
We’ve found the best Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, Justice League, and other DC comics inspired baby clothes. With the huge increase in superhero films and TV shows, it’s no wonder there’s a large growing demand for comic-themed onesies. All these heroes are household names that are even loved by your own parents. We know you are looking forward to introducing your little one to all these characters, but for now, you’re just going to have to settle for dressing them up like they have super powers.

Wonder Woman Onesie

Kicking off this list is one of the most iconic heroines of all time, Wonder Woman. Props to DC for empowering women early on without all that rescue the princess nonsense.

Batman Logo Onesie

I’m a sucker for some classic baby clothing designs and this Batman logo reminds me of the original Tim Burton movies. Remember when Michael Keaton was Batman? Either way, there’s something to be said for a simple logo that everyone recognizes.

Superman Costume Onesie

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, nope it’s super baby! Your little one can take to the sky with this outfit that includes a onesie, cape, booties, and a hat. Perfect for family pictures, fighting crime, and filming a successful Warner Bros. movie.

Flash Costume Onesie

Zip, zoom, goodbye. That’s what it feels like once your child learns to roll or crawl. They become little miniature Flashes that have the ability to vanish in a blink of an eye. Which makes Flash a perfect outfit for your baby. This set comes with a onesie, hat, and booties.

Supergirl Costume Onesie

For those of you who love pink and want an alternate version of the classic Superman costume. This one doesn’t include a cape, but you can still have lots of fun flying your baby throughout the house. Just don’t drop them.

Aquaman Costume Onesie

Are you ready, kids?
I said, are you ready? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Oops, wrong underwater hero. This is Aquaman and he sleeps with the fishes. He also speaks to them. If Disney purchased DC, do you think they’d make a Little Mermaid crossover movie?

Green Lantern Logo Onesie

The real master of the universe next to your baby. If only Green Lantern could take on Thanos in a one on one. Who would win? You would, because that movie would rock.

Green Arrow Logo Onesie

I don’t think anyone imagined that Green Arrow would be the breakout DC television show. Unfortunately, your child will have to wait quite a few years to watch it with you, but you can get them a toy archery set in about 4-5 years.

Robin Logo Onesie

Before becoming Nightwing, Robin helped Batman keep Gotham safe. Your child will be able to assist you in a few years with washing dishes, cooking, and putting clothes away. Seriously, they might not be as efficient as you, but little kids do like to help.

Nightwing Logo Onesie

Nightwing is a great metaphor for your child growing up and becoming a strong independent adult. Sure, your offspring will make an awesome sidekick, but they got to leave the nest someday.

Feeling Marvelous? Check out our favorite Marvel baby clothes.

Serious Joker Onesie

I love this onesie, mostly because babies get these really serious looks on their faces for no reason. They just stare out in space like they’re pondering the whole universe in that very moment. Also, who doesn’t love Nolan’s Joker?

Cyborg Onesie

This is the real Terminator. Yes, this is a Mega Man/Cyborg crossover, but Victor Stone is an amazing superhero. Who knows, maybe when your child is 100 years old they’ll have cool cybernetic replacements as well.

Catwoman Onesie

For those of you that love Catwoman we have found the purrrr-fic onesie for you. Cats are kind of like babies in the sense they always seem to be letting their curiosity get them into trouble. Luckily, you keep your child’s nails clipped so they don’t shred the curtains and sheets. This romper comes in multiple colors.

Bat Baby & Up All Knight Onesie

These are two onesies that you can buy together or separately. I personally love the Up All Knight romper simply due to the fact that babies tend to sleep in patterns, regardless of the actual time. It’s one of the more unique Batman-inspired designs we’ve seen for sale. Makes a good gift as well.

Straight Outta Arkham Onesie

This is great for when your baby is being naughty. You know those days when you’re frustrated, feeling the blues, and your baby just won’t cooperate. It’s okay, that’s normal. Raising kids is hard work. Dress your little one in this and pretend they just broke out of Gotham’s notorious asylum.

Blue Beetle Onesie

I don’t know about you guys, but I really enjoy stories with Blue Beetle. I love the origin stories and the internal struggle of morality that is waged with the alien entity. Your baby has a couple of years left before they can think on that kind of level, but you are probably facing those tough internal decisions every day. Keep up the good fight.

Swamp Thing NES Cover Onesie

We try to feature lots of unique baby clothes here, but this Swamp Thing onesie is quite the rare find. It’s the box cover of the classic Nintendo game. We know that there are those of you that love the green superhero made of plants, so I hope you can give this onesie a good home.

Beast Boy Onesie

Do you remember the Teen Titans series? A superhero show with lovable characters and wholesome themes. It’s hard to believe that it aired almost 15 years ago. Who didn’t love Beast Boy? He might be one of the cutest DC characters of all time.

Raven From Teen Titans Onesie

Next to Beast Boy, Raven was easily the most popular of all the Teen Titans. Half demon, half goth her wit is unmatched throughout DC. This onesie is the perfect gift for those of you that are a little on the darkside.

Kapow Batman Onesie

This Batman onesie would make even the Joker smile. It’s probably the cutest romper we feature on this page. It even comes with a cape.

Justice League Blocks Onesie

This romper symbolizes the foundation of building a great superhero team. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the blocks for sale anywhere, so I guess the best alternative is this onesie with building blocks. I’ll let you debate why certain Justice League members are not included here or why Batman is on top.

Superheroine Onesie Pack

If you’re simply looking for packs of cute onesies that you can dress your baby in, then we’ve got you covered. First up is this superheroine set featuring Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman.

Batman Characters Onesie Pack

If you live in a Batman house, then you’re in luck. This Gotham pack contains Batman, Robin, Joker, and a Riddler onesie. I’m a big fan of that Riddler romper. This whole set is worth it just for that.

Justice League Characters Onesie Pack

Finally, we have the Justice League pack with Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Batman. Unfortunately, they didn’t include Wonder Woman which is just a shame. Still, these onesies all come in a convenient pack for a good price.

Wonder Woman Costume Onesie

We featured a regular Wonder Woman logo onesie above, but this one is more of a costume. It comes with a hat, booties, and a cape. The perfect outfit for those parents that dream of their babies becoming superheroes.

Green Arrow Onesie

He’s kind of like a superhero version of Robinhood. The equivalent of Marvel’s Hawkeye. The nicer version of Batman. Green Arrow fights alongside some of the most popular Superheroes in the DC Universe. However, he doesn’t really have any super powers. I guess he really is just a nicer version of Batman.

Deathstroke Onesie

Originally the Arch Nemesis of the Teen Titans, Deathstroke has more recently been featured in the Green Arrow television series where he’s gathered a cult following. Luckily, if you’re a fan you can now show it off by dressing your baby in this romper. Comes in multiple colors.

Nightwing In Action Onesie

This onesie accomplishes two things. First, it’s a simple design and I know some of you out there are really into minimalism when it comes to art. Second, I know there are a bunch of Nightwing fans out there. We featured the logo romper, but I think this design does Nightwing a little more justice.

Aquaman Logo Onesie

For those of you that love a more modern Aquaman, like the one featured in the films, then this romper is probably up your alley. It’s simple, comes in multiple colors, and lets people know you’re a true fan.

Superman Logo Onesie

I wanted to feature a plain Superman logo onesie. Not a costume or cutesie design, just the classic emblem. Unfortunately, kryptonite to help your baby sleep is not included.

Batman Costume Onesie

Sometimes you just want a Batman costume outfit to dress your little one in. Great news, that’s exactly what you get with this one. Perfect for those parents that love everything Batman. Don’t worry that utility belt is not real.

Robin Costume Onesie

Finally, you can now dress up your baby as your number one sidekick. Now when you take them to the grocery store, the mall, or park everyone will know you two are a superheroic duo. Just don’t let the Joker get ahold of them.

Baby Batman Booties

You can’t fight crime without wearing something on your feet. This goes for your little one as well. These action packed booties boost kicking, flying, and brain power. Actually, they are just super cute.

Justice League Booties

These booties feature most of your favorite Justice League heroes and come in a multitude of different sizes. You’ll now be able to complete your baby’s DC comic outfit. They might not be able to talk or walk, but you’ll rest easy knowing that your child’s mere presence is keeping criminals at bay.

The post Batman, Superman & DC Comics Baby Clothes appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

April 1, 2019

Batman, Superman & DC Comics Baby Clothes

We’ve found the best Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, Justice League, and other DC comics inspired baby clothes. With the huge increase in superhero films and TV shows, it’s no wonder there’s a large growing demand for comic-themed onesies. All these heroes are household names that are even loved by your own parents. We know you are looking forward to introducing your little one to all these characters, but for now, you’re just going to have to settle for dressing them up like they have super powers.

Wonder Woman Onesie

Kicking off this list is one of the most iconic heroines of all time, Wonder Woman. Props to DC for empowering women early on without all that rescue the princess nonsense.

Batman Logo Onesie

I’m a sucker for some classic baby clothing designs and this Batman logo reminds me of the original Tim Burton movies. Remember when Michael Keaton was Batman? Either way, there’s something to be said for a simple logo that everyone recognizes.

Superman Costume Onesie

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, nope it’s super baby! Your little one can take to the sky with this outfit that includes a onesie, cape, booties, and a hat. Perfect for family pictures, fighting crime, and filming a successful Warner Bros. movie.

Flash Costume Onesie

Zip, zoom, goodbye. That’s what it feels like once your child learns to roll or crawl. They become little miniature Flashes that have the ability to vanish in a blink of an eye. Which makes Flash a perfect outfit for your baby. This set comes with a onesie, hat, and booties.

Supergirl Costume Onesie

For those of you who love pink and want an alternate version of the classic Superman costume. This one doesn’t include a cape, but you can still have lots of fun flying your baby throughout the house. Just don’t drop them.

Aquaman Costume Onesie

Are you ready, kids?
I said, are you ready? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Oops, wrong underwater hero. This is Aquaman and he sleeps with the fishes. He also speaks to them. If Disney purchased DC, do you think they’d make a Little Mermaid crossover movie?

Green Lantern Logo Onesie

The real master of the universe next to your baby. If only Green Lantern could take on Thanos in a one on one. Who would win? You would, because that movie would rock.

Green Arrow Logo Onesie

I don’t think anyone imagined that Green Arrow would be the breakout DC television show. Unfortunately, your child will have to wait quite a few years to watch it with you, but you can get them a toy archery set in about 4-5 years.

Robin Logo Onesie

Before becoming Nightwing, Robin helped Batman keep Gotham safe. Your child will be able to assist you in a few years with washing dishes, cooking, and putting clothes away. Seriously, they might not be as efficient as you, but little kids do like to help.

Nightwing Logo Onesie

Nightwing is a great metaphor for your child growing up and becoming a strong independent adult. Sure, your offspring will make an awesome sidekick, but they got to leave the nest someday.

Feeling Marvelous? Check out our favorite Marvel baby clothes.

Serious Joker Onesie

I love this onesie, mostly because babies get these really serious looks on their faces for no reason. They just stare out in space like they’re pondering the whole universe in that very moment. Also, who doesn’t love Nolan’s Joker?

Cyborg Onesie

This is the real Terminator. Yes, this is a Mega Man/Cyborg crossover, but Victor Stone is an amazing superhero. Who knows, maybe when your child is 100 years old they’ll have cool cybernetic replacements as well.

Catwoman Onesie

For those of you that love Catwoman we have found the purrrr-fic onesie for you. Cats are kind of like babies in the sense they always seem to be letting their curiosity get them into trouble. Luckily, you keep your child’s nails clipped so they don’t shred the curtains and sheets. This romper comes in multiple colors.

Bat Baby & Up All Knight Onesie

These are two onesies that you can buy together or separately. I personally love the Up All Knight romper simply due to the fact that babies tend to sleep in patterns, regardless of the actual time. It’s one of the more unique Batman-inspired designs we’ve seen for sale. Makes a good gift as well.

Straight Outta Arkham Onesie

This is great for when your baby is being naughty. You know those days when you’re frustrated, feeling the blues, and your baby just won’t cooperate. It’s okay, that’s normal. Raising kids is hard work. Dress your little one in this and pretend they just broke out of Gotham’s notorious asylum.

Blue Beetle Onesie

I don’t know about you guys, but I really enjoy stories with Blue Beetle. I love the origin stories and the internal struggle of morality that is waged with the alien entity. Your baby has a couple of years left before they can think on that kind of level, but you are probably facing those tough internal decisions every day. Keep up the good fight.

Swamp Thing NES Cover Onesie

We try to feature lots of unique baby clothes here, but this Swamp Thing onesie is quite the rare find. It’s the box cover of the classic Nintendo game. We know that there are those of you that love the green superhero made of plants, so I hope you can give this onesie a good home.

Beast Boy Onesie

Do you remember the Teen Titans series? A superhero show with lovable characters and wholesome themes. It’s hard to believe that it aired almost 15 years ago. Who didn’t love Beast Boy? He might be one of the cutest DC characters of all time.

Raven From Teen Titans Onesie

Next to Beast Boy, Raven was easily the most popular of all the Teen Titans. Half demon, half goth her wit is unmatched throughout DC. This onesie is the perfect gift for those of you that are a little on the darkside.

Kapow Batman Onesie

This Batman onesie would make even the Joker smile. It’s probably the cutest romper we feature on this page. It even comes with a cape.

Justice League Blocks Onesie

This romper symbolizes the foundation of building a great superhero team. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the blocks for sale anywhere, so I guess the best alternative is this onesie with building blocks. I’ll let you debate why certain Justice League members are not included here or why Batman is on top.

Superheroine Onesie Pack

If you’re simply looking for packs of cute onesies that you can dress your baby in, then we’ve got you covered. First up is this superheroine set featuring Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman.

Batman Characters Onesie Pack

If you live in a Batman house, then you’re in luck. This Gotham pack contains Batman, Robin, Joker, and a Riddler onesie. I’m a big fan of that Riddler romper. This whole set is worth it just for that.

Justice League Characters Onesie Pack

Finally, we have the Justice League pack with Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Batman. Unfortunately, they didn’t include Wonder Woman which is just a shame. Still, these onesies all come in a convenient pack for a good price.

Wonder Woman Costume Onesie

We featured a regular Wonder Woman logo onesie above, but this one is more of a costume. It comes with a hat, booties, and a cape. The perfect outfit for those parents that dream of their babies becoming superheroes.

Green Arrow Onesie

He’s kind of like a superhero version of Robinhood. The equivalent of Marvel’s Hawkeye. The nicer version of Batman. Green Arrow fights alongside some of the most popular Superheroes in the DC Universe. However, he doesn’t really have any super powers. I guess he really is just a nicer version of Batman.

Deathstroke Onesie

Originally the Arch Nemesis of the Teen Titans, Deathstroke has more recently been featured in the Green Arrow television series where he’s gathered a cult following. Luckily, if you’re a fan you can now show it off by dressing your baby in this romper. Comes in multiple colors.

Nightwing In Action Onesie

This onesie accomplishes two things. First, it’s a simple design and I know some of you out there are really into minimalism when it comes to art. Second, I know there are a bunch of Nightwing fans out there. We featured the logo romper, but I think this design does Nightwing a little more justice.

Aquaman Logo Onesie

For those of you that love a more modern Aquaman, like the one featured in the films, then this romper is probably up your alley. It’s simple, comes in multiple colors, and lets people know you’re a true fan.

Superman Logo Onesie

I wanted to feature a plain Superman logo onesie. Not a costume or cutesie design, just the classic emblem. Unfortunately, kryptonite to help your baby sleep is not included.

Batman Costume Onesie

Sometimes you just want a Batman costume outfit to dress your little one in. Great news, that’s exactly what you get with this one. Perfect for those parents that love everything Batman. Don’t worry that utility belt is not real.

Robin Costume Onesie

Finally, you can now dress up your baby as your number one sidekick. Now when you take them to the grocery store, the mall, or park everyone will know you two are a superheroic duo. Just don’t let the Joker get ahold of them.

Baby Batman Booties

You can’t fight crime without wearing something on your feet. This goes for your little one as well. These action packed booties boost kicking, flying, and brain power. Actually, they are just super cute.

Justice League Booties

These booties feature most of your favorite Justice League heroes and come in a multitude of different sizes. You’ll now be able to complete your baby’s DC comic outfit. They might not be able to talk or walk, but you’ll rest easy knowing that your child’s mere presence is keeping criminals at bay.

The post Batman, Superman & DC Comics Baby Clothes appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

April 1, 2019

It’s Past Time to Acknowledge the Way Joe Biden Acts Towards Women

Joe Biden seated, leaning forward and speaking.

Late last week, a former Nevada assemblywoman named Lucy Flores published an essay in The Cut detailing what she describes as an “awkward” encounter with then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2014.

Flores, then 35, was the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in Nevada, where Biden had come to give the party a boost in their statewide elections. Flores says she was backstage at a rally, waiting to go on to speak to voters, when she “felt two hands on [her] shoulders.”  She says she “froze,” thinking to herself “’Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?’”

“I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair,” she continues. “I was mortified. I thought to myself, ‘I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?’ He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, ‘tragame tierra,’ it means, ‘earth, swallow me whole.’ I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.”

She goes on to describe how being a young Latina in politics had made her “used to feeling like an outsider in rooms dominated by white men,” though she says she’d never experienced anything like that Biden moment. Biden, on the other hand, appears to have had lots of similar moments. As Flores notes, over the years, there have been lots of pictures and videos appearing to show Biden nuzzling women and girls’ necks, whispering in their ears, or touching them in other apparently intimate ways.

Not all of those moments were necessarily uncomfortable for the individual woman involved. One of these “creepy” photos that went viral shows Biden whispering in the ear of Stephanie Carter during her husband’s swearing-in as defense secretary. After Flores’ article came out, that picture once again started making the rounds, prompting Carter to write an essay titled “The #MeToo Story That Wasn’t Me,” saying that the picture was “misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends.”

It’s definitely not cool to project an experience with sexual misconduct onto someone else, and we can’t presume to tell other people’s stories for them. But we also have to note that the way Biden touched his “close friend” Carter is the same way he touches women and even young girls whom he does not know at all.

The body language is often the same: Biden, standing behind a woman or girl, with his hands on their shoulders (or sometimes grabbing their arms, torso, or even their face) and his face nuzzled into their hair. At best, it is an overly familiar and infantilizing paternal way of treating women and girls. Even if there is no sexual motivation, it’s completely inappropriate. Flores writes of her experience, “Is it enough of a transgression if a man touches and kisses you without consent, but doesn’t rise to the level of what most people consider sexual assault? I did what most women do, and moved on with my life and my work.”

For Flores, seeing pictures of Biden stirred up anger and resentment, knowing that she couldn’t say anything, not just because Biden was a powerful man—but because he fit an archetype that we’ve accepted as a society: the “uncle.” She writes,

Had I never seen those pictures, I may have been able to give Biden the benefit of the doubt. Had there not been multiple articles written over the years about the exact same thing — calling his creepy behavior an “open secret” — perhaps it would feel less offensive. And yet despite the steady stream of pictures and the occasional article, Biden retained his title of America’s Favorite Uncle. On occasion that title was downgraded to America’s Creepy Uncle but that in and of itself implied a certain level of acceptance. After all, how many families just tolerate or keep their young children away from the creepy uncle without ever acknowledging that there should be zero tolerance for a man who persistently invades others’ personal space and makes people feel uneasy and gross? In this case, it shows a lack of empathy for the women and young girls whose space he is invading, and ignores the power imbalance that exists between Biden and the women he chooses to get cozy with.

As an American Uncle, Biden is lovable and seen as harmless. He gets to have any questionable behavior dismissed as obliviously quirky, yet he’s still viewed as a capable enough authority figure to be a 2020 presidential frontrunner, despite not even having announced an official candidacy. It is a role that is afforded only to older white men, for whom there is no apparent end to the benefit of our doubts.

In Biden’s response to Flores’ essay, he says that never in his long career in politics, “did I believe I acted inappropriately. If it is suggested I did so,” he says, “I will listen respectfully. But it was never my intention.”

“I may not recall these moments the same way,” he continued in his statement,” and I may be surprised at what I hear. But we have arrived at an important time when women feel they can and should relate their experiences, and men should pay attention. And I will.” He goes on to say he will “remain the strongest advocate I can be for the rights of women.”

It’s not surprising that Biden doesn’t believe he ever acted inappropriately. Flores guessed as much in her article, writing that looking at pictures of him and so many other women, “I saw obvious discomfort in the women’s faces, and Biden, I’m sure, never thought twice about how it made them feel.”

Has Biden ever reflected on the fact that he interacts with women incredibly differently from how he interacts with men? Even if his manner of touching is nonsexual, it’s still inappropriately paternal and that, in itself, is necessary of reflection and correction.

To now say that he is listening, without any indication that he’s willing to actually reflect on what he hears is a blatantly transparent non-apology. (If you think that’s just nitpicking semantics, I think you’re underestimating how hard a team has to work to craft the perfect semantics for this kind of statement from someone like Joe Biden.) Appearing on CNN, Flores said of Biden’s statement that he appears to have a “disconnect” if he doesn’t think his behavior was ever inappropriate.

“Frankly, my point was never about his intentions, and it shouldn’t be about his intentions. It should be about the women on the receiving end of that behavior, and … it wasn’t the only incident where he was acting inappropriately with women,” she said.

There has been an ugly backlash to Flores’ articles. A lot of people have been sharing pictures of her with other politicians or analyzing her body language in the picture with Biden, to construct an argument as to why she shouldn’t be allowed to complain about her interaction with Biden. This is a gross attempt to dehumanize her, to say that she’s not allowed to feel differently about different types of touching with different people. It’s the sort of argument too often used against women speaking out about their experiences with sexual misconduct or otherwise uncomfortable situations involving powerful men.

Others are arguing, as they did around Al Franken, that liberals can and even should ignore behavior like Biden’s because Donald Trump is in the White House. This, too, dehumanizes the very real women involved, counting them as props in men’s political stories. We don’t have to wait for Republicans to oust their sexual predators before we decide it’s worth looking at the inappropriate behavior happening on our side of the aisle.

This is a complicated issue and people are going to see all different shades of gray in it. But at its core, can we at least acknowledge that if the role of “America’s Uncle” were really so harmless, we wouldn’t have to tear a woman down for expressing discomfort with it? We wouldn’t have to work that hard to protect the archetype.

(image: Win McNamee/Getty Images)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

April 1, 2019

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Official Toy Pics Showcase New Looks for Marvel Heroes

Don’t worry, true believers: the new Avengers: Endgame official toy line from Hasbro probably isn’t spoiling anything you don’t already know from trailers and posters. You knew Captain Marvel was in the movie, right? And that Thanos didn’t totally get rid of the armor he put on that scarecrow on his farm?The action figures, however, strive for accuracy and affordability with the main line being $9.99 for a single figure, and $19.99 for two packs. Hulk and Thanos, are big dudes, so they’re $12.99, but offer more bulk for the extra three bucks.That is the most Banner-ish Hulk we’ve ever seen onscreen, so draw your own conclusions there.

Captain America and Captain Marvel double up in the line, with a two pack of them showing off powers, and single packs in more classic ensembles. The line overall allows you to collect the whole team, from newcomers like Captain Marvel to old-timers like a Chitauri from the first Avengers (not pictured yet, but mentioned in the official press release).If you crave more action from your toys, the 12-inch Power FX Titan Hero line, consisting of 12-inch figures priced between $9.99 and $24.99, gives your heroes and foes missile launchers, lights and sounds.

Note the “inspired by” on Black Panther’s box, which in this case basically means “from his previous movie and does not mean he’s going to be in the film, necessarily.”

Meanwhile, what Marvel fan’s life would be complete without your very own Stormbreaker? It should go without saying, but when playing with your friends, please don’t go for the head.Check out more pictures below for a fuller picture of the lineup, and remember, this is just wave one. Once the film has revealed more of its secrets, we’re certain other playthings and plastic powered people will be unveiled. Just wait till you see Zombie Obadiah…whoops, we’ve said too much.

(Totally kidding about Obadiah Stane. But it would be cool.)

Images: Hasbro

The post AVENGERS: ENDGAME Official Toy Pics Showcase New Looks for Marvel Heroes appeared first on Nerdist.

April 1, 2019

Celebrities React In Shock And Sadness Over Nipsey Hussle’s Death

The untimely death of Nipsey Hussle caused shock and sadness — not only in Los Angeles where the rapper grew up — but across the hip-hop community worldwide. After news reports confirmed the rapper, whose birth name was Ermias Ashgedom, had died after being shot a reported six times, many took to social media to express […]

The post Celebrities React In Shock And Sadness Over Nipsey Hussle’s Death appeared first on Essence.

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