Teen Who Captured George Floyd’s Last Moments Is Now Being Wrongly Blamed For His Death

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Teen Who Captured George Floyd’s Last Moments Is Now Being Wrongly Blamed For His Death


'I Can't Breathe' Protest Held After Man Dies In Police Custody In Minneapolis

Source: Stephen Maturen / Getty

As the focus of George Floyd’s murder shifts between his death and the surrounding demonstrations, the teen who captured Floyd’s last moments is unfairly being pressed about not interfering in the dangerous incident.

Darnella Frazier, the 17-year-old Minneapolis girl who posted the video to her timeline, sparking another development in the Black Lives Movement, spoke out via Facebook on Wednesday. Apparently, she’s received criticism for not helping Floyd, completely ignoring the fact that she was stunned in the moment. Frazier is also a young girl, and the responsibility should be placed far, far, from her shoulders.

“I’m doing it for clout ?? For attention?? What ?? To get paid ?? Now y’all just sound dumb and ignorant!! I don’t expect anyone who wasn’t placed in my position to understand why and how I feel the way that I do!! MIND YOU I am a minor ! 17 years old, of course I’m not about to fight off a cop I’m SCARED wtf. I don’t give 2 f—s about what y’all would’ve did because was y’all there?? NO,” she wrote.

Placing the blame on Darnella is also a product of adultification, where Black girls are always seen and treated as adults instead of as minors. We see the harsh effects of this in how Black girls are hyper-sexualized and face harsher disciplinary measures than their peers in school. Headlines sharing Darnella’s story have labeled her as a “woman,” when she is still a minor.

“Fighting would’ve got someone else killed or in the same position George (may he Rest In Peace ??❤) was in!” she continued. “If it wasn’t for me 4 cops would’ve still had their jobs, causing other problems. My video went world wide for everyone to see and know!! His family was reached out to! The police most definitely would’ve swept it under the rug with a cover up story. Instead of bashing me, THANK ME! Because that could’ve been one of your loved ones and you would want to see the truth as well. Anyone with something negative to say pls block me. I’m not forcing you to watch me.”

In an interview with TMZ, Darnella’s mother explained the incident has caused her great distress, expressing that she was already was suffering from social anxiety.

Prior to her Facebook statement Darnella paid her respects to George Floyd by visiting the scene of his death the day after the video went viral. Her emotional reaction was captured by NowThis News.

“I watched this man die. I was the one that was recording the whole thing,” she said through tears.

“I’ve seen him die. Oh my god! “I posted the video last night and it went viral. And everybody’s asking me, ‘How do I feel?’ I don’t know how to feel, cause it’s so sad bro.”

She explained that she was visiting the store with her cousin when she saw him on the ground.

“I pulled my camera out. This man could not f—–g breathe at all! He’s like, ‘Please I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe,’ and they did not care. They killed this man and I was right there, I was like five feet away.

“It is so traumatizing,” she said as she walks out of the frame applying her mask.

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