
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi / Artist: Christian Duce / DC Comics

Post-Medieval, we had a string of filler in Detective Comics. The two-parter with the Spirit of Vengeance was a standout in its sharp storytelling and atmospheric tone, the one-shot with the Joker was a familiar tread on familiar territory, and this latest arc featuring Deadshot feels like it falls between those data points. It’s not quite a rehash, but it’s also not reaching the same levels of engagement. And it certainly doesn’t help that the end of each issue has been teasing the return of a much more anticipatory villain.

Detective Comics #1011 closes out this little mini-arc in a typical fashion. Batman regroups and regathers himself, he goes saves the passengers of the plane, and finally has a little brawl with Deadshot. It’s a bread and butter type of issue, which falls a little flat compared to the bombastic entries we had seen earlier. There’s nothing particularly wrong with the issue, it’s also just not particularly exciting. Tomasi’s dialog has a couple good quips here and there, but the narrative weight feels lacking; although, the ending to the story did bring a little joy to the table.

Duce’s artwork does make the issue a little more fun to read. His alternate Batman costume looks incredible and Duce makes fantastic work out of Tomasi’s set pieces with some brilliant panels and pages. Duce’s sense of momentum is strong and creates some spectacular action shots that punctuate the issue.

When it’s all said and done, I’m ready for something more substantial from Tomasi’s Detective Comics. I’m ready for that sweeping five-seven issue arc where Batman faces a villain that he’s not able to beat with stuff he found out of an old fighter jet. I’m ready for more interactions with Robin. I’m ready for Mr. Freeze to enter the fray, and I hope it’s as chilling as the codas portend.

7.5 “Rising Suns” out of 10

Reading Batman? Find BNP’s coverage of the Dark Knight here.

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September 15, 2019

Detective Comics #1011 Review

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi / Artist: Christian Duce / DC Comics

Post-Medieval, we had a string of filler in Detective Comics. The two-parter with the Spirit of Vengeance was a standout in its sharp storytelling and atmospheric tone, the one-shot with the Joker was a familiar tread on familiar territory, and this latest arc featuring Deadshot feels like it falls between those data points. It’s not quite a rehash, but it’s also not reaching the same levels of engagement. And it certainly doesn’t help that the end of each issue has been teasing the return of a much more anticipatory villain.

Detective Comics #1011 closes out this little mini-arc in a typical fashion. Batman regroups and regathers himself, he goes saves the passengers of the plane, and finally has a little brawl with Deadshot. It’s a bread and butter type of issue, which falls a little flat compared to the bombastic entries we had seen earlier. There’s nothing particularly wrong with the issue, it’s also just not particularly exciting. Tomasi’s dialog has a couple good quips here and there, but the narrative weight feels lacking; although, the ending to the story did bring a little joy to the table.

Duce’s artwork does make the issue a little more fun to read. His alternate Batman costume looks incredible and Duce makes fantastic work out of Tomasi’s set pieces with some brilliant panels and pages. Duce’s sense of momentum is strong and creates some spectacular action shots that punctuate the issue.

When it’s all said and done, I’m ready for something more substantial from Tomasi’s Detective Comics. I’m ready for that sweeping five-seven issue arc where Batman faces a villain that he’s not able to beat with stuff he found out of an old fighter jet. I’m ready for more interactions with Robin. I’m ready for Mr. Freeze to enter the fray, and I hope it’s as chilling as the codas portend.

7.5 “Rising Suns” out of 10

Reading Batman? Find BNP’s coverage of the Dark Knight here.

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The post Detective Comics #1011 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

September 15, 2019

Girl Baby Clothes For Rebels

We’ve compiled the best list of girl baby clothes for rebels that inspire and empower females. That certainly doesn’t mean that these onesies can’t be worn by boys either. As we try to tear down gender stereotypes, we want to encourage our children to follow their dreams. Through the creation of this list, we’ve tried to emphasize that our little ones are not solely limited to their biologically assigned genitalia. Please check out our cute baby clothes for boys as well, since both lists are appropriate for all genders.

Rebel Rebel Leia Onesie

From another galaxy far, far away this Princess Leia romper is perfect for you rebellious Star Wars fans out there. Leia is the perfect example of the strong female archetype we’ve grown to love and promote. If you like this onesie, then check out all of our featured Star Wars baby clothes.

Marie Curie Onesie

This onesie has one of the most famously celebrated female scientists to have walked the Earth. Marie Curie helped discover radioactivity, and became the only woman to win two Nobel Prizes. Talk about the female power.

Women With Vision Onesie

This romper features more very successful talented women your child can look up to. The four women on this shirt are:
Malala Yousafzai (Nobel Prize Laureate), Frida Kahlo (Artist), Rosa Parks (Civil Rights Activist), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Justice of the Supreme Court).

13th Doctor Who Onesie

Finally, a woman Doctor. It’s about time. Beyond all the criticism of Jodi Whittaker, the door is now open for females to have a larger role in the show. If you’re a huge fan of Doctor Who and cute baby clothes for girls, then be sure to check out all of our Doctor Who baby clothes.

Let The Adventure Begin Onesie

The best thing about having a baby is watching them grow up and experience life on a very fundamental level. While grownups drone on and on about what profession a child will take on, children are developing entire imaginary worlds in their heads. Now that’s an adventure worth having.

Future Gamer Onesie

Speaking of adventures, who is ready to teach their baby how to play Dungeons & Dragons or another pen and paper role-playing game? Get out your dice and start rolling for initiative.

Future Astronaut Onesie

Astronauts come in all genders these days. I think this romper captures that spirit, but even if your child doesn’t become a successful scientist they can still visit different worlds using their imagination. The fact that women can go to space is a huge testament to the world we live in today.

Legend of Zelda Onesie

It is, after all, called Legend of Zelda. There’s no Link in that title. Maybe Zelda has to save Link this time. I really love that idea, or maybe they just team up to stop Gannon. Either way, this is the true legend of Zelda.

To The Disco Onesie

Who says only boys love Dinosaurs? Girls can definitely be into giant angry lizards as well. This romper captures everything wholesome with a prehistoric dance party. If you love ancient reptiles, check out our dinosaur baby clothes.

Gamer In Training Onesie

Is your little one ready to grab a controller and start on their couch quest of conquering virtual worlds with you? Probably not, but I’m sure you’re ready. Just give it a few years.

LOTR Eowyn Onesie

Lord of the Rings is a timeless classic that you’re are itching to read and show your child. The journey of the Ring is one of the best adventures created by any human. Check out all our featured Lord of the Rings baby clothes.

Sailor Moon Costume Onesie

Sailor Moon got really popular in the US around the late 90’s and early 2000s. It was one of the first animes to really make it in America’s pop culture. This Rini costume comes with a hat.

Game Of Thrones Onesie

Your baby is the moon, stars, and sun of your life. However, there are times where you want to run away or cry your eyes out in the closet. These are great times to escape into your favorite HBO series. Make sure you check out all our Game of Throne onesies.

DNA Blocks Onesie

You’re responsible for half the building blocks in your little one’s body. How cool is that? This romper is perfect for those of you who are interested in genetics. Especially, if you are obsessed with how much your child looks like the father and mother.

Go to the Library Onesie

Welcome, you fans of Harry Potter, to the website that’s happy to show you how to spend all your money. After you purchase this adorable outfit, take a look at all our featured Harry Potter baby clothes.

Darwin Evolution Onesie

As your child grows into an adult you’ll be able to watch them evolve into an independent human being. That’s not the definition of evolution that Darwin gave us, but we now know that organisms spend years and years adapting to their changing environments.

Femme Superheroes Onesie

Talk about some serious girl power! When the females of Marvel and DC team-up, criminals don’t stand a chance. This romper features the best of the best. Your little one will be saving the planet in no time. In addition to these cute baby clothes for girls, make sure you check out our selection of Marvel onesies and DC baby clothes.

Legend Of Me Onesie

Be careful who you call princess when Zelda is around. Your little one can grow up fighting off the baddies residing in Hyrule as she crawls around the living room floor. Girls can swing swords and throw boomerangs just as well as boys.

Be A Scientist Onesie

Girls wanting to be princesses are so 20th century. The fantasy for most parents now is to have their kid grow up and become a scientist. However, let’s make sure we don’t pressure kids too much. The most important thing about being a child is getting to have fun.

Princess Peach Onesie

Speaking of 20th-century princesses here’s Peach from Super Mario. A long time ago, she was a defenseless princess that always needed saving in different castles. Nowadays, she’s just as important as Mario. Whether racing karts, defeating Bowser or competing in athletic competitions, Peach is a modern independent woman. Sure, she’s on the list for cute baby clothes for girls, but she will stomp a Goomba any day of the week.

Spider Gwen Onesie

I loved Spiderman Into The Spider Verse. That’s where I first saw Gwen in action. I became a fan of the female spidey hero right away. Sure, Peter Parker is awesome, but there’s definitely room for a Spider Gwen story.

Baby Goth In Training Onesie

There are a lot of parents that are either recovering goths or still hide in the shadows when the sun is at it’s highest peak. The teen angst left us years ago, but we still listen to a lot of the same music, watch horror movies, and still own a lot of black t-shirts in our closet. There’s nothing wrong with exposing your child to the things you love.

Punker Plus One Onesie

Being a parent is tough, on one hand, you want your child to grow up following rules and being polite, but on the other hand, you want your child to be anti-authority and stick it to the man. It’s a narrow line to walk just like the one Johnny Cash sang about. For now, you can just put your little one in this romper and enjoy how cute they are.

Siouxsie And The Banshees Onesie

Most modern pop music is forgettable, recycled, neatly packaged garbage. However, there’s still great music being released if you look for it. We can thank iconic post-punk rockers like Siouxsie for influencing a lot of the new bands that continue to give life to rock n’ roll.

Eat. Sleep. Poop. Onesie

Becoming a developer isn’t just for boys, girls can definitely take an interest in programming and create awesome software for the rest of us to use. Get your little one started on that path with this bit of code found on this romper. Eat, sleep, and poop… sounds just about right for the life of a baby.

Cthulhu Onesie

All hail the great Cthulhu who has come to… wait, this ancient god sure does look like a cutie-pie. No need to worry about worshipping this god, she’s pretty harmless. However, don’t make her angry or you’ll suffer some serious temper tantrums.

We All Scream For Ghostface Onesie

Who says girls can’t love horror films? Actually, no one. Turns out more women go see scary movies than men. This cute onesie blends two things a lot of us like horror and ice cream. It really melts my heart.

Retro Bot Onesie

Robots are taking over our daily tasks more and more as time goes on. They may not exactly look how we originally imagined them to be in the ’50s and ’60s, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress your baby up as a retro android. This awesome romper celebrates the origins of robots and shows how far we’ve come.

Nerdy Girl Onesie

Did you know if you combine the elements neon and Iridium you get one nerdy girl? This adorable romper celebrates chemistry and the culture you’re planning to raise your baby in. Don’t worry, it comes in lots of different colors.

Leia Saving Luke Onesie

Star Wars continues to remain relevant even though it was first released 40 years ago. Personally, I love how artists re-imagine key scenes from that first trilogy. The what-ifs if you will, that make me spend the next 30 minutes on what would have changed if this happened differently. That’s why I’m drawn to this romper. Leia could have easily been the hero in the original trilogy. Strong, independent, and smart – she’s the other Skywalker that could have led the rebellion for the Alliance.

The Babe Onesie

Labyrinth holds a special place in my heart. Between the wonderful performance delivered by David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, and all the magical creatures the story just sucks you in. Absolutely, wholesome.

Living Dead Girl Onesie

This zombie girl onesie highlights the beauty of being different. Not every girl wants ponies, tiaras, blond hair, or blue eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think that’s cool. Other times, we just want to dress our kid in a unique romper.

Science Is For Girls Onesie

One of the recurring themes in these cute baby clothes for girls list is the promotion of science. That’s because for years females were told that managing the household and raising children was what women were supposed to dedicate their lives to. It’s important that we move away from that traditional line of thinking and tell our children that they should become whatever makes them happy.

The post Girl Baby Clothes For Rebels appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

September 15, 2019

Black Girl Magic Hits the Tennis Court in ‘Legacy and the Queen’

Raised on basketball and football since birth, a sport like tennis actually never found its way to my lane as a child in a city with few tennis courts. In the years most of us develop our deepest admiration of a sport, my knowledge is deep in one league I still love, and another, well, another I managed to fully abandon just recently. I find myself wishing I could go to a store that offers returns and exchange NFL knowledge for another sport that were a better fit. If ever such a magical store existed, my eye would be on tennis. With a newfound interest but hopelessly meager knowledge in the sport, a new YA fantasy adventure arrived at just the right time in my life, and that’s Legacy and the Queen. Written by former pro athlete-turned-writer Annie Matthew, and published by Kobe Bryant’s multimedia company Granity Studios, the book follows a young Black girl named Legacy. Legacy, who grew up in the outer provinces of the magical kingdom of Nova, is on a meteoric rise to stardom through the nation’s biggest pastime.

Tennis is everything in the land of Nova. Those from the provinces (“provis,” as they’re called derogatorily) play with tattered rackets outside their impoverished homes, while the capital city trains privileged athletes with magic and unlimited resources as it uses the sport to unify its nation. That nation is united under a council, most notably led by Silla, a woman nicknamed “the Queen” as she united the lands in a centralized, powerful city. When Legacy Petrin, a 12-year old girl from the provinces, finds herself with the opportunity to compete in the capital’s tennis tournament, she is plunged in a political revolution that’s far deeper than tennis. And if it sounds familiar then you are likely acquainted with The Hunger Games as the most recent — and most popular — iteration of the story, and the similarities snowball from there.

Where Legacy and the Queen separates itself is in the world it builds, complete with fantastical animals, mystical recipes, and inner magic called “grana” that align Legacy closer to Harry Potter than the YA sports psychology drama that lives underneath. Legacy’s training camp is like a small Hogwarts with tennis as their Quidditch. New to the capital and painfully different, she’s an ostracized, friendless fish out of water whose only motivation is to save the province and orphanage from where she came. It’s not until she meets Javi and Pippa — two other outcasts in their own right — that Legacy finds herself with the support she needs to have a true shot to save her friends and family.

Many of the themes covered are based in the perspective of an athlete as Legacy struggles to control her emotions and leverage them to positive effect on the court rather than allowing those emotions to backfire inward. Our story’s pacing makes a few economical decisions by explaining its simpler themes in conjunction with the complicated landscape of the fantasy world being built; perhaps the most apt example is having the explanation of emotions’ interconnectedness (anger can be based in love) explained through a combination of inner magic, your tennis racket, and the ingredients that form its strings. In that light, Legacy and the Queen would have been better served by either 300 pages rather than 200, or a narrower world that fits more squarely in the real estate given, but the explanations may be useful analogies to younger readers who need it and don’t offer too much of a distraction.

Overall, Legacy and the Queen is a motivational, magical adventure with goodhearted characters and a familiar dystopian feel. The story is wrapped in a notably beautiful package complete with a soft felt cover, string bookmark, and artwork that make it a charming gift. It is best befit for kids who live at the intersection of sports and fantasy adventure as a relatable introduction to deeper dystopia novels, which, given an ending suitable for sequel, I imagine Legacy and the Queen hopes to become.

For this reader, it serves as a gateway to more tennis, as anyone with Legacy’s passion is bound to prove contagious. I may have grown up without much access to tennis, but having lived in my current city the last 10 years I learned a fun fact: New York has over 300 public tennis courts. More realistically, maybe I’ll just start by watching the next Grand Slam. You can find Legacy and the Queen at your local indie or on Amazon.

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September 14, 2019

BLOOD MACHINES Trailer Proves Space Is A Technicolor Nightmare

Space is a mysterious thing. Bleak and infinite, we’ll never know all of its deep and strange possibilities. That’s why we turn to science fiction, which can fill in the imaginative blanks of the galaxies. And thanks to the creative minds of filmmakers around the globe, we have so many interpretations to choose from. Cue the first trailer for French director Seth Ickerman’s Blood Machines, a film that looks unlike anything we’ve ever seen before–a movie about deep space and big ideas rendered in beautiful technicolor strobe light and accented by a score so catchy, we dare you not to dance along.

Blood Machines–a French science fiction film, which will make its United States debut at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas next week–tells the story of an A.I. that escapes its spaceship a  female ghost and challenges two blade runners into a galactic chase. The film was funded by a Kickstarter campaign and features what sounds like an incredible, dizzying synth score by composer Carpenter Brut. The project is actually a sequel to Brut’s music video, “Turbo Killer,” which was also directed by Seth Ickerman and is equally colorful and transfixing.

If you’re a fan of what you see but can’t make it to Fantastic Fest this year, worry not! Though there isn’t an official release date just yet, Blood Machines is co-produced by the U.S. streaming platform Shudder, meaning it will be available online to stream at a later date. It will also have a showing at various other North American film festivals such as Brooklyn Horror Fest and Toronto After Dark.

If you’re a fan of films like Blade Runner or Mandy–movies that combine killer visuals, big concepts, and indelible scores–Blood Machines looks like just the sort of movie you can really sink your teeth into.

Header Image Credit: Shudder

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