Subtle Selfish Things Men Do That Add Up

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Subtle Selfish Things Men Do That Add Up

selfish boyfriend signs

Source: Rowan Jordan / Getty

You want to know how so many women wind up in relationships with selfish partners? It’s because those men were only subtly selfish. Selfishness doesn’t always show its ugly face, clear as day, right away. In fact, sometimes selfishness masquerades as affection or playfulness. If a man, for example, calls you during your girls’ night and says, “Pleeeeeeeaase come over. Don’t you miss me? Don’t you love me? Do you really need to keep drinking with friends?” it can feel like aw he likes me so much and wants to be with me. But, actually, he’s disrespecting your girl time. He’s making you feel guilty for spending time with friends instead of him. He’s only asking himself what he wants in that moment and not what makes you happy or is best for you. See how subtle but true all of that was? And that’s how you find so many women in relationships with selfish babies. It was a slow burn. Here are subtly selfish things men do that add up.


He doesn’t take your calls

When you call him to just pass the time on your drive to work, or to tell him something funny that just happened, he barely picks up. His excuse isn’t great—he was just watching TV or something like that but “Figured if it was important, you’d text.”

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