Things We Saw Today: Mark Ruffalo Gets Grilled on Avengers: Endgame Secrets

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Things We Saw Today: Mark Ruffalo Gets Grilled on Avengers: Endgame Secrets

Mark Ruffalo is good at many things, like acting, charity work, and being handsome. There are some things however, that he is not so great at, chief among them being his inability to keep secrets about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The erstwhile Bruce Banner has frequently slipped up and given away major plot points in the Avengers franchise, much to the chagrin of his fellow co-stars.

Now, Jimmy Fallon is looking to captialize on Ruffalo’s loose lips in a segment on the Tonight Show. Fallon hooks Ruffalo up to a lie detector tests and proceeds to ask him about the events of Avengers: Endgame. So what did we learn from Ruffalo’s interrogation? Mainly that he can’t/shouldn’t be saying anything.

Ruffalo refused to answer questions about whether or not the Hulk is a shape-shifting Skrull, but the needle went wild. He also appeared to be lying about hidden clues in the Avengers trailer, and the romantic future of Bruce and Black Widow. One thing he didn’t lie about: Don Cheadle being sexier than he is.

Ruffalo also admitted to loving his Hulk action figure, and “playing with himself”. When Fallon asks about the future of the snapped characters, the lie detector goes wild before Ruffalo snaps his fingers and dusts himself. It’s a fun segment for the host and the actor, and it reminds us just how much camaraderie there is among the Avengers. Whenever they are interviewed, they truly seem to enjoy one another’s company.

As for Ruffalo’s spoilers, we’ll have to wait until April to see whether or not he spilled the beans.

(via io9, image: screencap)

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