
Although Thanos, Loki, and Ultron are among the Avengers’ greatest enemies in the films so far, arguably their greatest adversary in the books in the time-traveling despot known as Kang. Since the character made his debut in the pages of Fantastic Four in the early ’60s, he’s up until now been off limits for the MCU due to the rights belonging to 20th Century Fox. But that is no longer an issue, and Kang can finally appear to make life very difficult for the Avengers…whoever that team line-up may be in the future.

Who is Kang?

Born in the 30th Century, Kang’s true name is Nathaniel Richards, and he believes himself to be a descendant of the Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards. It’s also been suggested that he is a descendant of Tony Stark, or possibly Dr. Doom. Regardless of his bloodline, Richards is obsessed with the past, and in particular the “heroic age” of heroes like the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Having already conquered the future, he seeks dominion over the past, and inserts himself in various points in history. Throughout his time in the comics, the character goes by many names, including Rama-Tut, The Scarlet Centurion, and Immortus. But as an enemy of the Avengers, he’s primarily known as Kang the Conqueror.

What Are Kang’s Ultimate Goals?

Kang is the primary antagonist in many of the Avengers’ greatest comic book stories, including “The Celestial Madonna Saga,” 2001’s “The Kang Dynasty,” Avengers Forever, and the recent “Kang War One.” And those are just the tip of the iceberg. The obsessed Kang is convinced that as long as one timeline exists in a state of chaos, reality can’t be at peace. So he seeks to conquer every timeline and bring them under his iron hand as a way of creating “order.” It’s ultimately a defeatist way of thinking, because there are endless timelines. But then that’s why Kang goes pretty much stark raving mad.

Why Would Kang Enter the MCU Now?

Although the Avengers seem victorious at the finale of Endgame with Thanos defeated and those snapped away having returned, perhaps not all is as it seems. By mucking with the past in their “time heist,” the Avengers create at least one alternate timeline. Even after Cap puts away the Infinity Stones right where he found them, one loose end remains: there is now a timeline in which Loki gets away with the Tesseract in 2012. And nothing good can come from that.

What if Loki does indeed hand over the Space Stone to Thanos in 2012, accelerating his plans for the snap? That means there is a version of Earth that was ultimately conquered. Maybe one where Thanos hands over Earth to Loki in exchange for the Tesseract, as he promised. For whatever good they did for their reality, the Avengers may have totally screwed up another. And where there’s a timeline in chaos, there’s Kang seeking to control it.

How Endgame Sets Up Kang

If “The Man Who Would Be Kang” grows up in this ugly reality—or any reality created by the Avengers’ time shenanigans—there could be blame to go around for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Imagine if Kang finds out that all this chaos was thanks to the Avengers from the future messing with the past to save their own world. He might grow up very resentful of anyone who calls themselves an Avenger.

Kang might seek to undo their damage to the timeline, simply by taking control of every known timeline himself. The possibilities are literally endless, as we are essentially talking about the multiverse here. Even more fun to think about is who could play Kang in a potential movie. If he is a descendant of Stark, for example, maybe we see Robert Downey Jr. return in a villainous role? How crazy a reveal would that be? Regardless of who he is under the mask, or which actor plays him, we think it’s only a matter of time before Kang shows up. Pun fully intended.

Images: Marvel Comics

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April 30, 2019

Could Kang Be the MCU’s Next Villain?

Although Thanos, Loki, and Ultron are among the Avengers’ greatest enemies in the films so far, arguably their greatest adversary in the books in the time-traveling despot known as Kang. Since the character made his debut in the pages of Fantastic Four in the early ’60s, he’s up until now been off limits for the MCU due to the rights belonging to 20th Century Fox. But that is no longer an issue, and Kang can finally appear to make life very difficult for the Avengers…whoever that team line-up may be in the future.

Who is Kang?

Born in the 30th Century, Kang’s true name is Nathaniel Richards, and he believes himself to be a descendant of the Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards. It’s also been suggested that he is a descendant of Tony Stark, or possibly Dr. Doom. Regardless of his bloodline, Richards is obsessed with the past, and in particular the “heroic age” of heroes like the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Having already conquered the future, he seeks dominion over the past, and inserts himself in various points in history. Throughout his time in the comics, the character goes by many names, including Rama-Tut, The Scarlet Centurion, and Immortus. But as an enemy of the Avengers, he’s primarily known as Kang the Conqueror.

What Are Kang’s Ultimate Goals?

Kang is the primary antagonist in many of the Avengers’ greatest comic book stories, including “The Celestial Madonna Saga,” 2001’s “The Kang Dynasty,” Avengers Forever, and the recent “Kang War One.” And those are just the tip of the iceberg. The obsessed Kang is convinced that as long as one timeline exists in a state of chaos, reality can’t be at peace. So he seeks to conquer every timeline and bring them under his iron hand as a way of creating “order.” It’s ultimately a defeatist way of thinking, because there are endless timelines. But then that’s why Kang goes pretty much stark raving mad.

Why Would Kang Enter the MCU Now?

Although the Avengers seem victorious at the finale of Endgame with Thanos defeated and those snapped away having returned, perhaps not all is as it seems. By mucking with the past in their “time heist,” the Avengers create at least one alternate timeline. Even after Cap puts away the Infinity Stones right where he found them, one loose end remains: there is now a timeline in which Loki gets away with the Tesseract in 2012. And nothing good can come from that.

What if Loki does indeed hand over the Space Stone to Thanos in 2012, accelerating his plans for the snap? That means there is a version of Earth that was ultimately conquered. Maybe one where Thanos hands over Earth to Loki in exchange for the Tesseract, as he promised. For whatever good they did for their reality, the Avengers may have totally screwed up another. And where there’s a timeline in chaos, there’s Kang seeking to control it.

How Endgame Sets Up Kang

If “The Man Who Would Be Kang” grows up in this ugly reality—or any reality created by the Avengers’ time shenanigans—there could be blame to go around for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Imagine if Kang finds out that all this chaos was thanks to the Avengers from the future messing with the past to save their own world. He might grow up very resentful of anyone who calls themselves an Avenger.

Kang might seek to undo their damage to the timeline, simply by taking control of every known timeline himself. The possibilities are literally endless, as we are essentially talking about the multiverse here. Even more fun to think about is who could play Kang in a potential movie. If he is a descendant of Stark, for example, maybe we see Robert Downey Jr. return in a villainous role? How crazy a reveal would that be? Regardless of who he is under the mask, or which actor plays him, we think it’s only a matter of time before Kang shows up. Pun fully intended.

Images: Marvel Comics

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April 30, 2019

The Stars of ‘The Sun is Also a Star’ Answer Your Questions, Plus, a Chance to Attend the LA Premiere

The Sun is Also a Star is set to release next month! So, we got to know the stars from the romantic teen drama, Yara Shahidi and Charles Melton as they answer some questions fans have for them. From their guilty pleasures to their love for their parents, Shahidi and Melton reveal it all just for The […]

April 30, 2019

DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE’s Michael Northrop on Getting to the Heart of Superheroes (EXCLUSIVE)

DC’s first Zoom and Ink titles have arrived and they’re here to shake up readers’ expectations of comic books and superheroes! The young reader and young adult lines reimagine classic DC characters for a new generation. In the lead up to Free Comic Book Day on May 4 we sat down with writer Michael Northrop to chat about his book with artist Gustavo Duarte and colorist Marcelo Majalo, Dear Justice League. The original graphic novel is loosely based on Northrop’s own experience as a journalist for Sports Illustrated Kids and focuses on DC heroes answering queries from young fans. Take a look at our trailer reveal for Dear Justice League, and exclusive pages below.

How did you come up with the idea for Dear Justice League?

At Sports Illustrated, I’d interview athletes and I’d ask them, you know, sort of the standard sports questions, and they would give sort of the standard sports answers. But sometimes we’d have questions from kids, and it was just really amazing to see how the athletes would respond. They would sort of give me as a reporter just…the standard kind of cliche answers. But as soon as they heard it was a question coming from a kid, their guard would come down. And they answered really earnestly in a way that was almost sort of shocking. It was awesome to see that sort of armor come down. And, you know, of course, who has stronger armor than a superhero?

As a lifelong comics fan, what was it like to get to tackle some of the most iconic DC characters?

It was honestly a little bit of a head trip initially. The first section I wrote was due to Superman. And there’s this moment where it’s like, wait a second, I’m writing dialogue for Superman. It just seems astounding. But on the other hand, it’s something that we’ve all sort of been preparing for our whole life. I mean, I’ve known Superman, since I was a little and have been learning about Superman. So, in a sense, it was really daunting to think, you know, I’m writing Superman, but in a sense, it was also really natural. It’s like, I’ve known him almost longer than anyone else, except for my immediate family. So, when you try and think, “What would he think and do?” You feel like you know these characters—Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman—so well already.


What was your experience of working with Gustavo to create the visual world of the story?

I honestly think Gustavo is a genius. It’s interesting, because Gustavo grew up in Brazil, and I grew up in northwestern Connecticut, but we have such a similar conception of these heroes. And a lot of that is due to Super Friends. We both grew up watching Super Friends, so it’s so funny how similarly we see these characters and the personalities. He’s a great artist, and he’s great with action and all these things, but I feel like the thing he does absolutely best is expressions. And so that was something where—I wrote this script basically in four parts—so by the final installment, I was incorporating a lot more expressions.

A Dear Justice League sampler is being released as part of Free Comic Book Day, that must be super cool for you as a comic book fan?

It is! And I do feel like these books [DC Zoom] is sort of going back to that earlier era of comic books were they were really, primarily, first and foremost for kids. This is very much a kids’ title. I think that adults would enjoy the humor too, but it’s written for kids. And I think it’s awesome that DC, on Free Comic Book Day, is giving away a kids’ title, an all-ages title, and it feels awesome to be a part of it because it also feels like this great opportunity to say that young readers are a priority.

Dear Justice League is out in shops on August 6, but you can get a sampler for free from your local comic shop this Saturday, May 4th on Free Comic Book Day!

Images: DC Comics

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April 29, 2019

War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1 Review

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg / Artist: Pere Pérez /Marvel

“No one is coming. Asgard has fallen.”

No one is safe from a publisher-wide event, not even the X-editorial office. Despite being midway through the”Age of X-Man” splinter universe, the “War of the Realms” storyline (spearheaded by the long-game plotting by Jason Aaron in the pages of Thor) finally makes its way to Uncanny X-Men. Excessive tie-ins assemble!

For the collectors and habitual Uncanny X-Men readers, this will be a bit confusing and (definitely annoying). The previously released issues of Uncanny X-Men were numbered 15 & 16, with Legacy numbering at 634 & 635. In order to make these “War of the Realm” tie-ins feel relevant and possibly marketable, they also carry the Legacy numbering so that they can be catalogued alongside the Uncanny reboot. The real confusion begins when you realize this initial “War of the Realms” issue carries the exact same Legacy number as Uncanny X-Men #16 despite the events of the issue taking place directly after Issue #15. In terms of release schedule, the issue feels like bad timing in favor of company synergy. The heavy cliffhanger in last week’s #16 in which Dani Moonstar collapses in agony as she senses the death of Wolfsbane now feels a bit odd. Rahne is very much alive in this War of the Realms tie-in, and it will only get more confusing moving forward. For example, if Wolfsbane lives throughout the planned three issues of the series, how will they fit numerically within the legacy sequence? If she is dead in the next two issues of Uncanny but alive in the War of Realms mini-series that that places immediately after Issue #15, how ill the numbering system resolve this discrepancy? Narratively and logically, shoving Uncanny into this multi-realm battle only takes away from the strong work going on in the flagship title.

The issue starts not long after issue 15. Cyclops’ bandaged eye is evidence, since his loving granddaughter Hope shot it out. In the midst of a mission to stop Orphanmaker from kidnapping mutant children, the X-Men take an uncalled-for beating when Mirage (Dani Moonstar) and Magick (Ilyana Rasputin) take off without warning. Unbeknownst to the others, Dani hears the cry of the Odin’s warrior Valkyries.  When Magick returns, she immediately teleports the remaining team to Manhattan to face the sieging hordes of Malekith.  Unable to find Moonstar, the team decides to remain in the battle in anticipation of coordinating with the Avengers or Thor.  Midgard is home to human and mutant alike, so the X-Men are more than willing to join the battle.  After battling generic Malekith forces and angry flying alien dog creatures, the X-Men find Dani alone and without any hope for reinforcements.

“War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men” continues for two more issues.  Aside from the hope that the series continues to explore Dani Moonstar’s inner journey as both a mutant and Valkyrie, not much helps this book stand apart among other strong X-titles on the market.  All in all, it’s a completely skippable tie-in between release weeks of the flagship title.

Rating: 5 out of 10 Synergy Traps

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