‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 “The Other Shoe”

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‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 “The Other Shoe”


Apparently, we aren’t the only ones thinking about how dark and gloomy Storybrooke has become.

Snow has voiced her outrage about their lives and the lack of normalcy. This week’s episode of Once Upon A Time gave us a glimmer of hope while also revealing that happy endings are not as cut and dry as we thought. Cinderella had a messy road to her happy ending. We all know about the evil family members, but Cinderella also had a run in with the land of Untold Stories.

Even with the Evil Queen one step ahead of our heroes, there was still a chance to rectify an untold story and get a real happy ending. Everyone is doing their part to get some happiness back in Storybrooke. Hyde was of no help because the Evil Queen pampered him with luxuries in his cell, but Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Frankenstein (so glad to see him back) are working together on a way to best the Jekyll’s other half. Archie is trying his best to “heal” Emma by making her see the positives in her relationship with Hook. Snow tried to make David see the positives in living a normal life with her teaching and him putting aside his quest to find his father’s killer. We are still waiting to see where David’s head is at with the vengeance thing. It’s nice to see everyone trying to be positive!

Ashley aka Ella aka Cinderella tried to rectify her untold story alone, but failed miserably. In a flashback to Cinderella’s realm, we got to see the family dynamics between Ella and her wicked step-family. We also learned that Snow had a hand in her story as well by helping the Prince find Ella after the ball. Before getting engaged to the Prince, Ella pulled a Snow and told the whereabouts of her step-sister and lower-class lover. When Ella tries to remedy the situation by showing that she was engaged (still not sure where she was going with that), her step-sister Clarinda is pulled into the land of Untold Stories by her mother. Separated from her love, Clarinda never forgives Ella, even after finding her way to Storybrooke. I want to know why no one is questioning where Ella’s mother got this key that makes any door a portal to the land of Untold Stories. No one is worried about this.

Back in Storybrooke, Ashley, searching for her step-sister and step-mother, is tricked again and this time stabbed by her step-mother. Horrific! I really thought she might die, considering how the Count of Monte Cristo’s untold story ended. But alas, Emma with her twitching hand and overwhelming sense of doubt, was able to heal a dying Ashley. Good thing Henry was there to give his mom the confidence boost she needed, because things looked pretty bleak for a moment. I really think Emma should tell people what’s going on so they can have a back-up plan in case she can’t use her magic, because that scene with Ashley was a close call. The Evil Queen tried to remove Emma, Henry, and Hook and let the story play out as it may. Luckily good prevailed this time.

Good thing Henry was there to give his mom the confidence boost she needed, because things looked pretty bleak for a moment. I really think Emma should tell people what’s going on so they can have a backup plan in case she can’t use her magic, because that scene with Ashley was a close call. The Evil Queen tried to remove Emma, Henry, and Hook and let the story play out as it may. Luckily good prevailed this time.

These untold stories are getting to be extremely dangerous. Now that the Evil Queen has broken Hyde of jail and the two are strutting down halls, arms linked, I am nervous for the state of Storybrooke itself.

I am also nervous yet excited for the story of David’s father, Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, and whatever else pops up our way. Unknown stories are the best and seem to throw a wrench in the good vs bad categories because no is what they seem. When even a princess like Cinderella has skeletons in her closet, you know our heroes must have some stories to tell.

Tune in next week on ABC for an all-new episode of Once Upon A Time to see what hidden gems unfold.

Cat CombsCatalina Combs is an aspiring film critic from California. She loves reading, writing, film, baking, music, drawing, traveling, Disney, and playing soccer. Her life usually revolves around all of these and her family. The oldest of six, Catalina tries to set a good example for her siblings. She graduated from Santa Clara University in 2010 with a BA in English Creative Writing and is pursuing an MA in Film. I also blog on WordPress and contribute to the websiteExaminer.com. Twitter- @tiggercraze | Facebook- Cat Combs | Instagram: @tiggercraze

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