TikTok Teens and K-Pop Stans Hijack Million MAGA March With Pancake Memes

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TikTok Teens and K-Pop Stans Hijack Million MAGA March With Pancake Memes


million maga march

Generation Z may not have invented the art of trolling, but they’ve damn near perfected it. As Trump and his sycophants continue to deny the reality of his election loss, his cult planned to flood Washington, DC for a Million MAGA March. Sidebar, you should not be able to use the phrase “million BLANK march” if don’t have a million people. Just saying. But their plans were thwarted thanks to the unbeatable forces of TikTok teens and K-Pop stans, who flooded the #MillionMAGAMarch hashtag with pancakes.

Yes, pancakes. TikTok personality Shea Depmore urged fellow TikTokers and K-Pop stans to take over the hashtag with images, memes, and videos of “syrupy goodness” to “Make America Pancakes Again.”

Anti-Trumpers quickly hopped on the meme, and soon the hashtag was dominated by all things pancake:

The pancake takeover (pancakeover?) isn’t the first time that Trumpers got trolled by the youth. In June, TikTokers and K-Pop fans reserved over a million tickets for a Trump rally in Tulsa, which tricked Brad Pascale and the organizers into building out a massive overflow tent and extra stage. Ultimately, barely 6,000 people showed up to the rally, in a massive blow to Trump’s ego.

It’s no surprise that Generation Z is this politically active. They’ve spent the last 4 years watching Trump torpedo efforts to combat climate change and ignore gun control measures that would help prevent school shootings. His hideous behavior and cruelty has energized an entire generation dedicated to stopping his message of hate.

The MAGA march ended up being a sad affair, with only a few hundred attendees. Even though Trump is still president for another 10 weeks, his loss has disempowered the proud boys and neo-nazis who worship him. And has his legal losses grow, Trump’s efforts to stage a coup grow more and more pathetic. Trump and his motorcade drove by the sparsely attended march, before heading to his golf course.

There’s nothing more delicious than Trump’s loss and humiliation. Except maybe a fresh batch of silver dollar pancakes.

(featured image: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)

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