Tutorial: Valentine’s Day Dollar Store Wreath

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Tutorial: Valentine’s Day Dollar Store Wreath


Valentine Wreath DIY

I decided I wanted a Valentine’s Day wreath this year.  I’ve never been a big wreath person, but Pinterest can change a girl.  I wasn’t sure exactly how my wreath would look, I just knew I wanted it to be big, bold, and red.

I headed to Dollar Tree and just started picking up red Valentine items that “spoke” to me.  I liked the sparkly garland, and the heart picks were too cute to pass up.  I had a ton of red ribbon left over from Christmas, and some wood heart frames I had purchased at Michael’s.  I looked at my collection for several days, still not sure what to do with it.  So I just started playing with my supplies, and I wound up with a wreath that I absolutely LOVE.  Here’s how I ended up making it.

Dollar Store Wreath DIY

Project estimate:

  • Wreath form, $1
  • Wire edged ribbon, on hand or $1 and up
  • Valentine garland, $1
  • Heart Picks, $1
  • Wood heart frame, $1
  • Puffy hearts, $1 for 6
  • Stickers, on hand

Total:  $5 and up


Step one:  Wrap the wreath form with ribbon (optional, but I can’t stand floral foam shedding!)  Paint the heart shaped frame.

step 2

Step two:  Cut the wire garland into 24 inch pieces.  Wrap one end of wire around the wreath form, and coil the rest into a loose spiral.  Repeat.

ribbon 1ribbon 2

Step three:  Cut the wire edged ribbon into 32 inch strips.  Attach it to the wreath form by doubling the ribbon, and pulling the ribbon ends through the loop.  Repeat.

step 5

Step four:  Slide the ends of the heart picks into the base of the ribbon loops.

Step five:  Glue the wood heart to the front, and attach the puffy heart with a ribbon.  Add a cupid sticker (optional).

step 6

Step six:  Curl the ends of the wired ribbon in different directions.

Isn’t this a fun wreath?  If you don’t care for my red/gold combo, you could easily make it white/pink or any other colors that say “Valentine’s Day” to you.  Have fun crafting and creating!

DIY Valentine Wreath

The post Tutorial: Valentine’s Day Dollar Store Wreath appeared first on Dollar Store Crafts.

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