Things We Saw Today: Marvel’s Andy Park Discusses Captain Marvel‘s Costumes

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Things We Saw Today: Marvel’s Andy Park Discusses Captain Marvel‘s Costumes

Captain Marvel on her movie poster.

There’s a lot to love about superhero films: the stars, the powers, the VFX. but one of the best elements is by far the costuming choices. Superhero costumes come with their own unique set of challenges. They have to be custom-made, and the need to look good both in static poses and in action sequences. Costume design can make or break a film: like Ruth E. Carter’s Oscar-winning Afro-futurist looks in Black Panther, or Ryan Reynolds’ poorly conceived digital suit for Green Lantern.

Marvel Studios Director of Visual Development & Concept Artist Andy Park shared some of the secrets behind his latest collaboration: Carol Danvers’ suits in Captain Marvel. Park has become the go-to-guy for female character design, having worked on the looks of Black Widow, Scarlett Witch, Hela, Mantis, Nebula, and Wasp, in addition to Captain Marvel. And he wouldn’t have it any other way:

“My whole career has been very female-centric and I’m very proud of that. Growing up, my two favorite comic book characters were Iron Man and Rachel Summers — who is Phoenix (Jean Grey and Scott Summers’ daughter in an alternate universe). She was my favorite character because she’s so powerful. In the ’90s, my favorite TV show was Buffy, and for the first 10 years of my career — before becoming a concept artist — I was best known for drawing the Tomb Raider comic books. So, being able to work on the first co-lead female MCU superhero (Wasp) and also the first lead (Captain Marvel), is something I’m really proud and honored to have done.”

Park shared some of his favorite keyframes from the film, as well as his thought process behind the looks. There are so many details embedded in Carol’s costume that you might miss on the first look. Oh well, one more reason to watch it again!

(via Buzzfeed, image: Marvel)

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