“You Can’t Take Away 20…” Wendy Williams Gets Emotional Talking About Changing Her Last Name

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“You Can’t Take Away 20…” Wendy Williams Gets Emotional Talking About Changing Her Last Name


SiriusXM Town Hall With Wendy Williams Hosted By Karen Hunter

Source: Astrid Stawiarz / Getty


Given the way Wendy Williams kept the initial details of her divorce so close to her vest, I’m surprised she’s been this forthcoming about the process of ending her marriage to her now-estranged husband Kevin Hunter.

But it appears that when she sits down with folks, questions about her less than perfect personal life are not off limits. Recently, Williams sat down with Urban View host Karen Hunter of “The Karen Hunter Show” to discuss the latest. Naturally, the divorce came up.

Hunter wanted to know if Wendy planned on keeping her married name, which is also Hunter. Her response to the question ended up making the talk show host a bit emotional.

“No my name is Wendy Hunter, that’s my son’s name and you can’t take away twenty…don’t make me cry…next.”

Later, the Sirius host asked Williams if there was a chance that she and her estranged husband would reconcile.

No. Don’t ask. No! Girl. No. Don’t ask. I know what you’re saying. But my family is good, and we’ll always be family.”

Wendy also shared how her time in the sober house helped her to craft the life she’s currently enjoying.

“there were things in my life going on where I knew I had to sit and quiet everything, and not have knocks on the door….I just need to think,”

In the midst of her tears, Wendy did say that she’s happy these days.

You can check out clips from the interview in the videos below.

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