Signs You’re In A Healthy, Secure Relationship

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February 23, 2019

Signs You’re In A Healthy, Secure Relationship

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Source: Alessandro Biascioli / EyeEm / Getty

In the midst of crazy modern dating, pockets of secure, confident loving relationships bud despite the madness. Secure relationships are marked by both partners being supportive, cooperate and loving towards one another. A secure relationship also reflects on the outside, in the way the partnered folks interact with their family members, friends and loved ones.

Tyler Turk, CEO and Founder of Crafted With Love told Elite Daily that you can spot a secure relationship by observing how a couple interacts with one another.

“There will be open and honest communication along with a strong level of trust and understanding,” Turk explains.

Here are some other signs your relationship is in a good spot:

Less Anxiousness

In the beginning of a partnership we might feel like we are walking on eggshells trying to present our most perfect selves for them to fall in love with. But once your relationship hits a secure place, the anxiousness is replaced by comfort and understanding.

Alone Time Doesn’t Bring Worry

You know those couples who can’t be a part? That may be a sign they aren’t in the most secure place, relationship wise. Partners who have faith in their union can spend time investing in their careers or outside passions without disrupting the flow of their partnership.

“Within a secure relationship, there will be a healthy amount of time together and time spent for yourself or with friends,” Turk said.

Continuing, “In a secure relationship, you focus on creating a strong bond between you both rather than trying to find flaws,” Turk explained.

You Don’t Drop Your Friends

Within a health connection, you won’t feel obligated to drop everyone else in your life in order to keep your relationship mojo flowing. People in secure relationships can invest equally in their friends and their partner.

“Within a secure relationship, there will be a healthy amount of time together and time spent for yourself or with friends,” Turk said.


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