We Didn’t Talk Enough About Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine Being Handcuffed Together in Wonder Woman 1984


chris pine pedro handcuff

Do you ever watch a movie and wonder who it is for if not for you? Maybe not the entire movie, maybe it’s just one specific moment but the thought still crosses your mind. Who out there also wants to see whatever is happening on screen? Do you have comrades in this strange fight? Well, that’s how I felt when Chris Pine, as Steve Trevor, handcuffed himself to Pedro Pascal’s Max Lord in Wonder Woman 1984.

Imagine you’re me and you’re watching Wonder Woman 1984. I love Diana Prince, and two of my favorite actors alive are Chris Pine and Pedro Pascal. Not to mention that I’m definitely a Kristen Wiig type when it comes to my own brand of comedy. So it’s very much a movie for me. What I, personally, didn’t expect was for Chris Pine and Pedro Pascal to literally be handcuffed together.

Put yourself in my shoes: You’re watching a movie, two actors you love who are attractive are in it, and they’re suddenly handcuffed together. Now that’s not fair.

What’s also not fair is that I feel like I’m the only one who recognized that this scene happened and exists and im talking about it? Sure, there’s a lot to talk about with Wonder Woman 1984, and everyone moved on pretty quickly with its negative reception, and now Zack Snyder’s Justice League, but come onChris Pine and Pedro Pascal were handcuffed together and did this fun little dance move and we just collectively LET IT GO?!

I wish I could express just how rent-free this lives in my brain. Truly, if I’m not thinking about something for all of five seconds, in pops this little scene and I remember that Patty Jenkins is secretly my friend who has my best interests at heart. Maybe it’s because I’ve been trapped inside for over a year now or maybe I would have still reacted this way given normal circumstances, but whatever the case, watching Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine hold each other while handcuffed together is something so personal to me.

Is there more footage of this scene somewhere? Can I watch just an hour of footage from this day and see all the takes of the two of them just … walking around, arms bound together? I’m asking for my sanity. I would just have it playing on repeat in my home every single day if you want to give that to me.

I may never recover from the art that is this one singular moment in Wonder Woman 1984, but at least I know I will always have it. Just quiet my mind, think happy thoughts, and there pops in Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine looking peak ’80s and staring into each other’s eyes. Truly, someone set this scene to “I Love You Always Forever” by Donna Lewis just so I can have it.

(image: Warner Bros.)

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The post We Didn’t Talk Enough About Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine Being Handcuffed Together in Wonder Woman 1984 first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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