<a href=""><img src="" width="1068" height="600" class="wp-image-746002 size-full" /></a> Photo Credit: Supplied by

With only 12 days left in Barack Obama's presidency, many of us are experience an overwhelming amount of feels as the countdown begins.

But instead of sobbing about his upcoming exit, T.I. decided to take unload his thoughts in an open letter that thanked President Obama for service over the past eight years.

“As I reflect, I am filled with gratitude, outrage, grief, anger, humility and appreciation, both for the things you helped bring to light and the many things we still have yet to realize,” T.I. said in the letter that was originally published by <a href=""><em>The New York Times</em></a>.

“For years, many of US failed you because, as I’ve said before, we were not all ready for the change you wanted to bring about,” he continued. “But rest assured that we heard you. Rest assured that we felt you and rest assured that your legacy will live on long after your presidency. Not only did you impact a nation, but you defined a culture and you shook up and woke up a generation.”

The <em>Us or Else</em> rapper went on to share his appreciation for Obama addressing issues like hatred, bigotry, and inequality during his presidency. Among those bullet points also was The Black Lives Matter movement.


In his concluding words, T.I. promised to keep Obama's legacy and mission alive, asking for “every one of US who has been touched by” him to “do more.”

“We cannot afford to live in a prolonged state of grief, but must remember that we have no choice but to dust ourselves off, wipe off our wounds and move beyond this barren state of shock,” he added.

Read T.I.’s full letter <a href="">here</a>.

January 8, 2017

T.I. Writes Open Letter To President Obama: “Your Legacy Will Live On”

[caption id="attachment_746002" align="aligncenter" width="1068"]<a href=""><img src="" width="1068" height="600" class="wp-image-746002 size-full" /></a> Photo Credit: Supplied by[/caption] With only 12 days left in Barack Obama's presidency, many of us are experience an overwhelming amount of feels as the countdown begins. But instead of sobbing about his upcoming exit, T.I. decided to take unload his thoughts in an open letter that thanked President Obama for service over the past eight years. “As I reflect, I am filled with gratitude, outrage, grief, anger, humility and appreciation, both for the things you helped bring to light and the many things we still have yet to realize,” T.I. said in the letter that was originally published by <a href=""><em>The New York Times</em></a>. “For years, many of US failed you because, as I’ve said before, we were not all ready for the change you wanted to bring about,” he continued. “But rest assured that we heard you. Rest assured that we felt you and rest assured that your legacy will live on long after your presidency. Not only did you impact a nation, but you defined a culture and you shook up and woke up a generation.” The <em>Us or Else</em> rapper went on to share his appreciation for Obama addressing issues like hatred, bigotry, and inequality during his presidency. Among those bullet points also was The Black Lives Matter movement.   In his concluding words, T.I. promised to keep Obama's legacy and mission alive, asking for “every one of US who has been touched by” him to “do more.” “We cannot afford to live in a prolonged state of grief, but must remember that we have no choice but to dust ourselves off, wipe off our wounds and move beyond this barren state of shock,” he added. Read T.I.’s full letter <a href="">here</a>.

January 8, 2017

Forest Whitaker Goes Full Saw Gerrera in New Star Wars Rebels Clip


Following the sizzle reel released this Monday of Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera on Star Wars Rebels comes this two and a half minute clip of Saw, uh… conversing with a Geonosian resident on board the Ghost. The show’s season premiere is, after all, titled, “Ghosts of Geonosis,” which is the strange desert planet populated by the bug-like Geonosians from Attack of the Clones.

While you might be forgiven for perhaps repressing memories of the planet and its residents, you may do well to perhaps recontextualize such memories with Star Wars Rebels. It is, after all, one of the best Star Wars stories on television today (read: one of the only Star Wars stories on television today). It’s a wonderful show in and of itself, and certainly deserves your attention.

In this clip, Whitaker once again embodies Saw after bringing him to life in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This episode is the very first since Rogue One came out, and having Whitaker play Saw again makes for a great direct connection to the movies. Kathleen Kennedy previously also went on record to say that she and the writers of Rogue One all wanted to explore Saw’s character a little bit more, and Rebels provides for a wonderful backdrop to do just that.

The show’s set to premiere today, and by the time you read this, you may have already seen this episode. If so, what’d you think of Saw’s “return”?

(via CBR)

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January 7, 2017

Outrun the Demogorgon with Netflix's New Video Game

Netflix is finally cashing in on all those Stranger Things 8-bit videos on YouTube. The online network has released an infinite runner video game starring Mike Wheeler and other Netflix heroes.


January 7, 2017

Here’s Why Cannabis Should Be Added to Your New Year’s Resolutions


We’ve just entered a new year, and resolutions are running rampant. Everyone has decided what to give up, and what to acquire, adjust, and strive for in order to make 2017 meet and beat expectations.

In deciding what to add to your life to make your year brighter, more focused, and more promising, you may want to take a closer look at cannabis.

The benefits of cannabis are often overshadowed by jargon highlighting the alleged downside of usage. However, what is rarely focused upon, is the beneficial impact cannabis consumption can have on your life when used responsibly. That changes now.

Below, you will find what cannabis can do for the new you this New Year:

1. Improved Focus


This is the baseline of what you need, in order for all of your other resolutions to stick. You need to tune in, be direct, and focus on the goals you’ve set for yourself for 2017. You need a sativa.

Sativa is an invigorating cannabis strain with properties that boost energy, inspires creativity, and increases focus. The cerebral-focused effects of sativas could be exactly what’s needed to complete that proposal, organize those ideas, start that script, work on that business plan, and get the job gone.

2. Stress Relief


The mere thought of adopting a New Year’s resolution is stressful. Resolutions imply that some sort of change needs to take place, but seeing as how we’re creatures of habit, change is no cake walk.

Fret not, indica is here to help. According to, indica is ideal for full body relaxation, and is your go-to for relieving stress, headaches, migraines, or anxiety. Indicas may also be useful for those sleepless nights when you can’t turn your brain off, due to work-related stress or anxiety.

3. Weight Loss


This one is somewhere on your resolutions list too. It may seem a little counter intuitive, because most assume cannabis equals the munchies, which equals inevitable weight gain. The fact is, this isn’t necessarily the case.

It has been noted that some types of cannabis have special cannabinoids, including THCV and humulene, which actually suppress the appetite. Cannabis is also said to improve insulin control, increase levels of good cholesterol, and improve your overall metabolic function, though it is still unclear how.

4. Additional Income


Yes, you read it right. Surely, somewhere on your resolutions list there is “make more money.” Well, you may have just found your avenue to do so.

You’ve likely caught wind of how the cannabis industry is currently booming. The fact of the matter is, if you play your cards right, you can boom right with it. Seeing how this is a fairly new industry, there is an abundance of ways for you to get in and make money—without ever touching the plant. There are lucrative careers in the cannabis industry that can pay anywhere from $50k-90k.

The beauty is that the industry is currently so wide open, that you can get in where you fit in best. Marketing expert? They need you. Media? They need you, too. Accountants? Yep, there looking for you. Farmers? Well, obviously. Find a way to lend your expertise to the industry, and your year may be more lucrative than expected.


So, there you have it—the secret weapon to achieving your resolutions reside in the friendly, green plant. Enjoy!


Safon Floyd is the Digital Editor at Black Enterprise. She is also co-founder of EstroHaze, a cannabis media startup. Follow her @accordingtofon.