Things We Saw Today: Happy Birthday Patrick Stewart AND Harrison Ford

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Things We Saw Today: Happy Birthday Patrick Stewart AND Harrison Ford

Collage: harrison ford as han solo and patrick stewart and captain picard

It’s a rare day when we can celebrate the birth of not one, but TWO legendary starship captains, but apparently Cancers make great space pilots, or at least, great actors, as today is Harrison Ford’s 78th birthday and Sir. Patrick Stewart’s 80th.

Ford and Stewart and sort of like two sides of the same coin. One is the embodiment of American masculinity in the best way possible, while still channeling intellect, humor, and verve, while the other is the ultimate British gentleman, a Shakespearian force of pure dignity that none the less can kick some ass and give a great hug. Both are iconic.

It’s somewhat fitting that these amazing guys share a birthday. Though their careers have taken different trajectories, they’ve both embodied multiple iconic characters in genre, and continued to act and be generally awesome for decades. Ford isn’t just Han Solo, he’s Indiana Jones. Stewart isn’t just Picard, he’s Professor X. And they’re also both so much more. And we love them.

Both of these men have shaped our pop cultural lives for decades and deserve to be celebrated as much as possible. We can’t throw a party (though I will be eating cake) but we can share some Twitter love.

Oh to have been a fly on this wall …

And for Sir Patrick, what better tribute than some sonnets?

(Images: Disney/CBS)

Here are a few other party favors:

What did you see out there?

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