Things We Saw Today: Could We See the Return of Willem Dafoe in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

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Things We Saw Today: Could We See the Return of Willem Dafoe in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

Willem Dafoe as the Green Golbin.

Finally, a rumor that I can THRIVE with. On Collider’s Jeff Sneider‘s most recent podcast, he said that he’s heard—and is “pretty sure” it’s accurate—that Willem Dafoe is the main villain and leading his own version of the Sinister Six against Tom Holland’s Peter Parker. As the official Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark superfan, this is truly my dream situation.

All I want in this world now is for Willem Dafoe to have to sing this song and introduce his own Sinister Six.

While I am well aware of this just being a rumor, I’m going to bask in the idea of Willem Dafoe coming back as the Green Goblin. The reason he worked so well was that he understood the campiness of Norman Osborn and just how frightening he could be, too. You believed that this man lost everything and wanted to do his best to get some sort of power back. It’s why he was the only Norman turned to Green Goblin we saw in the live-action movies (we did have another Norman, but he never took on the Green Goblin mantle onscreen).

Would I give my firstborn to have this rumor be real? Honestly, yeah. You can also take my cat. Take my savings. I just want Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina to be back in the world of Spider-Man again so I can cry about it for the next twenty years. (I’m going to pretend like I did not realize that Spider-Man, the movie, is almost twenty years old.)

(via, image: Marvel Entertainment)

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