Star Wars Goes Rogue with Val and Bria

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Star Wars Goes Rogue with Val and Bria

Rouge One is the biggest movie on the planet, and we finally devote a whole show to talk about the most diverse (or is it?) Star Wars ever filmed. Joining in on the fun is writer, and Star Wars superfan, Bria LaVorgna and Black Girl Nerds’ movie reviewer, and occasional NOC contributor, Valerie Complex. [Spoilers throughout!]

Topics covered on the show include:

  • The decision to go with Gareth Edwards’ stark vision of the Star Wars universe
  • The seamless transition between Rogue One and A New Hope
  • A discussion of the film’s commitment to diversity but lack of women of color
  • Star Wars movies’ tendency to cast white British women in lead roles
  • The movie’s realistic take on rebellion and insurgency and how Rogue One might be the most anti-colonialist Star Wars ever made
  • The subtext of Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus (played by Donnie Yen and Jiang Wen) and why its depiction of masculinity is needed

All this and more on Hard NOC Life! Watch it on your screen, hit “play,” and check this.

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