporating common superhero tropes. I wanted them to come across as girls in the neighborhood – the girls I know, the girls you see at Thanksgiving, at Christmas, at a cookout – I wanted it to feel like that, very much so. I hope that came across in the work. 

Tiffie: I think that you absolutely killed that. 

Cheryl: Oh, good!

The Spice of Life

Tiffie: That was part of what made me feel so comfortable reading it. It was partially the illustration of Jennifer’s bonnet – I was like “oo, I’m safe here,” but then the line “put that back in the car, BROKEY!” That took me out! I was like, oh yeah yeah. This is very familiar language, they know what they’re doing, it’s not faked or forced so I really picked up on the authenticity. 

Cheryl: It wasn’t even a question! I put the bonnet in there, the braids – so you know it’s a big, huge bonnet, not the little one. The one you get from the beauty supply store-

Tiffie: With that big, wide elastic!

Cheryl: Yup!

Both: *laughs in sisterhood*

Tiffie: Why do you think it’s important for Black people to tell Black stories?

Cheryl: For the authenticity, one, and it bothers me a lot when we are defined by those that are not us. I think it’s important for everyone to tell every type of story. But, it’s very important to have – especially people from marginalized groups, especially Black people – to be able to tell our own stories so that we can define ourselves because it’s been so long that we’ve been demonized in the public eye. So when we have the power to tell our own stories, we have to grab it. It’s almost like you’re working against the grain because there’s been so much negativity, so when you have the opportunity to write a story – and just a true story to show us in our true light – you have to take it. You have to run for it. 

Tiffie: Oh, I feel like that’s a message. How do you want people to feel when they read The Spice of Life

Cheryl: I just want them to have a good laugh and feel familiar. I want it to feel familiar to people who read it. 

Tiffie: Are there any other DC characters that you would like the opportunity to write for? 

Cheryl: Yes! I don’t think she counts as DC. There’s Voodoo, who was a Wildstorm character. Who is basically like if you took Megan the Stallion and Cardi B and mixed them, you would get Voodoo. Former exotic dancer that discovers that she’s an alien superstar – Voodoo is top-tier. Since I was young, I wanted to write for Voodoo. Obviously Starfire. 

Tiffie: YESSS!

Cheryl: I feel like I’m coming across “every Black character” but Starfire’s.. orange. 

Tiffie: You know what? You’re not wrong!

The Spice of Life

Cheryl: So, you know, there is some variety in there. And also, Red Hood. Jason Todd, former Robin. Like I love to hate the character, even though he gets on my nerves. I would love to write him. I would love to put him through the gauntlet. 

Tiffie: Where can we find more of you and your amazing writing? 

Cheryl: Right now, I have a few things over at the distinguished competition at Marvel. There maaaybe – I don’t wanna get in trouble – there maaaybeee some DC-related things you’ll see in the future. And speaking of fantastic anthologies, there’s the anthology for the Milestone Initiative and that was a blast to do. It’s just the same type of telling stories about girls that you know and neighborhoods you know and old stomping grounds, like in Jersey and Newark. It’s just really nice to be able to do that. 

Tiffie: I’m with Black Nerd Problems, and I read The Spice of Life before I read the forward to the (DC Power 2024) anthology, and I love that it aligns so perfectly with my experience as a Black nerd and the experiences of a lot of the Black Nerd Problems audience. Is there anything else that you would like to communicate to them? 

Cheryl: Just to try it out! And if they are nerds in other venues – like an anime nerd or a hard sci-fi nerd – to try comics. It’s just a fantastic American art form that I think everyone should dip into – at least a little bit! 

And that’s it for me, fam! DC Powers 2024 #1 released January 20, and I can’t recommend it enough! See you next time! 

Want to get Black Nerd Problems updates sent directly to you? Sign up here! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram!

The post DC Power 2024 The Spice of Life: Cheryl Eaton Talks About Lightning & Thunder’s Slice of Hero Life appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

February 19, 2024

Some Disney Updates

Good afternoon, folks! Today I want to share some news that stuck out to me the most! So, let’s get started, shall we?! Disney has officially announced that Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will be opening up at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in the summer and then later at Disneyland this year, possibly in the Fall or the Winter. Disney has shared the first look at Princess Tiana audio-animatronic coming to Tiana’s Bayou Adventure ride. We are almost there! Walt Disney Imagineering shared the first look at the Princess Tiana audio-animatronic coming to the new Tiana’s Bayou Adventure ride slated to open Disneyland and Walt Disney World later this year. “The figure is the latest in a line of cutting-edge, all-electric figures debuting around the world at various Disney Parks. The quality and make of the ‘Tiana-matronic’ brings to mind The Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast at Tokyo Disneyland and the reimagined version of Frozen Ever After that recently opened at Hong Kong Disneyland,” according to WDW News Today. The Princess Tiana audio-animatronic will be joined by figures for Prince Naveen, Louis the alligator, Mama Odie, Eudora, Charlotte, Big Daddy, the King and Queen of Maldonia and Naveen’s younger brother Prince Ralphie in the new ride. The storyline for “Tiana’s Bayou Adventure” will pick up where the 2009 animated feature left off. “Walt Disney Imagineering is creating an original, next-chapter story for Tiana. Within the attraction queue, guests will discover that she continues to grow her business with Tiana’s Foods – an employee-owned cooperative,” the Disney Parks Blog announced last year. “Combining her talents with those of the local community, Tiana has transformed an aging salt mine and built a beloved brand.” The ride is replacing Splash Mountain at both U.S. parks. In recent years, Splash Mountain has drawn heat since it featured characters and music from the 1946 animated feature “Song of the South,” a movie criticized for its stereotypes of black men and its romanticized view of the post-Civil War South. Fans called for Disney to redo the theme of Splash Mountain in 2020 amid a racial reckoning across the U.S. Along with the new ride, Princess Tiana fans can dine at Tiana’s Palace, the restaurant the character fought to open throughout the animated feature, or shop at Eudora’s Chic Boutique at Disneyland. The ride will open during the summer at Walt Disney World as I mentioned and an opening date for Disneyland’s version of the ride hasn’t been announced, but again it is slated to open up later this year. I think that it will draw a lot of people to come to Disneyland and Disney World. I think both parks will be packed. The stores will be really busy, the attractions and rides will be busy and everything else will be busy. For instance, When the ride opens at Disneyland, it will be busy all day and if that is busy, so will be other rides near the new ride which it would be Haunted Mansion Holiday, Winnie the Pooh, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain, Indiana Jones, especially Rise of the Resistance, Space Mountain, Radiator Springs Racers and etc… That is a reality! If far, were you, on the da that the new ride opens, I would buy genie plus because it will be very busy day.

I think that Disney will make the ride perfect for guest to enjoy and they want to get more attention than other theme parks like Universal and Knott’s which I want people to have more attention to Disney and not to give up easily on them even though you don’t like what they are doing.

So, what are your thoughts about the news of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure?! I would love to hear your thoughts and comments down below!

Stay tuned for Disney updates.

The post Some Disney Updates appeared first on The Nerd Element.

February 18, 2024

7 Important X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Episodes to Watch Before X-MEN ’97

The trailer for X-Men ’97 was brief, but it gave us a glimpse of some important plot developments. Magneto inheriting the X-Mansion? A pregnant Jean Grey? Many of these things were actually set up in the original ’90s series. Here are some episodes of the classic X-Men: The Animated Series you may want to watch again before X-Men ’97 releases in March on Disney+.

Rogue, Jubilee, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and Charles Xavier in the X-Mansion on X-Men: The Animated Series.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2, “Night of the Sentinels”

Rouge fights a Sentinel robot in the first episode of X-Men: The Animated Series in 1992.

In the trailer for X-Men ’97, we see the unmistakable hand of a Sentinel robot. The giant mutant-hunting machines are the embodiment of humanity’s hatred of homo superior. In many ways, they are the X-Men’s biggest enemy. We were first introduced to these Sentinels in the two-part opening episode of X-Men: The Animated Series, “Night of the Sentinels,” way back in 1992. They are responsible for killing the shapeshifting X-Man named Morph (he gets better), who will be a key player in the new series. Besides, what’s a better place to start getting ready for X-Men ’97 than with X-Men: The Animated Series very first episodes?

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 1, Episode 3, “Enter Magneto”

Magneto tries to break Beast out of jail in the X-Men: The Animated Series epsiode "Enter Magneto."

The trailer for X-Men ’97 also shows Magneto inheriting the X-Mansion, and, presumably, the fortune of Charles Xavier via his last will and testament. It shows that Charles Xavier believed in the good within his former friend turned enemy. The backstory of their complicated relationship is explored in Magneto’s first appearance in X-Men: The Animated Series, “Enter Magneto.” Given Magneto has such a big role in the new show, there’s no better time than now to go back and see how the friendship between Xavier and Magneto fractured. This X-Men: The Animated Series episode will surely come into play in X-Men ’97.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 1, Episodes 11 & 12, “Days of Future Past”

Bishop travels back in time to meet Xavier's mutants in the X-Men: The Animated Series version of "Days of Future Past."

“Days of Future Past” is one of the most iconic X-Men stories of all time. It tells of a future where Sentinel robots have all but made the mutant race extinct. So, one of the future X-Men must go back in time to change history, preventing this apocalyptic future. The original ’80s comics had Kitty Pryde as the time-traveling X-Man, while the film adaptation used Wolverine. But in the two-part adaptation of the story for the cartoon, Lucas Bishop was the character to go back in time. Since Bishop is now a member of the “prime timeline” X-Men in X-Men ’97, the version of the story found in these episodes of The Animated Series may be one you wish to revisit.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 4, Episode 8, “Nightcrawler”

Nightcrawler in his first X-Men: The Animated Series appearance.

Although not seen in the trailer for X-Men ’97, Marvel Studios has confirmed that the teleporting mutant Nightcrawler will be a series regular. For the show, he’ll be voiced by Adrian Hough. Although a main member of the team since 1975 in the comics, X-Men: The Animated Series only used him twice. Still, the episode “Nightcrawler” was a great chapter in the series. It really summed up why the demonic-looking (yet devoutly religious) mutant is so amazing. This is one episode of X-Men: The Animated Series you might want to revisit to get to know Kurt Wagner better before his X-Men ’97 return.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 4, Episode 18, “Beyond Good and Evil Part 1”

The wedding of Scott Summer and Jean Grey from the X-Men: The Animated Series episode "Beyond Good and Evil," which also features Psylocke.

Jean Grey and Scott Summers are the premiere X-Men couple. Although they attempted to get married in season two, their actual nuptials actually took place at the end of season four. Why does this matter? Because in the X-Men ’97 trailer, we see a very pregnant Jean Grey. But what if that’s not Jean, and Scott married someone else? Toy releases tied to X-Men ’97 show that Madelyne Pryor, Jean’s clone and Scott’s first wife in the comics, will play a big part in the show. These toys also show Maddy with a baby. That baby grows up to be the cyborg warrior Cable in the comics. Our theory is that they replaced the real Jean shortly before their wedding in Beyond Good and Evil. Therefore, Scott actually married her clone Maddy. Considering that, it might be a great time to revisit this famous wedding episode of X-Men: The Animated Series.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 5, Episode 75, “Descent”

The X-Men: The Animated Series episode "Descent" shows how Nathanel Essex became Mister Sinister.

Marvel has already confirmed that Mister Sinister will be the main villain of X-Men ’97. The white and pasty-skinned mad scientist has a fixation with mutant bloodlines, and he experiments to create even more powerful mutants. But who is he really? In the final season, the episode “Descent” tells us the origin story of Nathaniel Essex, who used his gifts to give himself powers back in Victorian England. It also ties Sinister into the real-life legend of Jack the Ripper. Given his importance to the upcoming X-Men ’97 series, this episode of X-Men: The Animated Series feels like essential viewing.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series Season 2, Episodes 17 & 18, “The Mutant Agenda” and “Mutants’ Revenge”

Spider-Man welcomes the X-Men in the two part episode "The Mutant Menace" in 1995.

You might be confused about these episodes being included, as they are part of the ‘90s Spider-Man animated series, not X-Men. But in the X-Men ’97 trailer, we see a copy of the Daily Bugle, with the headline “Is Spider-Man a Mutant?” This lets us know that Spidey is part of the X-Men: The Animated Series world. But we knew this already because the versions of the X-Men from the ‘90s cartoon appeared in a two-part episode of Spider-Man. It is possible that we might see that version of Peter Parker appear in X-Men ’97. How cool would it be to see these Marvel ‘90s icons meet once again? The ‘90s Spider-Man series is also on Disney+. So it’s worth rewatching the X-Men’s two-episode appearance, as it might actually matter to upcoming events in X-Men ’97.

The post 7 Important X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Episodes to Watch Before X-MEN ’97 appeared first on Nerdist.

February 18, 2024

5 Best Makeup Powders To Bake With

5 Best Makeup Powders To Bake With Shutterstock / – Yuri A. By India Espy-Jones ·Updated February 16, 2024

Light makeup beats may have been your go-to throughout the warmer months. But now that the weather is cold enough to not melt your makeup off, full-coverage beauty looks are back in full swing– especially during the holiday season. But of course, you can’t forget that setting your makeup with a great powder is the secret to making your look last throughout the day and night.

If you’re looking to update yours, the popular Huda Beauty Easy Bake Loose Baking & Setting Powder should be at the top of your list. The fan-favorite loose powder is a key step to maintaining a melt-proof beat. If you like the luminous matte finish of Huda Beauty, but are still holding onto skin-first makeup trends, Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish: Sublime Perfection Setting Powder will deliver the sheer, skin-like coverage you’re looking for. 

For extra-oily skin, ONE/SIZE by Patrick Starrr Ultimate Blurring Setting Powder has 24-hour shine control. As for an mua-approved powder? Priscilla Ono loves the Fenty Beauty Invisimatte Instant Setting & Blotting Powder, which offers a two-in-one blot and set solution for every look. And if you can’t decide which one’s best for you, you can’t go wrong with the classic Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder, which will keep you picture-ready without the fuss.

Below, discover 5 fan-favorite makeup setting powders that will have your beat lasting all evening long.

01 01 Huda Beauty Easy Bake Loose Baking & Setting Powder Available at 38Shop Now 02 02 Fenty Beauty Invisimatte Instant Setting & Blotting Powder Available at 36Shop Now 03 03 Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish: Sublime Perfection Setting Powder Available at 42Shop Now 04 04 ONE/SIZE by Patrick Starrr Ultimate Blurring Setting Powder Available at 34Shop Now 05 05 Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder Available at 43Shop Now

The post 5 Best Makeup Powders To Bake With appeared first on Essence.

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