Things We Saw Today: Rebecca Sugar Sings “What’s the Use of Feeling (Blue),” and We All Feel Feelings Forever

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Things We Saw Today: Rebecca Sugar Sings “What’s the Use of Feeling (Blue),” and We All Feel Feelings Forever

So, you know, like with any Steven Universe song, there’s possible minor spoilers embedded in the lyrics. Careful. But! If you don’t try to listen too closely, you’ll be treated here to a really delightful performance of “What’s the Use of Feeling (Blue)” from none other than Rebecca Sugar.

So, uh … remember Bubsy? Yeah. Bubsy’s uh … back? I guess? (This E3 is going to be wild.)

  • Lena Waithe wrote the “Thanksgiving” episode of Master of None, and immediately captured our hearts for its brutal yet tender honesty in showing what it’s like to come out to one’s parent and how that affects tradition and the things you do with them. Here, Vulture spoke with her and series creator Aziz Ansari about what it was like to make the episode.
  • Samantha Bee’s got a pretty wicked sense of humor. Recently, she sent out Full Frontal screeners to Emmy judges that were “disguised” as fake Russian tapes. Damn. Consider that. (via The Hollywood Reporter)

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