Things We Saw Today: Women Share What They Would Do If Men Were Banned From Being Outside at Night

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Things We Saw Today: Women Share What They Would Do If Men Were Banned From Being Outside at Night

woman walking alone at night

Civil rights activist Danielle Muscato recently posited an interesting hypothetical on Twitter: What would you (meaning women & non-binary) do if all men had a 9pm curfew? This is clearly a fantasy hypothetical, not the first stages of a planning meeting, so while there were some men in the replies snarking at the enforceability of such a curfew or its impact on the workforce, etc, etc, they’re easy to ignore. The much more interesting–and upsetting–conversation was in the women answering genuinely.

The heartbreaking thing about this thread is how mundane the answers are. Women largely just want the freedom to exist in the world, in public spaces, on their own streets and sometimes just in their own beds, without fear. Yes, of course men are victims of violence too, but if asked the same question–what they would do if they could be guaranteed an evening without that threat–I doubt their answers would be as simple as “take a walk.” That’s the difference.

You can read through more replies on Twitter.

Rabbit, rabbit, Mary Suevians! What did you all see out there today?

(image: Rene Asmussen from Pexels)

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