Things We Saw Today: If Beyoncé Is Not at Coachella, Coachella Does Not Exist

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Things We Saw Today: If Beyoncé Is Not at Coachella, Coachella Does Not Exist

Beyonce Coachella

#Beychella is the name of the show now. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter made history by becoming the first black woman to ever headline Coachella and as usual, when the Queen comes to perform, she comes to win.

Now, I’ll admit, I do not care about Coachella overall, but looking at the lineup, this was one of the few times I thought it might actually worth it to go. Watching clips of Queen B slay in her shorts and a bright yellow crop-top sweater was enough to make a girl cry tears of jealousy. Lord only knows what will happen when Cardi B takes the stage tomorrow.

(via The Root)

It’s like Black History Month in April <3

  • Yesterday, Troop 6000, New York City’s Girl Scout troop specifically for homeless girls, held its first cookie sale at Kellogg’s by Union Square. I actually attended the cookie sale and not only did I get several boxes of Samoas, it was awesome to see these young girls getting to have fun and participate in this tradition of selling cookies. (via Jezebel)
  • Like many A Song of Ice and Fire fans, I have been extra peeved at the series leaving out Lady Stoneheart and it appears that George R.R. Martin shares our frustration. “That was probably the first major diversion of the show from the books and, you know, I argued against that, and David and Dan made that decision.” (via i09)
  • Milos Forman, director of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Amadeus, has died. He was 86. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • Our man crush every day, Donald Glover will be pulling double duty on SNL both hosting and then performing as his rapper persona Childish Gambino. (via CNET)

What artist would you brave Coachella to go see?


(image: Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Coachella )

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