
We might never fully recover from Daenerys Targaryen’s decision to destroy King’s Landing in Game of Thrones‘ penultimate episode, “The Bells.” She had already taken the city and Westeros, but in her moment of ultimate glory she decided to become the very thing she had always promised not to – a monster. To paraphrase Pulp Fiction‘s Marcellus Wallace, she went “medieval” on the capital’s as. So it’s only fitting a show full of swords, knights, castles, and peasants suffering at the hands of their high lords and ladies has now received it’s very own painting of that infamous moment done in traditional Medieval style.

[SPOILERS]Spent the last couple of months painting this medieval style manuscript. Enjoy! from r/gameofthrones

This portrait (which we first came across at Winter is Coming) that looks like it came right out of the Middle Ages was made by Reddit User u/bchris17, who said he “spent the last couple of months painting” it. If not for the lady atop a dragon flipping off those below her, as well the hilarious text at the bottom (which includes an amazing reference to an old internet meme), this could pass for an actual Medieval manuscript.

We love it though for all of the great references to the episode itself. The Clegane Bowl, with “excuse me, pardon me” Cersei sneaking by, dominates the center of the image, as King’s Landing burns around their epic battle. At the brothers’ feet lies Qyburn, whose smashed brain sits next to him on the stairs. Below Lannister soldiers are consumed by the flames, while Grey Worm stabs one for good measure.

The highlight of the whole painting though are the Northern forces in the lower right hand corner. The faces of Jon Snow, Davos Seaworth, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and the rest are comedy gold. Not only do their expressions perfectly capture the sadness and confusion of the characters in the moment, they represent how we felt watching the episode.

We still can’t believe Daenerys went medieval on the whole city.

Featured Image: HBO

The post GAME OF THRONES’ “The Bells” Told as a Medieval Painting appeared first on Nerdist.

August 3, 2019

GAME OF THRONES’ “The Bells” Told as a Medieval Painting

We might never fully recover from Daenerys Targaryen’s decision to destroy King’s Landing in Game of Thrones‘ penultimate episode, “The Bells.” She had already taken the city and Westeros, but in her moment of ultimate glory she decided to become the very thing she had always promised not to – a monster. To paraphrase Pulp Fiction‘s Marcellus Wallace, she went “medieval” on the capital’s as. So it’s only fitting a show full of swords, knights, castles, and peasants suffering at the hands of their high lords and ladies has now received it’s very own painting of that infamous moment done in traditional Medieval style.

[SPOILERS]Spent the last couple of months painting this medieval style manuscript. Enjoy! from r/gameofthrones

This portrait (which we first came across at Winter is Coming) that looks like it came right out of the Middle Ages was made by Reddit User u/bchris17, who said he “spent the last couple of months painting” it. If not for the lady atop a dragon flipping off those below her, as well the hilarious text at the bottom (which includes an amazing reference to an old internet meme), this could pass for an actual Medieval manuscript.

We love it though for all of the great references to the episode itself. The Clegane Bowl, with “excuse me, pardon me” Cersei sneaking by, dominates the center of the image, as King’s Landing burns around their epic battle. At the brothers’ feet lies Qyburn, whose smashed brain sits next to him on the stairs. Below Lannister soldiers are consumed by the flames, while Grey Worm stabs one for good measure.

The highlight of the whole painting though are the Northern forces in the lower right hand corner. The faces of Jon Snow, Davos Seaworth, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and the rest are comedy gold. Not only do their expressions perfectly capture the sadness and confusion of the characters in the moment, they represent how we felt watching the episode.

We still can’t believe Daenerys went medieval on the whole city.

Featured Image: HBO

The post GAME OF THRONES’ “The Bells” Told as a Medieval Painting appeared first on Nerdist.

August 3, 2019

The Evolution of War – POWERS OF X # 1 Review

Writer: Jonathan Hickman / Artist: R.B. Silva / Marvel

“You’ve forgotten that machines have no soul and that humans lost theirs a long time ago.”

For the official record and all the late students joining us, the correct nomenclature of the new Hickman X-Men series are as follows: House of X is spoken as “House of Ecks” and Powers of X is pronounced as “Powers of Ten.” It feels a bit strange at first, but makes perfect sense in the context of this series – not only does “Power of X” refer to the four timelines in which the story unfolds, but also the eventual evolution and ascension of mutants over humans.

The launch issue of Powers of X reads like Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain by way of Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in America with an inevitable mutant-man-machine war steering the plot. The issue opens with a young Professor Xavier meeting Moira MacTaggert for the first time at a fair.  She tells him that clearly they were destined to meet after a tarot reading revealed three significant cards to her – The Magician, The Tower, and the Devil.  As the story develops, these cards take on further significance as they are the keys to a future that lies decades beyond them. Meanwhile, in Year Ten (the present) – Mystique and Toad return to the House of K (Krakoa) with a piece of stolen data for Magneto and Xavier to ingest into the mutant homeworld (read House of X #1 to see how this started). Whereas Mystique wants something in return for her trouble, Xavier and Magneto show little patience for her pettiness. Xavier tells her, “We’re building a better world, Mystique. And everyone who would live in it owes something.” One hundred years later, we are thrown in the midst of the mutant-man-machine war as three familiar, yet completely unfamiliar mutants attempt to save a black-brained mutant from Sentinels.  Ultimately, they are unsuccessful in their rescue mission as the mutant referred to as Priest (looking like a Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Azazel composite) refuses to help in the attack due to his pacifism.  On her own in the battle, the mutant known as Rasputin (wielding Magick’s familiar Soul Sword, but with the skin of Colossus), is ultimately defeated and the black-brained mutant is taken.


From that point, forget everything you thought you knew about all of the X-Men’s divergent timelines and possible futures. The kidnapped mutant is taken to the leader of the man-machines forces, none other than Super Sentinel Nimrod. As the mutant refuses to give any information willingly, he orders her to be taken to the “baths” – a tube filled with a liquid compound that will essentially break down the mutant into pure data and extract everything she knows without her cooperation. Eerie sh!t with more than a little subtext.  From there, the story hints at a strange new hope 1,000 years in the future where apparently mutants have overcome the oppression of humans, and keep their lesser evolved species in isolated reservations that resemble zoos.  I swear to you, this is just the first issue.

The new Hickman run of X-men in these two mini-series is everything you didn’t know you needed from X-Men storytelling. Most impressive is the way Hickman weaves in the mythology. We become familiar with all-new, all-different classifications of mutant hybrids (Chimeras and Outliers), a mutant breeding program spearhead by Mr. Sinister, and a series of major events that happens off-panel that I hope we can see visualized.  Even more impressive about Hickman’s scripts are how his worlds and plots elevate the artists around him to levels of excitement and kinetic energy that we did not see before.  Artist R.B. Silva, for instance, seemed merely like a B-list backup while drawing the awful-awful-awful X-Men Blue series, but spurned by Hickman’s epic storytelling, this man is turning in some beautiful, nuanced work. Teamwork make the dreamwork indeed.

As someone that has been reading X-Men comics consistently since 1992, I can safely say these new joints by Hickman CRUSH everything that was not written by Claremont, Morrison, or Bendis’ Uncanny run. I may show slight favoritism for anyone with Jon in their names, but I cannot write enough positive adverbs or epithets to make you read this series.  If you like X-Men, comic books, long game mythology and storytelling, then you have absolutely zero excuses not to read House of X and Powers of X as soon as they drop on NCBD.  The first issue of this series ties in four distinct time periods in mutant history that reflect directly upon the “current timeline” as it unfolds in House of X.  You cannot read one of these books without the other to grasp the full scale of what Hickman has in store for a thousand years of X-Men history …yes, a thousands years. Without a doubt, Hickman’s reign on the X-Men already stands as the most exciting title (re)launch since Ta-Nahisi Coates took over Black Panther or James Aaron on Thor. No more talking. Start reading.

Rating: 10 out of 10 Powers of….X

You’re going to want to read all of our House of X/Powers of X reviews. So here they are.

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The post The Evolution of War – POWERS OF X # 1 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

August 2, 2019

Trump Supporters Are Tired of Being Called Racist but Aren’t Willing to Be Less, You Know, Racist

Trump supporters hold shirts at a rally that read "Trump and Republicans are not racist."

According to a new report from The Atlantic, Trump supporters are really tired of being called racist. Groundbreaking news, I know. But rather than actually examine their own outlooks and behavior, they just want everyone to stop calling them out for their, you know, racism.

The people that reporter Elaina Plott talked to all had reasons why they couldn’t possibly be racist. One had a father who was a “bigot,” so, as he put it, “he knew what real racism looked like.” Another (who didn’t attend the rally and says he’s “not that kind” but still thinks everyone’s calling him a racist) gave “a stranger $20 to help his foster child, who was black.” Another woman has 13 grandchildren–“Four of them are biracial, black and white; another two of them are black and white; and another two of them are Singapore and white.” And she says she can’t be racist because she gives all of them “kisses like nobody’s business.”

It should be obvious, but helping out a stranger or loving your grandkid does not automatically preclude you from the possibility of racism. It definitely doesn’t preclude you from supporting racist systems and institutions, which is exactly what anyone supporting Trump is doing.

What’s even worse here is that, according to Plott, many of these people aren’t even reacting to accusations of racism against themselves. Instead, they’re feeling defensive over accusations against Trump.

“And that’s what the rally-goers I spoke to last night seemed most nonplussed by—not so much that Trump had been roundly condemned in recent days as a racist, or a bigot, but that they, by virtue of association, had been as well,” Plott writes. “But rather than distancing them from Trump, the accusations have only seemed to strengthen their support of this president. To back down, they suggested, would be to bow down to the scourge of political correctness.”

Let me see if I’ve got this right. These people voted for Trump, a man running on a clear platform of racism since day one of his campaign. But they’re offended by people calling him out as a racist, not necessarily because they disagree, but because then they’d have to confront their own–at the very least–tolerance of racism in having supported him. To reevaluate that support would maybe be too difficult and require too much introspection, so instead they’re doubling down on their support and rather than examine his or their own role in these racist systems, they blame “political correctness”–the thing the rest of us call “working to dismantle racist systems.”


(image: Andrew Spear/Getty Images)
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August 2, 2019

Spritz On These Fruity Scents For National Watermelon Day

Now that National Lipstick Day is behind us, we’re looking forward to another momentous beauty observance. August 3 is National Watermelon Day, and the holiday is the perfect time to swap out your signature scent for a fresh new fragrance.
Hot girl summer has been picking up steam, and what better way to balance out the spicy season than with a sweet-smelling aroma. When it comes to savory scents, what more appetizing than watermelon?
Whether you’re eating the fruit, incorporating it into your skincare regimen, or misting it on, you’ll find that it’s the perfect dose of refreshing and invigorating.

Celebrate the fruit inspired holiday by grabbing one the watermelon infused fragrances below.

The post Spritz On These Fruity Scents For National Watermelon Day appeared first on Essence.

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