
Android Q is Android 10 (via Google)

Google has lost its sweet tooth: After 10 years of confections, Android OS is being rebranded.

This year’s Android Q—admittedly one of the alphabet’s hardest letters to associate with a snack food—is officially known as Android 10.

And that’s it.

No quince, quavers, or quarter-pounder. Just Android 10.

Which is a bit of a letdown, following a decade of candied updates—from Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, and Ice Cream Sandwich to Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo, and Pie.

Part of the Android experience, these nicknames—internal codes used by Google’s engineering team—were “a fun part of the release each year,” Sameer Samat, vice president of product management, wrote in a blog announcement.

“But we’ve heard feedback over the years that the names weren’t always understood by everyone in the global community,” he said.

The letters “L” and “R,” for instance, are indistinguishable in some languages, making it difficult to know that Lollipop referred to the version after KitKat.

And while sweet pies and fluffy marshmallows do make for a delicious treat, they are not particularly popular in many parts of the world.

Numbers, however, are globally recognized.

A refreshed look for the brand (via Google)

“This next release of Android will simply use the version number and be called Android 10,” Samat explained. “We think this change helps make release names simpler and more intuitive for our global community.

“And while there were many tempting ‘Q’ desserts out there,” he teased, “we think that at version 10 and 2.5 billion active devices, it was time to make this change.”

That’s not Android’s only transition, though: The platform has introduced a “more modern, accessible” brand aesthetic.

The design, rolling out soon with the final release of Android 10, draws inspiration from the company’s robot mascot, which “has long been a symbol of the fun and curiosity at the heart of Android,” Samat said.

New black font also makes the logo easier to read—especially for those with visual impairments.

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August 23, 2019

Android Q is Android 10 In Brand Update

Android Q is Android 10 (via Google)

Google has lost its sweet tooth: After 10 years of confections, Android OS is being rebranded.

This year’s Android Q—admittedly one of the alphabet’s hardest letters to associate with a snack food—is officially known as Android 10.

And that’s it.

No quince, quavers, or quarter-pounder. Just Android 10.

Which is a bit of a letdown, following a decade of candied updates—from Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, and Ice Cream Sandwich to Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo, and Pie.

Part of the Android experience, these nicknames—internal codes used by Google’s engineering team—were “a fun part of the release each year,” Sameer Samat, vice president of product management, wrote in a blog announcement.

“But we’ve heard feedback over the years that the names weren’t always understood by everyone in the global community,” he said.

The letters “L” and “R,” for instance, are indistinguishable in some languages, making it difficult to know that Lollipop referred to the version after KitKat.

And while sweet pies and fluffy marshmallows do make for a delicious treat, they are not particularly popular in many parts of the world.

Numbers, however, are globally recognized.

A refreshed look for the brand (via Google)

“This next release of Android will simply use the version number and be called Android 10,” Samat explained. “We think this change helps make release names simpler and more intuitive for our global community.

“And while there were many tempting ‘Q’ desserts out there,” he teased, “we think that at version 10 and 2.5 billion active devices, it was time to make this change.”

That’s not Android’s only transition, though: The platform has introduced a “more modern, accessible” brand aesthetic.

The design, rolling out soon with the final release of Android 10, draws inspiration from the company’s robot mascot, which “has long been a symbol of the fun and curiosity at the heart of Android,” Samat said.

New black font also makes the logo easier to read—especially for those with visual impairments.

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August 22, 2019

High Fat Foods To Help You Lose Weight

healthy fats day

Source: katleho Seisa / Getty

For a long time, those seeking to shed some weight seemed resistant to accepting the facts that healthy fat is a part of that. I know—anything with the word fat in it feels problematic when you’re trying to be, well, the opposite of that. Of course, sometimes it just takes a celebrity-backed trend to show us the light (for better or worse) and once the Keto diet took the weight loss scene by storm, people finally believed that a high-fat diet can actually be a good thing, when done right. Healthy fats can do a lot of wonderful things that anybody—including those who aren’t trying to lose weight—can benefit from, but they may be particularly useful to those hoping to shed pounds. They can aid in digestion, suppress the appetite, and overall leave us feeling satiated on less food. Here are healthy fatty foods you should be eating to lose weight.


healthy fats day

Source: fcafotodigital / Getty

Olive oil

On a simple level, extra virgin olive oil can entice you to eat more vegetables. It tastes great on lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers—really most veggies—so it could put you back in the salad game. It’s also laded with vitamins E and K, plus tons of antioxidants.

August 22, 2019

Janelle Monae Marries Art, Food, and Tech to Imagine ‘A Beautiful Future’

True to her calling card as one chosen to liberate the oppressed, singer/actor/activist Janelle Monae is back at it again (as if she ever stopped). Her aim? To empower women and those who identify as such via art, music, mentorship, and education. In partnership with Belvedere Vodka, Monae hosted ‘A Beautiful Future’ dinner—a sensory bouquet immersing guests in music, art, dance, and tech at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art on the eve of her Lollapalooza performance.

“This collaboration is a convergence of our shared beliefs: optimism and the power of ‘the we, not me’ to bridge divides,” said Rodney Williams, president of Belvedere Vodka. It was the next level up from the Hidden Figures starlet’s Fem the Future grassroots organization and similarly-named series of brunches previously hosted in Berlin, London, and New York.

Janelle Monae

(Image courtesy of Belvedere)

“I think it’s important whenever you work with brands that they understand your vision,” says Monae, who in addition to playing an abolitionist master teacher in Harriet Tubman’s life story, was also recently announced to replace Julia Roberts as the headlining character in the psychological thriller, Homecoming. “When Belvedere heard that I wanted to highlight voices and put more opportunities in the hands of women they said, ‘How can we help?'”

Janelle Monae

(Image courtesy of Getty)

Aside from debuting a metallic collage-designed, limited edition bottle of Belvedere’s super-premium vodka—inspired by Monae—the event zeroed in on art, food, and the celebration of four individuals from Chicago whose work aligns with the theme of diversity, inclusion, self-expression, and “access to explore one’s passions freely,” explained Monae.

Janelle Monae

(Image courtesy of Belvedere)

The honorees included sexual assault activist Scheherazade Tillet, co-founder and executive director of A Long Walk Homea nonprofit that uses art and film to raise awareness and end violence against girls and women; Nikki Roberson, fundraising director and community outreach liaison for Kicks 4 the City; LaForce Baker, founder and CEO of Moon Meals; and celebrated visual artist and architect, Amanda Williams.

“She believes in positivity and elevating other’s voices and these are ideas that as a brand we can champion and get behind,” said Carlos Zepeda, VP of Belvedere Vodka US.

Baker, the founder of Moon Meals, is one of those voices. Currently, his product is sold in 188 grocers across Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa and he projects it will be available in over 1,000 stores, including Whole Foods, CVS, and Walgreens by the end of 2020.

Moon Meals, he says, builds upon Monae and Belvedere’s Beautiful Future motif in three ways: by increasing access to quality meals on the South and West sides of Chicago, where food deserts are prevalent; by generating revenue for economically depressed neighborhoods; and by hiring and servicing women of color. “Our products empower our customers, which are predominately women, by giving them the nutrition they love, on the go, and without much sacrifice.”

The dinner was served at a stunning 90-foot-long table, attended by 80-plus cultural tastemakers, social justice influencers, and key Chicago business stakeholders with rousing music from DJ Rae Chardonnay. It featured five courses by Jason Hammel, chef of Marisol, a restaurant at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

Janelle Monae

Technology also took a center seat at the table. Running down the center for the full length of the table was an LED display monitor pumping messages of encouragement and inspiration. The first course of the five-course dinner included a plate with brightly lit headphones playing a special message from Monae’s alter ago, Cindy Mayweather, an android from the year 2719.

“Tech is a powerful tool. But I want to make sure that the bias is not there. That’s been a big concern of mine,” says Monae, who stresses that as technologies like artificial intelligence or voice and facial recognition are developed further, Silicon Valley should bring women and diverse voices to the table on the front end.

“Because when we’re not in the room and there is only one type of person in the room making these decisions, I think that it won’t be a beautiful future.”

August 21, 2019

A Eulogy For the MCU Spider-Man (2016-2019)

As we adjust to the news that Spider-Man will (maybe) no longer be in the MCU, it’s time to pour one out for the greatest live-action incarnation of Marvel’s #1 hero. Although Spidey has existed on the big screen since 2002, it was this third incarnation that truly got Peter Parker right. When Sam Raimi gave the world its very first taste of a big screen Peter Parker by way of Tobey Maguire, he did right by the character in many ways. But I think it’s fair to say that it wasn’t until Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios got ahold of him that we all got the truest version of the wall-crawler ever put on film. Simply put, Kevin Feige understand what makes Spider-Man tick more than any producer ever.

The Raimi movies understood that Peter Parker was a lovable loser, and Tobey Maguire nailed that part of the character from the word go. But he was never the quippy, funny guy when he put on the red and blue tights—at least nowhere near as much as he should have been. Meanwhile, Spidey 2.0 Andrew Garfield did get the smart-ass nature of Spider-Man down, but he was this traditionally handsome dude, with Twilight hair and charm for days. I never bought he’d ever be anything but the popular guy in school.

But when Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios came on board, Spider-Man was saved. Casting Tom Holland was the absolute perfect choice. He was adorable, but in a teenage dorky way—not in a sexy “I got game” way like Garfield. Holland’s Peter was a science dork for sure, but like comic book Peter, he actually has friends in school. Tobey Maguire’s version of Peter only had Harry Osborn as a friend, and that’s because Harry used him as his tutor and kind of put up with him. Holland’s Spidey was the version from the comics we’d all been waiting years for.

Peter’s relationships with the kids around him—Ned, Liz, MJ, and the others—was a staple of the Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comics, and almost totally ignored by the non-MCU Spider-Man films. Making Spider-Man a John Hughes-esque high school story was a genius move, and it helped make this perhaps our most beloved version of Peter yet.

In let’s not forget: we got two great villains in a row with MCU Spider-Man. Michael Keaton as the Vulture and Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio were both fantastic in totally different ways. Among the first five Spider-Man movies, we got one truly great bad guy in the form of Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock. But they dropped the ball on just about everyone else. Willem Dafoe was a great Norman Osborn for sure, but the less said about his Green Goblin, the better. Feige fully understood what made Spider-Man’s rogue’s gallery great.

And when MCU Spider-Man did deviate from the comics, like with Aunt May, it worked. We’d seen old and doting May Parker done perfectly well in the original films, but Marisa Tomei’s version of May made way more sense in a modern context. Feige has an uncanny instinct to know what things from the classic comics must be kept, and which things are ready for a change. And it was most true in the MCU Spider-Man films.

Tom Holland is remaining as Spider-Man for Sony, as are the previous two film’s directors Jon Watts. And maybe everything will proceed more or less as it has been, just without mention of any Avengers. But the MCU magic that Kevin Feige sprinkled onto Spider-Man is something that no one else can replicate. Here’s hoping this eulogy is premature, and somehow Peter Parker can remain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he clearly belongs.

Images: Sony Pictures

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