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Tantrums of a Grown Woman

Temper Tantrum

What adults do you know that have TEMPER TANTRUMS? Have you ever had a hissy, (a bitch fit, a meltdown) and didn’t know how to handle it? Where did that anger come from? I mean it’s one thing to get angry; it’s another to get so mad, you can hardly control yourself! I’m talking about how I felt and what I did to control myself. I’ve been angry before, and found that I felt better if I could blame someone else for how I felt – like my kids or my husband or my hormones. And while I know that’s not healthy, it’s what I did at that time. I’ve since MATURED!

I was really angry at the circumstances that I found myself in. On the one hand, I was following the advice that I give my Finding Superwoman™ clients when they start to feel overwhelmed. However, I was mad at my Creator for being in the situation that I was in. As a faith-based person, I believe that you decide what path you want to take, pray about it, and take a leap (of faith). As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said: “Faith is taking the first step, even if you don’t see the whole staircase.”

As I gave myself time to think about what was really going on in my life, I decided that it wasn’t my faith or Creator, it was the choices that I had made for the last year and a half and the daily thoughts that I was thinking that landed me in the position that I found myself in.

When things get tough for us as grown women, I believe there are a couple of ways you can handle the situation. 1: You can either have a temper tantrum (like I did), or 2: You can take a deep look at the chain of events that got you where you currently are. The deep look inside builds wisdom because it causes you to self-reflect.

On this particular morning, I allowed myself to have a meltdown—a temper tantrum—and decided to feel sorry for myself; the world is so cruel and that was it. That didn’t last very long because it felt weird. I settled down, reached for my journal and wrote about how I felt; then asked for guidance. It didn’t take long and I felt better.

I would love to hear how you handle disappointments!

When I coach my clients about finding their superwoman, I encourage them to discuss what’s really bugging them and determine what is most important in their life: work, family, or relationships. Once they’ve sorted out what’s most important, we work on determining how to remove stress and those feelings of being overwhelmed by what family members and work associates think about the decisions we’ve made.

I believe that you can have a wonderful relationship with your partner and your children as well as a successful career. If you are struggling to make this happen, click here to schedule a complimentary discovery session.



This article was written by The BOSS Network Influencer, C. Lynn Williams

Lynn Williams is an MBA graduate, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. Her passion is helping parents seeking better relationships with each other, as well as their tweens, teens and adult children. To help working moms have better work-life balance, she created Finding Superwoman™. Her motto: Providing parenting solutions. Building solid foundations. Securing promising futures.

Learn more about C. Lynn Williams by visiting her website at

Follow C. Lynn on Twitter @msparentguru

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