
We’ve all got busy schedules. Between work, social events, and driving kids all over town, there’s little time for anything else — such as preparing a wholesome meal. But whipping up dinner doesn’t have to take a lot of time. All you need is the Yedi instant programmable pressure cooker.

Like the famed Instant Pot, the Yedi instant programmable pressure cooker makes meal prep a breeze, but it won’t burn a hole in your wallet. Compared with traditional cooking methods, it does the same job in about half the time so it’s perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. And its versatility knows no bounds. You can use it as a pressure cooker or slow cooker, sauté with it, steam veggies, make yogurt, cook rice, and even bake a cake!

And, it’s super easy to use. Just target a recipe in the included recipe book, put in your ingredients, and turn it on. It features 15 instant touch cooking programs that automate the entire process, so you won’t need to be a master chef to make great food. It comes with everything you need to get started and is safe to use, and you can even enter settings manually so you’re not necessarily locked into using its automatic functions.

Every kitchen should have one of these handy appliances. And, since you can get it now at a solid discount, it’s the perfect time to buy. The Yedi 9-in-1 total package programmable pressure cooker normally costs $100 but, right now, you’ll get it in your choice of either stainless steel, copper, or matte black for just $75.65 when you enter the code COOKING15OFF at checkout.


Yedi 9-in-1 Total Package Instant Programmable Pressure Cooker – $89

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September 22, 2019

This Instant Pot-Alternative Is Only $75 With Code

We’ve all got busy schedules. Between work, social events, and driving kids all over town, there’s little time for anything else — such as preparing a wholesome meal. But whipping up dinner doesn’t have to take a lot of time. All you need is the Yedi instant programmable pressure cooker.

Like the famed Instant Pot, the Yedi instant programmable pressure cooker makes meal prep a breeze, but it won’t burn a hole in your wallet. Compared with traditional cooking methods, it does the same job in about half the time so it’s perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. And its versatility knows no bounds. You can use it as a pressure cooker or slow cooker, sauté with it, steam veggies, make yogurt, cook rice, and even bake a cake!

And, it’s super easy to use. Just target a recipe in the included recipe book, put in your ingredients, and turn it on. It features 15 instant touch cooking programs that automate the entire process, so you won’t need to be a master chef to make great food. It comes with everything you need to get started and is safe to use, and you can even enter settings manually so you’re not necessarily locked into using its automatic functions.

Every kitchen should have one of these handy appliances. And, since you can get it now at a solid discount, it’s the perfect time to buy. The Yedi 9-in-1 total package programmable pressure cooker normally costs $100 but, right now, you’ll get it in your choice of either stainless steel, copper, or matte black for just $75.65 when you enter the code COOKING15OFF at checkout.


Yedi 9-in-1 Total Package Instant Programmable Pressure Cooker – $89

See Deal

Like this deal? Check out Vault — you’ll get four premium tools, including NordVPN and Dashlane, to supercharge your online security. Try it free for 14 days now!

Prices subject to change.

September 21, 2019

Byron Allen Ready to Take His Case to The Supreme Court

Almost a year ago, comedian and successful businessman Byron Allen filed a $20 billion lawsuit against Comcast in addition to a $10 billion suit against Charter Communications as reported by the Associated Press. Now the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court, will hear the case on November 13.

Allen is claiming that the two media conglomerates, which aren’t carrying his cable TV channels, are doing so based on racial bias. He has been going back and forth with Comcast in court to prove that its insistence not to carry his channels is based on the fact the he is black.

“This is historic,” says the Entertainment Studios boss of the August 15 brief filed by the feds seeking to tighten the definitions of a Reconstruction Era statute in Comcast’s favor. “Donald Trump’s DOJ and Comcast are working together to destroy a civil rights statute in the U.S. Supreme Court.”

“You have one of the biggest media companies in the world, which has been beating up Donald Trump for racism, and now they are saying, we will work together to maintain institutionalized racism in America, in this amicus brief they delivered,” Allen says of the William Barr-run Department of Justice and its plan to tip the scales for Comcast.

The Los Angeles Urban League, via Twitter, as well as other civil rights groups, have called for a boycott against Comcast in anticipation of Allen’s upcoming racial bias court battle.

“We are appalled by your decision to challenge and destroy the federal civil rights statute of 1866 in the U.S. Supreme Court and do so in partnership with the Trump Administration’s Department of Justice,” the Los Angeles Urban League said several weeks ago in a letter to Comcast boss Brian Roberts and senior executive vice president David Cohen.

Now, Allen and his lawyers are going to have to prove that race was the only reason Comcast hasn’t given his cable channels distribution on its platform.

September 21, 2019

Global Climate Strike Scenes from Across the World

Today’s Global Climate Strike resulted in millions of people taking to the streets in protest of governmental inaction toward the threats of climate change, and the scenes of marches from across the world have been stunning. The event, which grew out of Greta Thunberg’s “school strike for climate change,” occurred in roughly 4,500 locations across the globe, in 150 countries. Below is a series of videos and pictures taken from twitter that represent the turnout at some of the most notable protests.


In Freiburg, Germany, a city with a population of roughly 227,000, tens of thousands of people showed up to protest. In this clip they clap in unison. The local clarion call: “Like the sea, we rise.”

New York City

In New York City, an estimated 1.1 million students were given permission to skip school and join in the protest. One source says tens of thousands of “Manhattan kids” alone showed up. Also amongst the group of protesters in New York, Thunberg herself.

Cape Town

In Cape Town, South Africa, one source estimates 2,000 people showed up for the protests. Below is a scene of school children lambasting denial of climate issues by authorities


In London, an estimated 100,000 people showed up for the protest. Jeremy Corbyn, the current leader of England’s Labour Party, stands on stage in front of a crowd chanting his name.


In Sydney, Australia, one source reports a gathering of roughly 80,000 people. There were roughly 100 other protests in the country as well, which drew an estimated 300,000 people in total.


In Delhi, India’s national capital territory, protesters switch back and forth between English and Hindi. In English, they chant “We want climate justice.”

And finally, here’s a short clip of Thunberg calling for a school strike for climate justice back in 2018. The video is one source of inspiration for the Global Climate Strike, and as of this writing has more than 4.8 million views.

What do you think about The Global Climate Strike? And what does it look like in your city? Show and tell in the comments below!

Feature image: School Strike

The post Global Climate Strike Scenes from Across the World appeared first on Nerdist.

September 21, 2019

Join Us at the 2nd Annual Charm City Night Market in Baltimore

This Saturday, September 21, join our very own Keith Chow and Jamie Noguchi at the second annual Charm City Night Market in downtown Baltimore, Maryland! Charm City Night Market is a celebration of Baltimore’s rich pan-Asian community — across ethnicity, across industry, and across generations. Coinciding with the Lunar Mid-Autumn Festival, CCNM features local AAPI […]

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