Things We Saw Today: Stan Lee Gives Chadwick Boseman His Seal of Approval to Play Black Panther

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Things We Saw Today: Stan Lee Gives Chadwick Boseman His Seal of Approval to Play Black Panther

Something we definitely have to look forward to is the premiere of Marvel’s Black Panther, which is set to arrive in theaters in February of next year. Yesterday, Black Panther co-creator and Marvel legend, Stan Lee, gave the actor playing the iconic character, Chadwick Boseman, his blessing. Lee said, “In 1966 we brought Black Panther to the pages of Marvel … Now this talented young man brings him to the silver screen! You have my respect!” Not a bad day for Boseman, huh? (via

  • Does tenure in universities allow professors to get away with sexual harassment? Buzzfeed has a piece examining the issues.
  • Lady Gaga is being roped into Dr. Luke’s suit against Kesha. She was subpoenaed earlier this year, and will be deposed sometime in September. When initially subpoenaed, she said, that Dr. Luke was “attempting to manipulate the truth and draw press attention to their case by exaggerating Lady Gaga’s role and falsely accusing her of dodging reasonable requests.” UGH. (via The A.V. Club)
  • N.K. Jemisin’s novel, The Fifth Season, is being developed for television over at TNT! (via Twitter)
  • Elle Magazine observes that there are no women of color in Forbes’ Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses list.
  • Check out this interview with B.D. Wong about the role of Whiterose on Mr. Robot. Yes, he knows his having been cast is a problem. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • Bonnie Tyler is going to be singing her classic, “Total Eclipse of the Heart” during the upcoming solar eclipse. How perfect is that? (via Buzzfeed)

That’s it from us? What have you seen out there today?

(image: Marvel Entertainment)

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