Things We Saw Today: Anna Faris Regrets Stoking the Idea of Her and Chris Pratt Being #RelationshipGoals

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Things We Saw Today: Anna Faris Regrets Stoking the Idea of Her and Chris Pratt Being #RelationshipGoals

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt at the "Guardians of the Galaxy" premiere

Social media can be a great way to share your life and interests with the world, but it also forces us into a competition over who has the best-looking, curated life. Even celebrities who are professionals at being looked at can fall prey to that feeling. In an interview on Dax Shepard’s podcast, Armchair Expert, Anna Faris reveals that she had mixed feelings about people referring to her relationship with Pratt as #goals:

“Chris and I did talk about…we got, like on the Twitter feed, ‘Love is dead’ and ‘Relationship goal.’ We obviously cultivated something and it was rewarding for a while. It was like ‘People seem to think we got all this shit all right.’ I had a little bit of a childish feeling of ‘Oh come on, fucking grow up’ — a little anger.”

However, she takes responsibility, saying that she definitely cultivated that image, but that ultimately social media is “a very hard forum to be genuine, and I think it does a disservice to people to not be.” (via Hello Giggles)

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(image: screencap)

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