Marvel Stars Reacted to Their New Disney+ Series, but Sebastian Stan’s Was the Best

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Marvel Stars Reacted to Their New Disney+ Series, but Sebastian Stan’s Was the Best

Sebastian Stan reacts to Winter Soldier/Falcon series

Ever see a reaction to something and laugh for the next three days? That’s definitely going to be me with Sebastian Stan’s “Ok.” response to his new Disney+ show. In case you don’t believe me that this was his only response—posted alongside the new logo for the Falcon/Winter Soldier show, officially announced yesterday—here you go! Please use this as a reaction image for anything and everything.

Sebastian Stan's Ok.

The stars of the three big Marvel shows announced last night all had wonderful reactions to their new projects—except for Sebastian Stan’s “Ok.” and Anthony Mackie not posting a thing, which, I argue, is the most on-brand either of them have ever been.

Tom Hiddleston’s reaction came back in November when they first announced that a Loki series was being developed for Disney+. It was short, sweet, and shared all the mischief that we’ve come to know out of Loki.

Last night, both Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany shared their excitement about working together once more on WandaVision, a show documenting more of Wanda Maximoff and that floppy disk that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner created.


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Soooooooooo… Turns out this is gonna happen with me and my ol Chum @elizabetholsenofficial AND IT IS GONNA BE AMAZING!

A post shared by Paul Bettany (@paulbettany) on Apr 11, 2019 at 5:03pm PDT


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What he said. Cannot wait to be back at it with @paulbettany

A post shared by Elizabeth Olsen (@elizabetholsenofficial) on Apr 11, 2019 at 6:10pm PDT

But still, the one that takes the cake has to be Sebastian Stan. Now, I know I’m biased because he’s my favorite, but also … his reaction is all of us, really, when we’ve known about this stuff for months and were just starving for confirmation. It is perfect.


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A post shared by Sebastian Stan (@imsebastianstan) on Apr 11, 2019 at 5:55pm PDT

To say I’m excited about all of these shows is putting it mildly. I love the idea of Marvel expanding their characters with series so we can see more of our favorites in a new context and not be limited to their few lines in a movie (Bucky Barnes, for example, has not even had 1 hour of combined screen time in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, so … this will be fun).

Disney+’s platform launch on November 12th cannot come soon enough! I’m ready to hear Bucky Barnes speak! Ok? Ok.

(image: Marvel Entertainment)

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