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Runaways #8 Review

Writer: Rainbow Rowell / Artist: Kris Anka / Marvel

We asked for the litness and Rainbow Rowell hath delivered us from monotony! I was completely blown away by the surprise guest we were graced with in Issue #8, but boy was I pleased! Runaways is delivering in so many ways. We finally meet Karolina’s powerful boo, Lightspeed. We got some real raw vicious villainy. We started off with one of the wildest twists that left us cliffhung like crazy. Then there were a few tidbits that seem to allude to some deeper problems.

Let’s start off with the green elephant in the room. Dr. Fuckin DOOM fam! The first supervillain these kids face is Dr. Doom? How Sway?! Rainbow Rowell you devilish fiend, I’m drinkin’ the Kool-Aid. How you got Dr. Doom ready to run the jewels, bangin’ on your front door like the super. It’s a great little battle and Anka brings these Doom filled panels to life in a classic yet edgy fashion. Our heroes are forced into action but quickly learn that they are no match for the savage, seasoned, villainous veteran.

Runaways #8

Last issue left us wondering what in the world Molly’s best friend could’ve creepily been proposing. We immediately find out, but the questions behind the best friends forever proposition are the more intriguing aspects. Who is this witch that dunked Abbie in this fountain of youth? How’d this all happen without Abbie paying some sort of fee? I got questions fam! Why did Nico freeze like T’Challa when he saw Nakia? Whats gonna happen with Karolina’s superhero relationship after Lightspeed finds out that bae is apart of the most reactionary and dysfunctional team out there? Issue #9 better have answers!

Runaways is back on the attack and I can’t stop thanking Kris Anka and Rainbow Rowell enough. Rowell has made some outstanding choices in pacing and character building. She gave us a dabble of evil with Molly’s grandmother, which makes this Dr. Doom move such a staggering step up. She decided to give us an established, albeit young hero as Karolina’s girlfriend, which opens the door for so much to work with. Kris Anka has delivered on all of our character’s styles, outfit choices, colors and looks. He really understands this family and it reflects in his work.

Anka and Rowell are a stellar tag team that is firing on all cylinders. Runaways is hitting their stride so all comic book readers and fans of the new Hulu show should dive into this run before they get left in the telepathic dinosaur dust.

9 Shook Witches out of 10

Reading Runaways? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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