On Yellowjackets, the wilderness has seemed like a magical, impenetrable space. But, in truth, other people have been visiting the wilderness all along. We learn on Yellowjackets season three, episode seven that a university with the moniker KHU has come by with some regularity to study the biology of the environment, and especially the frogs. The supplies Coach Ben found came from this university. We know that it has been seven years since the university visited, but now researchers are back. Hopefully someone knows where they are.
The mysterious strangers we met in Yellowjackets season three, episode six, are actually frog biologists and their wilderness guide. Hannah and Edwin came to the Yellowjackets’ wilderness to study a rare mating act of the Artic Banshee frog, and they brought along a wilderness guide, played by Joel McHale, called Kodi or Kodiak. They surely got more than they bargained for.
Oops. Lottie says the wilderness doesn’t want the strangers in Its space, and that’s why she killed the frog biologist Edwin. But unfortunately for Lottie, this is the first straight-up murder that involves a victim not from the Yellowjackets team and co. We’ll have to see how that plays out for Lottie after the team’s rescue.
We see Hannah record parts of the infamous tape Shauna receives in Yellowjackets season three, episode seven. And these scenes reveal that Hannah has a child back in the real world. We bet that child may eventually not feel too happy that his mother never returned from a trip to the woods.
As we suspected, Van confirms that Tai has indeed not been Tai but other/evil Tai for quite some time. As Van gets close to dying on Yellowjackets season three’s seventh episode, she has a vision of Tai beside her, and Tai’s mouth is covered in dirt. As we know, Other Tai sometimes just has to shove soil into her mouth. Van says she knew it was evil Tai and demands to know how long Tai has been her other self. But evil Tai only smiles wickedly and promises that she’ll save Van’s life.
The Yellowjackets have acquired a new member of camp in episode seven of season three. Hannah, the frog biologist, is now amongst their number. We don’t quite know how she’ll fit in, or if she can help the Yellowjackets. She’s not a guide, after all. And she doesn’t have any way to contact the outside world. Still, her presence begs the question of whether she’ll be important to the team’s ultimate rescue on Yellowjackets.
Meanwhile, Travis and Akilah have saved the life of wilderness guide Kodi. Joel McHale’s Kodi certainly seems like he has a shot at escaping the wilderness on Yellowjackets season three, but will he want to help Travis and Akilah out as well? He certainly seems a bit unsavory. We’ll have to see how this tense trio get along.
Yellowjackets season three, episode seven, makes a pretty big deal out of showing us the broken satellite phone. But at one point, Hannah claims she might be able to fix it. Could that be true? Will the Yellowjackets be able to fix the broken phone and reach civilization? And even if they can, will anyone be able to find them?
Kodi shoots Melissa with his crossbow on Yellowjackets season three, episode seven. But will Melissa die in the wilderness? Tai, Van, Misty, and Shauna all seem to think she’s dead; they note so in the present day. But is that too easy? Only time will tell. We guess faking one’s death in the wilderness would be easy, but getting rescued without being exposed would be tough. On the other hand, it doesn’t look like Mari survives the wilderness either, and Shauna tells Mari that if Melissa dies, she’ll kill her. Maybe that was a promise.
Clearly, Hannah’s child is an important figure in Yellowjackets season three. In all likelihood, they are the person responsible for tormenting Shauna, killing Lottie and sending the tape. But just who is Hannah’s mystery child?
Tai admits that she saw Lottie on the day she died in Yellowjackets season three, episode seven. She tells Van that it was so she could talk to Lottie about It and how It could help Van survive. But is there more to the story? Things do seem to get bloody around Lottie and sometimes Tai. And Tai, especially as Other Tai, definitely has no compunctions about killing. What did Lottie and Tai really say to one another that day?
Shauna is pulling up outside the home of Hannah’s daughter when we leave her in Yellowjackets season three’s seventh episode. But what is she planning? Will she attack Hannah’s daughter? One never knows with Shauna.
Yellowjackets season three, episode seven presents us with the idea that Shauna’s DNA matches the DNA Misty took from under Lottie’s fingernails. Of course, this is according to Walter. Can we trust Walter? Can we trust Shauna? Did Shauna really kill Lottie on Yellowjackets season three? We suppose the season is about to tell us for sure.
Yellowjackets season three only has a few more episodes left, and we’ll be hungrily keeping track of them all.
Previous Recaps: Premiere/Episodes One and Two, Episode Three, Episode Four, Episode Five, Episode Six
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