
Looks like Disney is hoping to recreate Black Panther’s success at the Academy Awards last year. Ryan Coogler’s record-breaking film made history when it was the first MCU movie nominated for Best Picture. The film’s gorgeous costumes sent the brilliant woman behind them, Ruth E. Carter, home with her first Oscar after three prior nominations. With an astonishing 13 submissions over 12 categories, it looks like Disney has high hopes for the tentpole end to the Avengers saga.


According to Disney’s For Your Consideration site the Mouse House is submitting Avengers: Endgame for a whole bunch of awards from the biggest accolades to the more standard superhero awards like costuming, effects, and editing.

You can read the full list right here:

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Film Editing
Best Production Design
Best Costume Design
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Sound Mixing
Best Sound Editing
Best Visual Effects
Best Original Score.

It’s unsurprising that the studio is aiming high after breaking through the Best Picture barrier last year. Avengers: Endgame is still looking to be the most profitable film of the year–and all-time. That is, unless Star Wars takes that crown in December.

The biggest shock here is that they aren’t putting forward any of the cast for acting nods. Audiences were sure that Robert Downey Jr. and possibly Chris Evans would be in the running for Best Actor at next year’s competition. From this line-up, it’s clear that Disney is more focused on technical awards. Though getting another Best Picture nomination under their belt would be a coup. Not to mention a Best Director nod for the Russos. The likelihood of any of these nominations is up in the air for now. But you can guarantee that you’ll see a whole lot more of Disney on the campaign trail before 2020’s Academy Awards.

Featured Image: Marvel

The post Disney Gives Massive Oscar Push to AVENGERS: ENDGAME appeared first on Nerdist.

October 3, 2019

Disney Gives Massive Oscar Push to AVENGERS: ENDGAME

Looks like Disney is hoping to recreate Black Panther’s success at the Academy Awards last year. Ryan Coogler’s record-breaking film made history when it was the first MCU movie nominated for Best Picture. The film’s gorgeous costumes sent the brilliant woman behind them, Ruth E. Carter, home with her first Oscar after three prior nominations. With an astonishing 13 submissions over 12 categories, it looks like Disney has high hopes for the tentpole end to the Avengers saga.


According to Disney’s For Your Consideration site the Mouse House is submitting Avengers: Endgame for a whole bunch of awards from the biggest accolades to the more standard superhero awards like costuming, effects, and editing.

You can read the full list right here:

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Film Editing
Best Production Design
Best Costume Design
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Sound Mixing
Best Sound Editing
Best Visual Effects
Best Original Score.

It’s unsurprising that the studio is aiming high after breaking through the Best Picture barrier last year. Avengers: Endgame is still looking to be the most profitable film of the year–and all-time. That is, unless Star Wars takes that crown in December.

The biggest shock here is that they aren’t putting forward any of the cast for acting nods. Audiences were sure that Robert Downey Jr. and possibly Chris Evans would be in the running for Best Actor at next year’s competition. From this line-up, it’s clear that Disney is more focused on technical awards. Though getting another Best Picture nomination under their belt would be a coup. Not to mention a Best Director nod for the Russos. The likelihood of any of these nominations is up in the air for now. But you can guarantee that you’ll see a whole lot more of Disney on the campaign trail before 2020’s Academy Awards.

Featured Image: Marvel

The post Disney Gives Massive Oscar Push to AVENGERS: ENDGAME appeared first on Nerdist.

October 3, 2019

In an Impossible Feat, Donald Trump Made Us All Hate Nickelback Even More

Donald Trump talks to reporters in the Oval Office.

It’s 2019 and Donald Trump is tweeting out Nickelback jokes. I truly wish I was lying.

Now that we all have Nickelback in our head because the president is even more of a monster than we originally believed, here are tweets of everyone collectively losing our minds because truly, what is happening?!

I’m sorry that we may have brought this one us all with this joke as well…

Nickelback has been through enough but also what White House intern thought this was funny? This is already the worst of timelines and now it just got impossibly more terrible.

Whatever, we’re all going to suffer and burn to the ground because the president would rather post Nickelback memes instead of taking climate change or his impending impeachment trials seriously so I guess if we’re going to go out in a fiery inferno, at least we can all finally understand what the hell is on Joey’s head.

(image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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October 2, 2019

Joaquin Phoenix Addresses Concerns Over ‘Joker’ Violence

Joaquin Phoenix responded to fears over 'Joker' violence and discussed Arthur Fleck's complex personality. (Photo Credit: Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic)

Joaquin Phoenix is not afraid of Joker critics: The star recently responded to fears over the movie’s protagonist, Arthur Fleck, and how the violent villain may be a “hero” in the eyes of troubled individuals.

“I didn’t imagine that it would be smooth sailing. It’s a difficult film,” Phoenix told Vanity Fair in an interview. “In some ways, it’s good that people are having a strong reaction to it.”

Phoenix discussed how Arthur Fleck’s situation can be interpreted in many ways and that the character doesn’t have to be glorified for his actions.

“You can either say here’s somebody who, like everybody, needed to be heard and understood and to have a voice,” Phoenix explained. “Or you can say this is somebody that disproportionately needs a large quantity of people to be fixated on him. His satisfaction comes as he stands in amongst the madness.”

When Phoenix accepted the role for Joker, he had to decide how to portray his character, who is known to have a bad reputation in the comic book world.

“I was going through [the script] and I realized, I said, ‘Well, why would we make something, like, where you sympathize or empathize with this villain?’ It’s like, because that’s what we have to do,” Phoenix added. “It’s so easy for us to—we want the simple answers, we want to vilify people. It allows us to feel good if we can identify that as evil.”

Joker premieres in theaters on October 4.

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October 1, 2019

Mathew Knowles Announced He’s Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - June 18, 2019

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

Mathew Knowles, the mastermind behind Destiny’s Child and the beginnings of Beyoncé’s solo career has revealed that he’s been diagnosed with breast cancer.

According to TMZ, Knowles will open up about the health battle Wednesday morning on “Good Morning America” with Michael Strahan.

As of now, we don’t know how he was diagnosed.

Breast cancer in men is rare. Less than one percent of breast cancer diagnoses involve men. But it is more frequently found in men between 60 and 70 years old, with the median age for Black male breast cancer patients being 63.

Knowles is 67-years-old.

The mortality rate for men in higher than women.

Richard Roundtree, the man who famously portrayed the iconic role of John Shaft was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993. He underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.

Roundtree became and advocate, raising awareness about the disease in men.

In a teaser for the upcoming interview, Strahan asked Mathew how he broke the news of his diagnosis to his family, including his wife Gena Avery, who he married in 2013, his famous daughters Beyoncé and Solange and the two children he’s had since his divorce from Tina Knowles-Lawson in 2011.

You can watch the teaser for the show in the video below.

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