Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

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Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath


Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of random jewelry components in my Craft Hoarder’s Paradise™ (aka, my garage), so I’ve been dipping into that stash to create my latest wreaths. For today’s wreath, I used a color palette I’m very fond of (turquoise and red) to create a small fun and funky wreath that has a bit of a folk art/Scandinavian flavor: a Red & Turquoise Valentine Heart Wreath.

Wreath a Day #5: Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

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Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of jewelry supplies because I love making jewelry, but the sad truth is, I don’t make jewelry often enough to use up all the supplies I own. I could make a necklace every day for a year (maybe that will be next year’s project?), and still not use up all the supplies I have. Does anyone else have the same craft supply hoarding problem I have?

I got these jewelry components from the Fire Mountain Gems $1 Sale (Check out my haul video here).

Supplies Needed:

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

  • Grapevine wreath*
  • Wireless chenille stem ribbon
  • Red ribbon*
  • Turquoise Beads
  • Metal Leaf Beads
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks*

I got the wireless chenille stem ribbon at Consumer Crafts, but you can use any white or silver ribbon you have on hand for this project. In fact, you can substitute any supplies you DO have for the ones I used in this project. Just use it as a jumping off point for your own creativity!

You can get wreath forms at DollarTree.com.

Step 1: Wrap Ribbon Around the Wreath Form

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Secure a piece of silver ribbon or the wireless chenille stem ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath form. When you get all the way around the wreath, cut the ribbon and glue the end of the ribbon to the back of the wreath. (Bonus points if you manage to line the ends of the ribbon up with each other!)

Step 2: Add Beads

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Next, hot glue some of the metallic leaf beads to the wreath. I arranged them in alternating color order, and placed a wire mesh heart bead at the top of the wreath.

But the wreath isn’t finished… it needs something more.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Add 1″ plastic turquoise-colored beads to the top of the flat leaf beads. Hot glue them in place.

Somehow the wreath isn’t quite done. It needs something to pull it all together.

Step 3: Add More Ribbon

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

When I added this red ribbon over the top of the wreath, it really came together.

Hot glue the end of red ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath, between the round turquoise-colored beads.

Tie a piece of ribbon or baker’s twine to the top of the wreath to provide a way to hang your wreath.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

The red ribbon really makes the turquoise beads pop, and the chenille ribbon and leaves make a great backdrop and add visual interest to the wreath. Finally, the valentine heart at the top gives the wreath a sweet focal point.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I hope you are having as much fun watching me bust my stash as I am having making these crazy wreaths! To follow along with my project, check out my other Wreath a Day posts.

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