Scheduled Sex May Sound Weird, But It Works

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Scheduled Sex May Sound Weird, But It Works

Young couple resting in their bed

Source: FG Trade / Getty

When we think of sex, we tend to draw up fantasies of passion erupting spontaneously or some romantic moment extending from the dinner table to the bedroom, but let’s be real–it doesn’t always work like that.

Modern couples are super busy, so busy they can be like ships passing in the night when it comes to sex. Instead of letting your love life fall to the wayside, it may be more practical to schedule time for sex. While it may sound crass and a little unexciting to put love making on a calendar, couples who do so may find that it eventually comes off less like a chore, and more like a break from the routine. For a lot of people, sex is a crucial aspect of relationship building. Planning to do it may feel annoying, but it does not take away from the benefits.

Sex coach Gigi Engle shared some tips with Self on how to schedule sex and save your intimacy.

First, one is obvious–you have to pick a date and time that works for both of you. There are some people who love morning sex and some people who love to make sex their night cap. Figure out which one you are, and if it doesn’t match your partner’s, find a way to compromise (like, lunch!)

For those who have super hectic schedules, go ahead and put it in your calendar. At first it may feel weird, but eventually when the notification goes off you’ll start to associate it with excitement.

And keep in mind, it doesn’t always need to be full out sex (depending on how much time you have).  Some couples say opt to just kiss or give each other oral, some partners may be down for a quickie or a massage–there are no rules. But make a conscious effort to abide by the time you set–like you would any work call or meeting.


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