Things We Saw Today: Laura Dern and Baby Yoda Are My New Favorite Celebrity Couple

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Things We Saw Today: Laura Dern and Baby Yoda Are My New Favorite Celebrity Couple

laura dern and baby yoda

Move over J.Rod. Forget about it, Kimye. There’s a hot new celebrity couple in town that everyone in Hollywood is talking about: Laura Dern and Baby Yoda. DernBaby, as they are known to fans, first made waves when the Big Little Lies star was linked with the intergalactic bon vivant at a basketball game:

Later, Dern opened up about the whirlwind romance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

Clearly these two are made for each other: Baby Yoda exists in the Star Wars universe, and Dern played Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. They are both also said to be BFFs with Reese Witherspoon. And before everyone gets up in arms, Baby Yoda is 50, so he’s an age-appropriate match for the Little Women star. Plus, Dern has already said “I don’t mind being the taller one.”

What can we say, we stan a power couple that spans universes. Best of luck, you two!

(via Twitter, image: HBO/Disney)

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