In 1931, Chester Gould created the Dick Tracy comic strip, and it’s still running. However, Dick Tracy has been absent from monthly comic books for a long time. That’s going to change next year when Archie Comics releases a brand new Dick Tracy comic series.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the story about Archie’s Dick Tracy comic, which will be written by Alex Segura and Michael Moreci, with art by Thomas Pitilli. The series will take place in Tracy’s early years as a police detective, which will allow the creative team to revisit several of Gould’s classic villains. Judging from the first cover by Pitilli, it appears that Flattop Jones, one of the comic strip’s most popular bad guys, will be featured prominently.

“Michael, Tom and I are so excited to do a deep dive into the early days of Dick Tracy, one of the most iconic characters in pop culture,” said Segura when reached by Nerdist. “Like Batman, Dick Tracy has one of the most memorable and frightening Rogues Galleries in comics, and we’re planning on exploring it all from the ground up. It’s going to be a fun ride and we can’t wait to share it with readers.”

Segura also passed along a Dick Tracy cover by Afterlife with Archie artist, Francesco Francavilla.

Dick Tracy #1 will be released on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.

Are you excited to see Dick Tracy get his own comic book series again? And which classic villains do you want to see in the comic? Let us know in the comment section below.

Images: Archie Comics

Catch up on more comics news!

December 12, 2017

DICK TRACY Returns in New Archie Comics Series

In 1931, Chester Gould created the Dick Tracy comic strip, and it’s still running. However, Dick Tracy has been absent from monthly comic books for a long time. That’s going to change next year when Archie Comics releases a brand new Dick Tracy comic series.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the story about Archie’s Dick Tracy comic, which will be written by Alex Segura and Michael Moreci, with art by Thomas Pitilli. The series will take place in Tracy’s early years as a police detective, which will allow the creative team to revisit several of Gould’s classic villains. Judging from the first cover by Pitilli, it appears that Flattop Jones, one of the comic strip’s most popular bad guys, will be featured prominently.

“Michael, Tom and I are so excited to do a deep dive into the early days of Dick Tracy, one of the most iconic characters in pop culture,” said Segura when reached by Nerdist. “Like Batman, Dick Tracy has one of the most memorable and frightening Rogues Galleries in comics, and we’re planning on exploring it all from the ground up. It’s going to be a fun ride and we can’t wait to share it with readers.”

Segura also passed along a Dick Tracy cover by Afterlife with Archie artist, Francesco Francavilla.

Dick Tracy #1 will be released on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.

Are you excited to see Dick Tracy get his own comic book series again? And which classic villains do you want to see in the comic? Let us know in the comment section below.

Images: Archie Comics

Catch up on more comics news!

December 11, 2017

Taraji P. Henson Has A New Puppy, Courtesy Of Big Boi’s Breeding Company

Check out the cutie inside.

December 11, 2017

Miles Morales Takes Us ‘Into The Spiderverse’

The Jays. Did you peep the Jays?!

After years of writing think pieces on why the young boy should get a shot at being the definitive Spider-Man, and a relentless online campaign for Donald Glover to get tapped for the role that he couldn’t help but mention in his stand-up special, Sony finally blessed the fandom with a sleek new trailer that puts Miles Morales front and center in his traditional red and black. But let’s start at the beginning.

The trailer opens with Miles in front of a moving train, his hoodie flapping in the breeze as Vince Staples plays overhead.

Shoutout to Vince Staples providing the soundtrack for another black hero.

Next scene shows Miles walking up to a gravestone. A shadow obscures most of the name, but we can definitely make out the initials: P.P. That’s right, y’all. For those that don’t know, in the world of Miles Morales, Peter Parker is dead. Now it’s his responsibility to use his great power to protect the citizens of New York.

Push me to the edge, all my faves are dead.

Miles doesn’t get much time to reflect, though. A shadowy figure runs past him, and he’s gotta jump into action. Cut to Miles on the side of a skyscraper, still rocking his hoodie and pair of Jays that look like they came from #23’s personal vault. Hoooo boy, this new Spidey is buh-lackety-black-black, but he is also Latinx; hopefully we get to see his relationship with his mom in this movie.

The young Spider looks fly, but when he launches off that building, glass flying everywhere as he free falls to earth and shoots out two webs before he hits the ground? Poetry in motion. Every black and brown kid who wanted to be Spider-Man growing up has been waiting for a moment like this.

Cut to Miles slipping and sliding through traffic to catch The Prowler aka Uncle Aaron Davis as he skirts away on his motorcycle. This Spider-Man movie is shaping up to be one big Family Feud, no Steve Harvey.

Spider-Man (or Kid Arachnid, as he’s known in the Disney XD show) comes flying straight at the camera, arms swinging and legs kicking. He’s a young Spider, so it’s cool that the film stresses that fact. Finally, he pulls back his mask and shows everyone his black face and big nose [cue the Kendrick track], huffing and puffing after web-slinging all over town. Miles is here, and he’s just getting started.

The last scene shows Miles with a big poofy fro talking about the other Spider-Men out here in these streets to what looks like…Peter? That you? You just gon’ universe hop your way into this movie, huh? Ok, we see you.

Oh. My. Galactus.

This trailer is flames. The colors are flames. The music is flames. Miles is flames. The car he jumped over is flames. This movie promises to introduce viewers to a whole gang of Spider-Men–Peter Parker ain’t the only one out here web slinging.

Miles Morales is here. And he brought the crew with him.

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December 11, 2017

Shia’s Hauls Episode 68: Final Hope Slash SSJ2 Trunks

Shia’s Hauls Episode 68


Check out Richie’s latest unboxing Final Hope Slash SSJ2 Trunks

The post Shia’s Hauls Episode 68: Final Hope Slash SSJ2 Trunks appeared first on The Nerd Element.