
India Eisley as Fauna Hodel in “I Am The Night” (Photo by Clay Enos)

*TNT provided the entire series for
review. This review contains mild spoilers for the overall story.

new limited series, I Am The Night,
oscillates between genuine noir thrills and potboiler excess, with touches of
the Gothic thrown in for good measure. It’s an intriguing premise, but unfortunately,
it doesn’t come together as a cohesive whole.

one of the titles on each episode states, the story is “Inspired by the life of
Fauna Hodel,” a careful turn of phrase. Rather than dramatize Fauna’s sordid
and sorrowful true story, writer/creator Sam Sheridan, working with producers
Patty Jenkins (who directs the first two episodes) and Chris Pine (who stars as
Jay Singletary, a disgraced reporter suffering PTSD from his time in the Korean
War), uses it as a springboard to explore a famous unsolved murder.

of family secrets, identity, racism, and police corruption hang in the
atmosphere, each worthy of its own exploration, yet each obliterated by the
story’s focus, not on Fauna’s identity crisis, but the possibility that her maternal
grandfather, George Hodel (played by a perfectly creepy Jefferson Mays), is the
Black Dahlia killer.

we first meet Fauna (a luminous India Eisley), she’s growing up impoverished in
Sparks, Nevada, a mixed-race teenager whose alcoholic mother, Jimmie Lee
(Golden Brooks) is struggling to raise her. Jimmie Lee also struggles with
everything she gave up, including a promising singing career, to raise Fauna,
who is not her own child. Fauna’s discovery that she is adopted sends her on an
odyssey to Los Angeles to meet her grandfather and find her biological mother.
It’s there that she uncovers more family secrets, one of which could possibly
get her killed.

Pine’s Singletary, an invented character helping propel the narrative outside
Fauna’s search, is hell-bent on proving Hodel murdered Elizabeth Short (the
infamous “Black Dahlia”) and possibly other women in gruesome fashion. Having
been humiliated years earlier while covering Hodel’s trial for abuse of his
daughter, Tamar (Jamie Anne Allman), Singletary is reduced to photographing
starlets in compromising positions and writing other sleazy stories.
Eventually, while covering a murder in which another woman was cut into pieces,
he latches on to the theory that Hodel is the Black Dahlia murderer, which
eventually sets him on a path that intersects with Fauna’s.

Chris Pine as Jay Singletary in TNT’s “I Am The Night” (Photo by Clay Enos)

of this would make for a corking thriller if it meshed together, but it does
not. The first two episodes set a mannered, formal noir tone, a bit distancing
but also well-done. By the third episode, though, the series becomes
increasingly pulpy, veering into Gothic territory in later eps and culminating
in a reach for profundity that ultimately rings hollow.

not for lack of talent behind the camera, as each director (Jenkins, Victoria
Mahoney, and Carl Franklin each directed two) bring a steady hand to the
material. Sheridan wrote five of the six episodes as well. It seems, though
that each director’s approach was very different, resulting in a tone that is
not consistent.

actors are all uniformly good, from Eisley’s determined and pre-possessed
Fauna, to Pine’s violence-prone Singletary. Connie Nielsen also turns in a
wicked performance as Corinna, one of Hodel’s ex-wives and a canny artist in
her own right.

though, I was bothered by what I saw as unnecessary inventions and diversions
in bringing Fauna’s story to life. Growing up thinking you are a poor,
mixed-race child and finding out your birth family is rich is no picnic, but
everything else she learns about the Hodels (which I won’t reveal because it’s
better to see it in the show, though you can find online if you like) is
fascinating enough that focusing even part of the story on a person who didn’t
exist seems a waste (again, not Pine’s fault—he’s great in the role). Also, while
I can see the parallels they’re trying to draw between Pine’s war-inflicted
psychic wounds leading to violence and Hodel’s own childhood traumas and
penchant for murder, they never worked for me. Fauna herself was involved in
the production, though, so it’s fair to assume she was okay with the liberties

I enjoyed I Am The Night for what it
was, I can’t help thinking there’s a missed opportunity to delve more deeply
into what all those secrets can do to a person, especially given the parallels
in our current climate and especially when it comes to racial identity.  By overstuffing the plot, the creators wind up
with a lot of filling, but no real sustenance.

I Am
The Night
premieres January
28, 2019 on TNT.

The post TNT’s I Am The Night Mistakes Atmosphere for Substance appeared first on The Nerd Element.

January 27, 2019

TNT’s I Am The Night Mistakes Atmosphere for Substance

India Eisley as Fauna Hodel in “I Am The Night” (Photo by Clay Enos)

*TNT provided the entire series for review. This review contains mild spoilers for the overall story.

TNT’s new limited series, I Am The Night, oscillates between genuine noir thrills and potboiler excess, with touches of the Gothic thrown in for good measure. It’s an intriguing premise, but unfortunately, it doesn’t come together as a cohesive whole.

As one of the titles on each episode states, the story is “Inspired by the life of Fauna Hodel,” a careful turn of phrase. Rather than dramatize Fauna’s sordid and sorrowful true story, writer/creator Sam Sheridan, working with producers Patty Jenkins (who directs the first two episodes) and Chris Pine (who stars as Jay Singletary, a disgraced reporter suffering PTSD from his time in the Korean War), uses it as a springboard to explore a famous unsolved murder.

Themes of family secrets, identity, racism, and police corruption hang in the atmosphere, each worthy of its own exploration, yet each obliterated by the story’s focus, not on Fauna’s identity crisis, but the possibility that her maternal grandfather, George Hodel (played by a perfectly creepy Jefferson Mays), is the Black Dahlia killer.

When we first meet Fauna (a luminous India Eisley), she’s growing up impoverished in Sparks, Nevada, a mixed-race teenager whose alcoholic mother, Jimmie Lee (Golden Brooks) is struggling to raise her. Jimmie Lee also struggles with everything she gave up, including a promising singing career, to raise Fauna, who is not her own child. Fauna’s discovery that she is adopted sends her on an odyssey to Los Angeles to meet her grandfather and find her biological mother. It’s there that she uncovers more family secrets, one of which could possibly get her killed.

Meanwhile, Pine’s Singletary, an invented character helping propel the narrative outside Fauna’s search, is hell-bent on proving Hodel murdered Elizabeth Short (the infamous “Black Dahlia”) and possibly other women in gruesome fashion. Having been humiliated years earlier while covering Hodel’s trial for abuse of his daughter, Tamar (Jamie Anne Allman), Singletary is reduced to photographing starlets in compromising positions and writing other sleazy stories. Eventually, while covering a murder in which another woman was cut into pieces, he latches on to the theory that Hodel is the Black Dahlia murderer, which eventually sets him on a path that intersects with Fauna’s.

Chris Pine as Jay Singletary in TNT’s “I Am The Night” (Photo by Clay Enos)

All of this would make for a corking thriller if it meshed together, but it does not. The first two episodes set a mannered, formal noir tone, a bit distancing but also well-done. By the third episode, though, the series becomes increasingly pulpy, veering into Gothic territory in later eps and culminating in a reach for profundity that ultimately rings hollow.

It’s not for lack of talent behind the camera, as each director (Jenkins, Victoria Mahoney, and Carl Franklin each directed two) bring a steady hand to the material. Sheridan wrote five of the six episodes as well. It seems, though that each director’s approach was very different, resulting in a tone that is not consistent.

The actors are all uniformly good, from Eisley’s determined and pre-possessed Fauna, to Pine’s violence-prone Singletary. Connie Nielsen also turns in a wicked performance as Corinna, one of Hodel’s ex-wives and a canny artist in her own right.

Mostly, though, I was bothered by what I saw as unnecessary inventions and diversions in bringing Fauna’s story to life. Growing up thinking you are a poor, mixed-race child and finding out your birth family is rich is no picnic, but everything else she learns about the Hodels (which I won’t reveal because it’s better to see it in the show, though you can find online if you like) is fascinating enough that focusing even part of the story on a person who didn’t exist seems a waste (again, not Pine’s fault—he’s great in the role). Also, while I can see the parallels they’re trying to draw between Pine’s war-inflicted psychic wounds leading to violence and Hodel’s own childhood traumas and penchant for murder, they never worked for me. Fauna herself was involved in the production, though, so it’s fair to assume she was okay with the liberties taken.

While I enjoyed I Am The Night for what it was, I can’t help thinking there’s a missed opportunity to delve more deeply into what all those secrets can do to a person, especially given the parallels in our current climate and especially when it comes to racial identity.  By overstuffing the plot, the creators wind up with a lot of filling, but no real sustenance.

I Am The Night premieres January 28, 2019 on TNT.

The post TNT’s I Am The Night Mistakes Atmosphere for Substance appeared first on The Nerd Element.

January 27, 2019


In 1990, Star Trek: The Next Generation broke from its pattern of non-serialized stories with a four-episode arc centering on the Enterprise’s Klingon security officer Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn). The saga followed Worf’s effort to clear his family name of misplaced dishonor, kicking off with season three’s “Sins of the Father,” and continuing on into season four’s “Reunion” and two-part finale “Redemption.” Looking back at the arc, many of its themes and specific beats now seem weirdly prescient of another popular genre show that would come decades later: Game of Thrones.

George R.R. Martin famously grew up a Trek fan, and even applied to be a staff writer for The Next Generation when it began in 1987, but was ultimately rejected for the job. On top of that, the first A Song of Ice and Fire novel came out just five years after TNG first broadcast this storyline. Granted, this doesn’t prove that his stories were directly influenced by this notable Worf arc—real life history is more of Martin’s muse, by all accounts—but there are a few interesting similarities we think are worth looking at.

Noble Houses at War

If one were to explain Game of Thrones in a nutshell, one would probably say: It’s about rival noble houses vying to take over a fictional Empire. The Klingon civil war arc of Star Trek: The Next Generation is very much that as well, with the honorable House of Mogh, home to Worf and his brother Kurn, seeking to block the dishonorable and power-hungry House of Duras from ruling the Empire. Like the Lannisters in George R.R. Martin’s world, the Duras are well-known to be scheming and conniving, and willing to lie and murder to achieve their end goal of sitting on the throne, with the House of Mogh very similar to the eternally honor-bound House Stark.

Worf = Tyrion Lannister?

In the episode “Sins of the Father,” which kicks off this storyline, Worf is informed by his long lost brother Kurn (Tony Todd), that their long dead father Mogh has been accused of betraying his people to the Romulans decades prior, when they destroyed the Klingon outpost where his family was living (a young Worf was the only known survivor). As Klingon tradition decrees that a child bears the dishonor of their parents, Worf goes home to the Klingon homeworld to clear his family name.

He discovers that a rival house, the House of Duras, was actually behind the betrayal, and has conspired to cover it up and let Worf and his family take the fall. Worf is then forced to essentially stand trial, with Picard at his side; it is ultimately revealed that the Klingon High Chancellor knew that Worf’s father was innocent, and allowed the phony “trial” to proceed anyway, as a way of preserving their fragile empire.

All of this reminds us of when Tyrion Lannister was accused of killing King Joffrey in season four of Game of Thrones, and was tried and convicted for it by his father Tywin, who knew full well he didn’t do it, but allowed the sham to continue in order to preserve their family’s power. Maybe Tyrion isn’t a secret Targaryen as some theories suggest, but a secret Klingon?

Scheming Mother Figures

After Duras himself is killed by Worf in the episode “Reunion,” his two sisters, Lursa and B’Etor, scheme to seize the High Council of the Empire for themselves. Although women are not allowed to serve in the Klingon High Council in the time of The Next Generation (something that was not always so, as Star Trek VI showed us), the Duras sisters discover that their deceased brother had a son, a young petulant boy named Toral, who was born illegitimately, and with a dubious claim to power.

Their hope is to place Toral on the throne, so he can be their puppet dictator, and they can rule vicariously through him. This sounds almost exactly like Cersei and her son Joffrey, an illegitimate ruler, who is merely a puppet for her and his grandfather Tywin. Granted, Duras’ son is more of an arrogant twerp, whereas Joffrey was truly malevolent, but the similarities are definitely there.

Blood Enemies Forever (or Until It’s Convenient)

In Star Trek lore, the Klingons and the Romulans were once allies, to the point where they once traded ship designs in the original series. But something went sour between the two powers, leading them to becoming blood enemies for 75 years. During The Next Generation’s Klingon-centric storyline, we find out that the Romulans have been secretly supporting the Duras family in their bid to lead the High Council, despite their hatred of one another. This isn’t too different from how the Boltons and the Freys stabbed the Starks in the back and allied themselves with Lannisters, whom they have no love for, just for politically expedient reasons.

Of course, both series drew upon real Medieval history when crafting these storylines, so maybe nothing inspires great fiction more than simply cracking open a history book.

Images: CBS / HBO

January 26, 2019

Coexist Gaming Provides a Space For Gamers That Feels Like a House Party in Wakanda

Players, grab your joysticks. Ladies, rub ya pixels .“- Zach Lost

Coexist Gaming

I’ve been wanting to get back into video games for a while. I’m still gang initiated when it comes to comics but inner gamer *hangs controller in shame* out here feelin’ like he coulda been a contender, man. So when my friend Glynn who is very much gamer life over everything invited myself and our other friend, Sergio, to a video game party. The event was hosted by Coexist Gaming. I’m like, sure. Why not? Never been to a video game party before. I’m thinking there’ll probably be a room (singular) with a tv (also singular) that everyone’s glued too. A small gathering of sorts… ya boy was wrong.

First off, I get to the location with Sergio and we’re wondering if we’re in the right place. A random dude knew exactly what we’re looking for said. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. You’re in the right place.” That sign number one that this gaming party was going to be flames. Got me feelin’ like I’m dealing with a secret society? Okay, I’m intrigued now. We step into the venue and they had the whole room draped with the Wakanda Ancestral plane lighting.

I didn’t know it could get this real, man. Yall know that Yasin Bey (Mos Def if yo nasty) line: “In the parties where it be so packed and that atmosphere be so Black”? I literally felt that as I looked around the room. On everything I button mash, it legit felt like we were in the opening scene of Belly walking into that space.

Coexist Gaming

“It’s way too fun in here, I wanna speak to the manager!”

Wait, time out. I need to know how this all come to be Who are the hosts hosting this genius? That would be Danny and Jaye, the founders of Coexist Gaming. As you can tell they are gamers (hence why we are here) but they are also creatives that wanted to provide a space for gamers. Together they have accumulated over 5,000 games. Pause the story right there. Over 5,000 games? You know when people say “Do it for the culture”? They talking about that right there.

Coexist Gaming

Jaye and Danny assembled video games like it was a call for the Avengers purely for the people’s playing pleasure? Heroes. The event they were throwing on this night wasn’t their second, or fourth. This was their sixth event being thrown to get people out to play games. Mind you it was straight up raining too. This wasn’t romantic Notebook type rain either, it was coming down hard rain. Perfect storm rain and they still had 175+ people show up to show out. Jaye was holding down the bar like Tom Crusie in Cocktail and Danny was going around to each console station putting new games in, getting batter packs for controllers. This was some real tag team pit stop performance these two were doing to make the night run smoothly. There was even food there!

At two points in the night, Glynn just appeared next to me (she’s a ninja) with like mad different dishes. Fish tacos, chicken, I’m pretty sure somebody was eaten a lobster bisque in the corner. I was even able to buy Brooklyn grown honey from the guys of Life Gardening Tools. I’m looking around like, if Wakanda had a plane for pixels and bits, it’d be here.

“My room got rooms”

Coexist Gaming
Alright, now back to Coexist Gaming’s event ambiance and lighting being immaculate. What really took me back was how much they had. They had rooms dedicated to different gaming consoles. We entered the PS4 room first. NBA2k just sitting there waiting to be played. The whole room bathed in blue lighting. I’m talking that Moonlight lighting. Next door I hear that Nintendo Fight Club music. I take a look and the Nintendo Switch is set up with the whole room in orange lighting. Looking like Jules and Verne left the briefcase in Pulp Fiction open for all to see.

At the other end of the hall from the entrance, that Nintendo 64 station was waiting with GoldenEye in the chamber? I thought it was a wrap right then and there. WRONG. So wrong. There were two arcade station. One in the hall and the other in the green room. You already know what console was the hub for the green room. Yeah. It was Xbox everything. They had that first generation X-Box plus the next generation X-box at in the same room going on at the same damn time. Plus an arcade station my guy. I’m not even an X-Box guy but I found myself spending the most amount of time in this room. I was not expecting this much space or variety for gaming. Keep mind they had consoles on tap that I didn’t even get to mention yet. From SNES to Sega Genesis to things above my gamer paygrade man.

Talk yo shit then

Coexist Gaming

A big highlight of the night for me was not only seeing mad gamers of color getting to enjoy themselves in a safe environment but that shit talkin’ was so immaculate man. Ooooo, how I missed it, man. I looked behind me and see Glynn playing Street Fighter Alpha on an arcade station against someone. Sergio and I took it back to Soul Calibur II on X-Box. We were cordial till them guard impacts started coming into effect. That’s when it got serious. You could hear everyone enjoying themselves and getting hype. I was watching one gamer get real hype when the guy next to me was talking about how he respects seeing how into a game others can get cause he’s the same way. My mood changed when I heard him say, “Like WWF No Mercy? That’s my game. I’ma god in that game. No one is seeing me.” I wasn’t even part of the conversation, but I looked that man in the windows of his souls and said, “I’m willing to test god in No Mercy.”

Lemme explain my actions right quick. Everybody has that one game. That one game no matter how new or old, that you are good at. That you will speak your piece on anywhere and any place. WWF No Mercy on Nintendo 64 is that game for me. My man looked me dead to right in the face and said it one mo time, “I’m god in that game, man” to which I responded, I’m an atheist when it comes to No Mercy.” We were then informed that they didn’t have that game and we both died inside then proceeded to talk wrestling the rest of the time. That’s how you bond, yo. I forgot how gaming brings people together.

Coexist Games

Let me emphasis all people coming together in case we got any “Black girls don’t nerd/game” naysayers. Look at that picture above fam. They exist friend (and always have). Gylnn was in there killing along with others. Sniped me out with no mercy whatsoever. I don’t even fuck with Halo like that. I got told how to shoot and thrown to the wolves. Coexist Gaming has done something truly remarkable to create a space such as this for gamers and to continually keep it going as well.

It’s not necessarily the easiest times for creatives nor is it easy to hold spaces when they’re slowly and gradually being taken cause (much like global warming) gentrification is real af. To see two creatives being able to provide a space for gamers and be a testament to their namesake (coexisting together) to be and present a welcoming community is something special. It’s hard to even find the words to serve it proper justice. Contrary to popular belief, activism comes in many different shapes, forms, and ways. Coexist Gaming does it in a way that’s very much needed and appreciated.

Coexist Gaming

See more Coexist Gaming here, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

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The post Coexist Gaming Provides a Space For Gamers That Feels Like a House Party in Wakanda appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

January 26, 2019

Meet Donna McLeod; First Jamaican-Born to Serve in Georgia Legislature

On January 14, 2019, the new Georgia General Assembly was sworn in and history was made. On the floor standing there in a beautiful soft blue suit with her right hand raised was Donna McLeod, the first Jamaican-born person to serve in the Georgia legislature. McLeod became a US citizen in 2012, but her desire to effect change in government came well before that.

Inspired by then-Senator Barack Obama’s run in 2008, McLeod began her political activism by volunteering for Obama’s campaign. A staunch proponent of government for the people by the people, McLeod set out to educate others on local, county, state and federal government processes. McLeod was a grassroot organizer and worked hard to register new voters.

A Jamaican ‘Girl Guide’

Growing up in Jamaica McLeod was a “Girl Guide” (equivalent to a Girl Scout). She was also an accomplished track runner and the fastest girl in her school. Interestingly enough, she was on the high school break-dancing team as well.

McLeod’s no-nonsense approach is something not commonly seen in the Georgia Assembly. She is looking to make Georgia government the people’s government. McLeod saw a need and she jumped in to fill it. Others need to step up as McLeod puts it “The United States of America relies on the people for its success, so in order to have a more perfect union we must all participate.”

When asked what drew her to the Democratic Party, McLeod talked about the issues the party stood for; education, healthcare, civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights. All of these issues resonate with her core values.  McLeod’s enthusiasm for education and literacy speaks at the heart of those values and motivations. She also co-founded a nonprofit organization that teaches civics responsibility, civic engagement, and life coaching skills.

Emergence into Politics

McLeod’s journey into political office was not an easy one. Her first campaign for the Georgia State House of Representatives of District 105 was lost by 222 votes. The republican stronghold in Gwinnett County at the time had gerrymandered the district in an effort to keep it in Republican control. However, McLeod’s second run for the District 105 seat found her victorious with a 4000-vote margin. In spite of Republicans best efforts, demographic and social change is something they are not able to overcome. As a result, Gwinnett County will likely continue to trend blue in the future.

McLeod received her committee appointments; with a degree in chemical engineering, it was fitting for her to be placed on the Science and Technology Committee as well as Human Relations and Aging. Her other committee assignments included Interstate Cooperation and Code Revision. We are excited to see McLeod make her mark on Georgia politics.

The Battle for Blue in Georgia

It will be an uphill battle for McLeod in a House that is still Republican-led. As a potential battleground state, all eyes are on Georgia. The battle has begun to turn Georgia blue; yet, it is worth noting that fellow Democrats in Florida have yet to accomplish this after almost 20 years of effort. Gwinnett County is the site of the next battle. With victories such as McLeod’s emboldening the Gwinnett Democratic Party to put forth a more concerted effort for offices, ranging from municipal elections all the way up to the Governor. The Democrats are taking this opportunity to make their voices heard in all levels of Georgia politics.

Looking ahead, McLeod expects to use her time in the state legislature to learn the ins and outs of drafting legislation and creating a more open and transparent government for the people of Georgia. She has said in years ahead she may consider running for statewide office or even for Congress. McLeod is one of the best examples of the American Dream and her story is a testimonial to women everywhere to stand up for what you believe in and do something!

Black Enterprise Contributors Network 

The post Meet Donna McLeod; First Jamaican-Born to Serve in Georgia Legislature appeared first on Black Enterprise.

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