The Woman Behind the Voice: Kiersey Clemons Hopes That Black Girls Everywhere Will Laugh

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The Woman Behind the Voice: Kiersey Clemons Hopes That Black Girls Everywhere Will Laugh

Scooby-Doo has been a major part of television history, and with the production of the animated adventure comedy film Scoob! it will continue its legacy. While the beloved Mystery Incorporated gang has audiences from the past, the new Scoob! has a few surprises that will draw in the next generation of Scooby lovers.

Let’s introduce the latest addition to the Blue Falcon team. Dee Dee Skyes is voiced by Kiersey Clemons, who is a fantastic addition for this reimagining film along with Blue Falcon (Mark Wahlberg) and Dynomutt (Ken Jeong). Together this trio delivers a performance that will have everyone in your whole family giggling like little kids.  

Kiersey Clemons

It is a well-known fact that the Scooby-Doo franchise has made a huge contribution to our culture, and Clemons has come to add another layer to the already rich tapestry. In a phone interview with BGN, she articulated in no uncertain terms her love for this character and her role. “I really love how she [Dee Dee Skyes] handles Blue Falcon,” Clemons says, “how she has a sense of self, her sense of humor, and she doesn’t let their differences stand in the way of her getting their job done.”

The concept of friendship, bravery, and heart are at the core of this film. With any new group of friends, there is always an adjustment period early on for everyone to find their groove with one another. With the already established Mystery, Inc. team, the friendships seemed unsinkable and could withstand any weather. Yet, no friendship to date can withstand criticism from the infamous Simon Cowell. With Cowell’s unprecedented scathing remarks unleashed onto the mystery gang, our favorite protagonists soon find themselves on an amazing adventure that intersects with the Blue Falcon and Dee Dee. With the arrival of the Blue Falcon trio, Shaggy and Scooby’s close friendship will be tested.

Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.

Scoob! brilliantly examines what it means to be a hero and explores it through friendships and gadgetry. While some characters struggle with their heroic identity, other characters, like Dee Dee, are sure of themselves and are ready to save the day when needed. Clemons discussed her idea about the message behind the film. “It’s about teamwork. Everyone has their differences, and they use their strengths to complement one another. They come together to quite literally save the day. While some have bravery, others have gadgetry, and yet still, some have heart. They all join together for an unbelievable task.”

One question that is on everyone’s mind is, why this production? Clemons’s answer was as clever and sweet as all her other responses. “It’s Scooby-Doo, dude! There will never be a time where I say no to Scooby-Doo. It’s a part of my childhood, it’s a part of my dad’s childhood, my little brother is watching Scooby-Doo still. I am very thankful for this!” I couldn’t agree more! Who doesn’t love Scooby? He is the puppy we grew up with, and my personal favorite!

Kiersey Clemons

As our conversation continued, it naturally came to the topic of who would love this character. Clemons answered with precision and style as she told me who she believes the Dee Dee character is for. “I’m going to say this character is for all the little Black girls at home in isolation. I think that sometimes as an actor I need to know that my representation is being validated. With animation, it’s not me in the flesh. Getting to see that first sketch of Dee Dee and her hair, her body, and her skin color, if I see this and I think, Oh yes!—if that makes me feel good—then I know representation is working. If I feel I’m being represented, then all the little Black girls everywhere will also feel it.” 

Clemons works hard every day to make you laugh. She understands that the world is not always a safe place, and there is much uncertainty going on, yet the one thing she hopes that audiences will take away from her performance is humor. She expressed her passion for making the world laugh. “I hope that they laugh. I would love to be responsible for making someone laugh. I have days during isolation where I find it hard to smile and laugh. I hope Dee Dee can help people find their laughter during this time.”

The best part of interviewing Clemons is that she has a wonderful sense of humor. In between questions, she would be giggling or making a joke that would make me laugh. When asked how she differs from her character, her response was classic. “Well, the way in which we are different is that she can pilot a submarine/plane very well, and I am barely a good driver.” When you speak to Clemons on the phone, you just know you are in for a good time. She has a great personality that just radiates through the phone, so I know her performance will leave you wanting more. Watch out Hollywood, here comes Kiersey Clemons!

The Scooby-Doo franchise legacy continues with their newest film, Scoob! Time to grab a few snacks, turn on the television, and lets all watch Kiersey Clemons as she makes us all laugh with her talents. Scoob! is just what we all need during these times of isolation and social distancing. Thanks to Warner Bros, this animated comedy adventure is just at your figure tips. So, get the family, sit back, and enjoy this performance on the small screen.

The post The Woman Behind the Voice: Kiersey Clemons Hopes That Black Girls Everywhere Will Laugh appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

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