Michelle Obama Says She’s Experienced A Low Grade Depression During Quarantine

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August 6, 2020

Michelle Obama Says She’s Experienced A Low Grade Depression During Quarantine


Becoming: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

Personally, I’m very happy to get to know Forever First Lady Michelle Obama outside of her role in the White House.

We get to see so much more of her personality. And thankfully, it’s more beautiful and authentic as those glimpses we got during the eight years the Obamas were in office.

Since then, there was Becoming and now, Mrs. Obama has launched her podcast, where she speaks even further about her life’s journey.

Recently in a sit down with journalist and her friend Michele Norris, Mrs. Obama spoke about how this current social, political moment, in addition to the health crisis has affected her mental wellbeing.

“My sleep is off too because we’re not moving around as much. So I’m not as tired. I’m going to bed a little bit later. Then I’m waking up in the middle of the night because I’m worried about something or there’s a heaviness. So I wake up about the same time. Not the cracmek of dawn but about 6-7 o’ clock. Then I try to get a work out in. Although, there have been periods during this quarantine where I just have felt too low.

I’ve gone through those emotional highs and lows where you just don’t feel yourself. There have been a week or so where I’ve had to surrender to that and not be so hard on myself and say, ‘You’re just not feeling that treadmill right now.’ It is unusual but it is a direct result of being out of body, out of mind.

And spiritually, these are not fulfilling times, spiritually. So I know that I am dealing with some form of low grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine but because of the racial strife. Just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting. So I’ve had to kind of give myself that, those days, those moments.”

You can listen to the full podcast, here.

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