Things We Saw Today: It’s Time to Take to the Stars With Steve Carell in Space Force!

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Things We Saw Today: It’s Time to Take to the Stars With Steve Carell in Space Force!

Steve Carell in Space Force

Steve Carell and writer/producer Greg Daniels are back together, and fans of The Office can rejoice! The comedy duo are now taking on something bigger than paper supplies for companies. They’re taking on space itself and making sure America gets there first! Or … you know, Trump’s dumb Space Force idea. When POTUS wants complete space dominance, there is only one man for the job—and that man is Mark R. Naird (Carell). A man who actively laughs at the idea so you know, a mood.

From the trailer though, I can’t tell if Mark wants to blow this entire operation or if he’s taking it seriously but, either way, I’m excited about it because a new Steve Carell show to help me cope with the world at large? Sign me up!

With a cast filled with exciting faces (John Malkovich, Jane Lynch, Tawny Newsome, and Lisa Kudrow just to name a few), Space Force is my only hope for not being mad about that really cool name. Why couldn’t Donald Trump have named it something stupid like Space Committee? Actually … even that sounds kind of cool because it’s space. Dammit.

“Space should be a zone of wonder. Not of conflict and death,” John Malkovich says, and we concur. That’s exactly why I get so angry just thinking about Donald Trump trying to tell anyone to do space things. He doesn’t deserve space.

But watching Steve Carell being out of his depth is a favorite pastime of mine. so I’ll take this Michael Scott 2.0 and watch Space Force when it comes out on Netflix on May 29th. To reiterate, I will watch everything that Greg Daniels does—especially when it includes Steve Carell. Happy Space Force to us all!

Also did I mention that Ben Schwartz is in it? BB-8/Sonic/Jean-Ralphio himself? Truly, a gift!

(image: Netflix)

Here are some other things we saw out there today:

  • Josh Gad is bringing together the cast of Back to the Future and continues to live an ’80s kids’ dream. (via Nerdist)
  • So you know all those Data parts in Star Trek: Picard? The prop team really had to hunt them down. (via
  • Want to read all about Venom? Now you can with the free comic line-up! (via CBR)

Anything we missed out there today? Let us know what you saw in the comments below!

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