What To Know About Dating Someone In Medical School

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What To Know About Dating Someone In Medical School


nurse going to medical school

Source: Jose Luis Pelaez / Getty

There’s always been a tremendous amount of honor in working in the medical field, but I think we all feel a heightened respect for those doing so now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We always knew, to some extent, that doctors and nurses do something very similar to firemen, in that they walk into the situation from which everyone else is trying to escape. Nobody hopes to wind up in the hospital. But every day, doctors and nurses go there, intentionally, knowing they’ll witness some horrifying things. They’ll also witness some beautiful things, but they know they’re embracing an emotional roller coaster that’s beyond comprehensible to those who don’t work in this field. And then, there are those quieter heroes who maybe we don’t talk about as much: those behind the doctors and nurses. Their loved ones who support them. Their family and friends and romantic partners who give them the strength to keep going. That’s no small task, either. If you’re romantically involved with someone in this field, you know what it’s about. Now, if you’re involved with someone currently in medical school, that is its own heaven and hell. Med school is quite a bit like training camp for the military: every day is meant to be like the hardest day on the real job may be, so they’re prepared for when those days come. Here is what to know if you’re going to be with someone in medical school.


You’re in a waiting period

You’re entering what will feel like the waiting room or lobby of your relationship. You’re not fully in it right now. It’s just on the other side of some doors. You can see it and taste it. It’s right there. But now, you have to wait. There is no semblance of a normal relationship when you’re with someone in medical school.

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