
Jasmine and Will

Source: Lifetime / lifetime

Season 8 of Married At First Sight was a cycle like none other. It was an emotional roller coaster that saw four couples take the leap into matrimony. As with every season, some couples made it and others didn’t. While every minute was entertaining to watch, we also noticed a few observable love lessons that viewers can take to heart.

You Can’t Force Love
A lot of lonely people turn to Married At First Sight when they simply don’t know how else to find “the one.” The selected contestants quickly find out that marriage is one thing and love is another.

It takes the matched (or mismatched) couples weeks to get to know one another. In that time, hopefully, they can at least grow to like each other. Many of them, though, go into their marriages expecting to fall in love with their spouses as soon as they say “I do.” Some contestants pull out every move they know to inspire love; sometimes it works, but most efforts fall flat. The couples that seem to do the best are the ones who let love unfold naturally in their marriage.

Gaslighting Is Abusive
Every season has one major jerk. Sometimes it’s a bride; sometimes it’s a groom. Sometimes they redeem themselves. This season, Luke Cuccurullo was that jerk, and he was trash until the very end.

No one would blame him for not wanting to kiss a stranger on first meeting–even on this show. However, it was his behavior with his wife, Kate Sisk, after the wedding that was hard to watch. While he certainly didn’t owe her love and affection, he at least owed her kindness and general decency as her husband. He failed to show that throughout the season.

Luke never seemed that interested in Kate, despite her best efforts to make a connection. He made it pretty clear on the honeymoon that he was “repulsed” by her. Once they got home, he didn’t seem to enjoy her company. It was clear that although he wasn’t into Kate, he loved all the attention she gave him. When they would argue, though, he made it seem like she was the problem in the relationship. He would also constantly call out her drinking. He heaped a lot of blame for their friction onto her, refusing to accept that he also had some responsibility for the sad state of their union. It was obvious that she internalized a lot of that blame, and it was hard to see how that really wore her down from week to week.

Intimacy Takes Time
Six weeks is not a lot of time to spend with someone. In the past, some couples didn’t wait to have sex. They got to it on the wedding night or the honeymoon. Others have taken longer to get there. Will Guess and Jasmine McGriff, however, never made that move. Not for lack of trying, of course, but they could never seem to get the vibe right.

After a while, some of us questioned whether Will was even attracted to Jasmine. They had oodles of chemistry on their wedding day, so it didn’t make sense. Although he may have been physically attracted to her, something was clearly off between them. Will might be one of those people for whom sexual attraction is closely tied to emotional intimacy and compatibility. They couldn’t stimulate each other intellectually and there was a disconnect on each of their expectations within a marriage. Of course, it probably didn’t help that he didn’t allow himself to be fully invested in the relationship. That type of intimacy is something you can only cultivate with time. Six weeks isn’t long enough.

You Want A Spouse Not A Maid
One of the things that astonished me about this season of Married at First Sight is how much of Keith Dewar’s excitement to get married centered on the idea that his wife would be his caretaker. He was excited to get with someone who would keep the house for him and cook for him. He didn’t focus much on what he would be bringing to the table. Seeing that explained a lot about why he was still single.

Although his wife, Kristine Killingsworth, was more than happy to play chef for him, he was shook when she made it clear that she didn’t get married to be a maid. That caused some seemingly insurmountable problems at first, but he eventually got with the program and started doing his fair share around the house. His idea of marriage was based on an outdated model of responsibilities, and he had to update his thinking to make it work. In a society where both members in a partnership have to work, it’s unrealistic (and somewhat selfish) to expect that only one person will take care of all the domestic responsibilities.

Marriage Requires Maturity
Marriage can be a lot of fun, but it’s also an enormous responsibility. A lot of the couples went into this experiment with an idealized vision of married life. When the reality of daily life as a married couple showed up, though, they were faced with the fact that marriage is a challenge which requires maturity and selflessness to work.

Marriage requires more than just love and passion; it also requires patience, kindness, and understanding. It requires a heart to serve and support your partner. These are things that only really come with maturity and a deeper understanding of what marriage is supposed to be. If you don’t come into marriage with at least that level of maturity, you better find a way to level up ASAP if you want a relationship that will last a lifetime.

April 12, 2019

5 Love Lessons From Season 8 Of Married At First Sight

Jasmine and Will

Source: Lifetime / lifetime

Season 8 of Married At First Sight was a cycle like none other. It was an emotional roller coaster that saw four couples take the leap into matrimony. As with every season, some couples made it and others didn’t. While every minute was entertaining to watch, we also noticed a few observable love lessons that viewers can take to heart.

You Can’t Force Love
A lot of lonely people turn to Married At First Sight when they simply don’t know how else to find “the one.” The selected contestants quickly find out that marriage is one thing and love is another.

It takes the matched (or mismatched) couples weeks to get to know one another. In that time, hopefully, they can at least grow to like each other. Many of them, though, go into their marriages expecting to fall in love with their spouses as soon as they say “I do.” Some contestants pull out every move they know to inspire love; sometimes it works, but most efforts fall flat. The couples that seem to do the best are the ones who let love unfold naturally in their marriage.

Gaslighting Is Abusive
Every season has one major jerk. Sometimes it’s a bride; sometimes it’s a groom. Sometimes they redeem themselves. This season, Luke Cuccurullo was that jerk, and he was trash until the very end.

No one would blame him for not wanting to kiss a stranger on first meeting–even on this show. However, it was his behavior with his wife, Kate Sisk, after the wedding that was hard to watch. While he certainly didn’t owe her love and affection, he at least owed her kindness and general decency as her husband. He failed to show that throughout the season.

Luke never seemed that interested in Kate, despite her best efforts to make a connection. He made it pretty clear on the honeymoon that he was “repulsed” by her. Once they got home, he didn’t seem to enjoy her company. It was clear that although he wasn’t into Kate, he loved all the attention she gave him. When they would argue, though, he made it seem like she was the problem in the relationship. He would also constantly call out her drinking. He heaped a lot of blame for their friction onto her, refusing to accept that he also had some responsibility for the sad state of their union. It was obvious that she internalized a lot of that blame, and it was hard to see how that really wore her down from week to week.

Intimacy Takes Time
Six weeks is not a lot of time to spend with someone. In the past, some couples didn’t wait to have sex. They got to it on the wedding night or the honeymoon. Others have taken longer to get there. Will Guess and Jasmine McGriff, however, never made that move. Not for lack of trying, of course, but they could never seem to get the vibe right.

After a while, some of us questioned whether Will was even attracted to Jasmine. They had oodles of chemistry on their wedding day, so it didn’t make sense. Although he may have been physically attracted to her, something was clearly off between them. Will might be one of those people for whom sexual attraction is closely tied to emotional intimacy and compatibility. They couldn’t stimulate each other intellectually and there was a disconnect on each of their expectations within a marriage. Of course, it probably didn’t help that he didn’t allow himself to be fully invested in the relationship. That type of intimacy is something you can only cultivate with time. Six weeks isn’t long enough.

You Want A Spouse Not A Maid
One of the things that astonished me about this season of Married at First Sight is how much of Keith Dewar’s excitement to get married centered on the idea that his wife would be his caretaker. He was excited to get with someone who would keep the house for him and cook for him. He didn’t focus much on what he would be bringing to the table. Seeing that explained a lot about why he was still single.

Although his wife, Kristine Killingsworth, was more than happy to play chef for him, he was shook when she made it clear that she didn’t get married to be a maid. That caused some seemingly insurmountable problems at first, but he eventually got with the program and started doing his fair share around the house. His idea of marriage was based on an outdated model of responsibilities, and he had to update his thinking to make it work. In a society where both members in a partnership have to work, it’s unrealistic (and somewhat selfish) to expect that only one person will take care of all the domestic responsibilities.

Marriage Requires Maturity
Marriage can be a lot of fun, but it’s also an enormous responsibility. A lot of the couples went into this experiment with an idealized vision of married life. When the reality of daily life as a married couple showed up, though, they were faced with the fact that marriage is a challenge which requires maturity and selflessness to work.

Marriage requires more than just love and passion; it also requires patience, kindness, and understanding. It requires a heart to serve and support your partner. These are things that only really come with maturity and a deeper understanding of what marriage is supposed to be. If you don’t come into marriage with at least that level of maturity, you better find a way to level up ASAP if you want a relationship that will last a lifetime.

April 12, 2019

We Honor Lauren London’s Strength & Her Most Glamorous Style Moments!

Heaven only knows what Lauren London and her family might be going through as they mourn the loss of Nipsey Hussle. And with this week’s sold-out memorial service, it’s apparent […]

The post We Honor Lauren London’s Strength & Her Most Glamorous Style Moments! appeared first on Essence.

April 11, 2019

For the Record, ‘Jemele Hill is Unbothered’ and Has a New Spotify Podcast

The ever-evolving Jemele Hill is at an exciting point in her career. With 21 years in the game as a journalist, sports reporter, and activist (in her own right), she has learned to be unbothered and unapologetic. And she proves that each time she speaks or publishes her truth as a staff writer for The Atlantic.

Hill stopped by BLACK ENTERPRISE to give us an inside scoop on her new Spotify podcast, Jemele Hill Is Unbothered. During the hour sit-down, she talks all things career moves, securing the bag, and how to take a just stance no matter your industry or career level.

Hill’s partnership with Spotify is timely as the company seeks to amplify the voice of black women through podcasting initiatives.

“From a value alignment standpoint, that’s something I stand for–boosting the voices of young women of color—it’s something they stand for,” said Hill. “And I’m happy to be a part of a brand where we are very like-minded.”

Another exciting chapter on the horizon for Hill is marriage. During the interview she touched on living life by design and not by default.

“I’m very even-keeled but I need people in my life who can give me not just the balance and support and all of those other things. But can make sure that my spirit is taken care of. I found that, and I’m very lucky and fortunate to have found that in my fiancé! I’m looking forward to marriage and the things that come with it.”

For those who are looking to shake things up be it in their everyday life or career, Hill said you can be risky and strategic at the same time.

That is exactly what she did as she transitioned from ESPN to pursue her next chapter professionally. And for anyone who thinks a closed door or a ‘no’ is missed opportunity, she challenges you to change your perspective.

“Don’t focus on the opportunities you didn’t get. The only reason I say that is because a lot of times there’s a reason you didn’t get it. And by that I mean it’s not because of something that you didn’t do, but there’s something else around the corner.”

It’s fair to say having that mindset is one of the ways she stays unbothered. Jemele Hill Is Unbothered launches on Spotify on Apr 15.


The post For the Record, ‘Jemele Hill is Unbothered’ and Has a New Spotify Podcast appeared first on Black Enterprise.

April 11, 2019

Cute Baby Clothes For Boys

We’ve put together this list of cute baby clothes for boys, but we think babies can wear whatever garments you want them to. Boys can wear pink and girls can wear blue. However, we know some of you prefer traditional gender roles (especially if you’re shopping for a gift) so this one is for you. We’ve featured all kinds of funny, nerdy, and adorable rompers and we update it regularly.

Gremlins Onesie

Unfortunately, if you have a young baby, then odds are you’re feeding it in the wee hours of the night. However, isn’t it always after midnight? I’ve never been able to solve this riddle from the movie Gremlins. When should you feed Gizmo?

Harry Potter Onesie

Not only does Harry Potter live, but he’s also carrying around part of Voldemort’s soul. Luckily, for your little one you’re still alive and kickin’. You’re not going to let any evil wizard lay a finger on your butterball. Check out our whole collections of Harry Potter inspired onesies.

Robot Alien Onesie

Your child might have to face the day when robots replace them in the workplace. Yup, we’re headed for a robotic uprising of catastrophic proportions. The real question is, what’s going to happen when the robots from outer space try to take our new worker robots’ jobs. Consider a donation to Make Our Robotic Overlords Great Again 2040. This onesie comes in long/short sleeve and multiple colors.

Dungeon Crawler Onesie

As a lover of dungeon crawlers and fantasy, I think this is one of the cutest onesies of all time. He’s slower than normal, but your little one is going to get that treasure. If you like Dungeon Crawlers, then check out 4 Against The Darkness. A pencil and paper solo game to play when you just need to escape for a few minutes.

Firefly Browncoat Costume Onesie

Mal’s uniform from Firefly is almost as iconic as Han Solo’s. Of course they are, afterall similar characters. This is perfect for those of you that dream of your baby becoming a space pirate.

Grammar Police Onesie

English, motherf*cker, do you speak it ? That’s a great line from Samuel Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction. Personally, I feel like a hypocrite just writing this description. I know you’re judging me, but this romper is perfect for all you grammar cops. The “I’m Silently Judging Your Grammar” romper should be found in every English teacher’s nursery closet, especially those of who know how important it is for babies to grow up with a copy Chicago Manual of Style in their bookcase.

Build A Robot Onesie

I loved building robots as a kid. Using wooden blocks, LEGOS, or even cardboard boxes. Encouraging your child to use their imagination is one of the greatest gifts you can give to them. For now, you’ll just have to pretend to be the robot and fly them all over your castle.

Demogorgon Stranger Things Onesie

Raise your hand if you are a fan of Netflix’s Stranger Things. It seems like just about everyone has watched at least the first season of the show. Unfortunately, your little one can act like a demogorgon sometimes. On those days, dress him in this.

Future Gamer Onesie

For you DnD lovers out there, check out this romper featuring a Beholder and a variety of some very colorful dice. Your little one will one day be rolling those critical 20s just you wait.

Rock N Roll Forever Onesie

Some people will tell you rock n’ roll is long dead. We know that’s simply not true since rock n’ roll is immortal. Your child is going to grow up listening to all the great music you’ve experienced over the years. Sure, they might not like every band or song, but with enough time they’ll come to appreciate the foundation of what good music sounds like.

Super Mario Onesie

My childhood involved playing NES and SNES with my dad and friends. I remember one Christmas morning Santa got me a SNES and hooked it up. I woke up to the Super Mario World title screen and theme playing on our television in the living room. My dad and I played it for a few hours and it’s one of my best memories growing up. Build those memories with your kid.

Future Lab Partner Onesie

Science classes are awesome, especially if you have teachers that do more labs and hands on activities than lectures. Your little one will hopefully love learning about science as much as you do. Maybe you two can be partners and create experiments together as a family.

Marvel Avengers Onesies

Check out this 5-pack of costume onesies featuring your favorite superheroes. Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Spiderman. You can pretend your baby is fighting crime while screaming in the middle of the night. Check out our whole article on Marvel baby clothes.

Superman Onesie

If Marvel isn’t your thing, then how about Superman? Sure, your child doesn’t have x-ray vision and they can’t fly around the room, but no one says they aren’t your little superhero. Looking for other DC inspired rompers? Check out all our DC baby clothes!

Vintage LEGO Patent Onesie

They might be too young for LEGOs, but your little one will soon be building imaginary worlds on their bedroom floor using the same basic blocks you used as a kid. Pretty sweet, right?

Pirate Cat Onesie

Meoarrrrghhh!!! Ahoy, Matey. Tis be the best seacat to sail the seven seas. Rumor has it his leg was bitten off by a nasty shark. Even lost an eye during a tremendous squall that snuck up on his ship. Tis the perfect romper for yer lad to wear.

Jango & Boba Fett Onesie

Like father like son, right? Well, maybe not that so much that they are exact clones. Still you can’t break the bond between a parent and their little padawan. Poor Boba Fett, you have to feel really sorry for what happened to his daddy. Looking for more rompers from another galaxy? Check out all our Star Wars baby clothes.

Future Nerd Onesie

You’ve had a baby and now you’re trying to figure out how to raise this new addition to your family. Raising a kid is most likely going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. Rest assured, one thing is for sure, you’re going to introduce them to all things nerdy. This romper lets the world know you’re dedicated to teaching your kid everything geek-culture related.

Dancing Mitochondria Onesie

I’m not a geneticist, but I do know that Mitochondria keep me going throughout the day. They are little nuclear reactors that give your cells energy. Just remember that when you little one is bouncing off the wall and you just want an hour of sleep. Thanks mitochondria!

Where The Wild Things Are Onesie

Where The Wild Things Are is one of the best books you can read to your child. Not too mention it’s an awesome film as well. I’m going to assume your child is already king of all things, not just the wild things.

Reading Hoot Onesie

If there’s one thing you need to start doing with your little one, it’s reading to them. We need to promote reading as much as possible at the earliest age. Babies love colorful books. Seriously, if you make a habit of reading every day to your child, then your child will excel in so many areas. Trust this wise old owl.

Rick And Morty Onesie

Have you ever seen a baby milk drunk? There eyes kind of roll around and they get that 100-yard stare. It’s super cute, sort of like Rick when he drinks too much. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

NASA Onesie

They’ve been exploring outer space for over 60 years. With countless discoveries under their belt, the folks over at NASA are made up of some of the smartest people in the US. You’re little one might not grow up to be a scientist, but that doesn’t mean you won’t teach them to appreciate those who dedicate their lives to revealing the mysteries of the Universe.

E=MC² Onesie

Einstein probably enjoyed a good cookie with a glass of milk. I don’t know if he would have suggested you get energy from plowing through a whole bag of Oreos though. While your little one is too young to enjoy this famous snack, there’s nothing wrong with with dressing him up in this romper for now.

Dinosaur Extinction Onesie

We’ve all sat around conjecturing on what happened to the dinosaurs. Giant meteors, volcanoes, disease, or maybe mass abductions by aliens offer a few ideas on what happened to these giant reptiles. I know the idea of aliens seems far fetched, but just look at what happens to cows all the time. Aliens, man!

Good Guys Chucky Costume Onesie

This seemingly innocent looking romper is from the Child’s Play movies. Worn by the infamous Chucky who terrorizes every child that gets too close. For those of you who love the classic horror film and want to creep out other parents.

Ghostbuster’s Slimer Onesie

Who doesn’t like the original Ghostbusters? Did you ever watch the cartoon, The Real Ghostbusters? It featured the guys from the hit movie, plus Slimer as their loyal pet. Your baby is kind of like the green ball of ooze with all the drool they’ve got going on.

Kickflip Over Jaws Onesies

Jaws is one of the best American movies of all-time. It has struck fear in beachgoers since it first debuted in the 1970’s. This skateboarder featured on this romper is attempting one of the deadliest tricks in the history of mankind. That courage is exactly what you hope to inspire in your child.

Beam Me Up Daddy Onesie

I’ve been waiting all my life for teleportation to be a thing. I have a bad feeling that it’s never going to happen. That’s okay, at least we still have Star Trek episodes to keep us dreaming of the future. Here’s some good news, we feature a ton of Star Trek baby clothes.

Old Macdonald Had A Cow Onesie

I told you those cow abductions were real and this romper proves it. This is a good twist on the classic childhood song. Hey, at least the cow on this onesie doesn’t get served as steak.

Ludo From Labyrinth

Ludo is the friend and companion that every child wishes they have. He’s compassionate and very strong. Sure, he’s not the brightest star of the bunch, but his loyalty is unwavering.

Godzilla Onesie

If you’re a fan of Godzilla, then we think this is one of the best rompers on the market. I’m a little bias because I love Tom Waits’ song with the same name. Once your baby starts walking, you can set up some blocks and pretend they are a giant monster walking through a city. Go go Babyzilla!

The post Cute Baby Clothes For Boys appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

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