Things We Saw Today: Actress Evan Rachel Wood Felt “Like I’m Going to Die” Watching Cats

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Things We Saw Today: Actress Evan Rachel Wood Felt “Like I’m Going to Die” Watching Cats

Cats the Movie Musical

Cats! The Tom Hooper-directed movie adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s infamous musical has been getting such wildly terrible (and yet somehow wonderful in their horror) reviews that it almost makes me want to see what Hooper has wrought. Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood had quite the reaction to watching the Jellicle cats in action.

As Pajiba helpfully compiles for our viewing pleasure, Wood put several of her reactions on social media, some of which have since been deleted. But Wood did not, at first, mince her words. Nor was she afraid to step on any paws.

Evan Rachel Wood's Cats reaction

“Maybe the worst thing I have ever seen. Ever.” Am I a glutton for punishment? Why does this make me want to head to the theater post-haste so that I, too, might suffer?

Head on over to Pajiba for the full gamut of Wood’s reaction, including her later Instagram clarifications that she doesn’t blame the cast at all for what occurred with Cats. As a big fan of Les Miserables who still just wants to meet Tom Hooper behind the schoolhouse for a chat, I could’ve told you we were headed toward disaster. And yet. And yet. I know it’s only a matter of time before Cats becomes inevitable for me.

(via Pajiba, image: Universal Pictures)

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